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Money and spiritual development – why do most people have a complex relationship with their financial situation?

People have a complex relationship with money.
Since the dawn of mankind, people have been looking for different logics, sometimes separate from the general logic they use to understand how to maximize money to realize their life goals. Despite this, one of the most common difficulties that arise during spiritual development is financial difficulty.
The question arises, why is it so difficult for people to manage financially?
In this article I will review the spiritual perspectives regarding money, why it exists, what it means for our spiritual development, and what spiritual points are important to adopt and avoid when it comes to money.

First, why is money used as a central tool in spiritual development?

The unique characteristic of money is that it is a symbol. Money symbolizes possibilities.
Therefore, it is important to look at a person who is interested in getting more money in the emotional aspect.
From this point of view, a person who wants to get more money actually wants to get the feeling that he has more possibilities to get things in the world. From 1952 until the start of the Covid epidemic, money was a central tool that helped people achieve this feeling. People felt that the more they had they could do more and the less they had they could do less. This was the central belief in the investigation of lack and abundance.

At this point, I want to address the concept of limiting belief.
Both in the context of money and in the context of this specific belief that held the energy of belief in lack and abundance in the world. Faith is not limiting unless we limit its use.
In a world where the main lesson of life is lack and abundance, then this belief reflects the way reality works objectively. On the other hand, evolution continues to progress all the time and reality is also evolving. Faith becomes limiting, while the laws of space have changed but man insists on remaining in the previous laws of space.

During the last 4 years, the whole world is in the process of changing the investigation.
The universal energy of the earth moves from the exploration of lack and abundance to the exploration of creation from infinity. The main change in the replacement of this investigation was made in the money rate. A collective lesson and one of the two hereditary lessons in the world. Therefore, pay attention, if your parents did not pass the money lesson, you will pass it, and if you do not pass it, then your children will. The ability to receive energy from symbols that we determine their meaning is an ability that cannot be obtained anywhere else except in the lesson of money.
In most cases, we should be dealing with an existing symbology.

It is important to remember, this change was made using money to prepare us for the new investigation.
At every rate that the earth goes through, a certain energy is taken whose meaning for the people will be more advanced than they can contain at that moment. For example, determine the meaning of a symbol in the middle of exploring scarcity and abundance. The training prepares humans to deal with the same principle more broadly during the next investigation. In investigating the creation out of the infinite example, people will have to deal with the lack
of reactivity.
Are they the ones who will have to determine the meaning of the things that happen during their lives?

If so, what is the money rate?

A money lesson is actually a management lesson whose trigger is money.
Money invites us to manage our free choices, while we are used to managing our resources.
Think of situations that are not necessarily related to money in your life.
Do you manage to identify situations where you want one thing, but understand that it cannot be fulfilled logically in advance and therefore you adjust all your future plans to a situation where this desire will not happen?
Where is the limit that tells you that everything is possible until you reach it?
Money invites us to determine the meaning of internal things to lead to desired results.
As long as we determine the meaning, the external reality will synchronize towards the meaning we determined and the desired results.
The choice to pass the money lesson is the choice to determine the desired reality in our lives on all levels: in the brain, heart, intuition, mind, and ego. As soon as your organizations do not feel that your desire harms their role, it will be a pure desire and ready to be managed without involving interests based on lack.

The steps for switching to a money rate:

  1. Understanding the meaning of “desire on all levels” and checking that your desire does not harm the role of one or more of your systems, both acquired and innate.
    The brain – whose role is to solve problems and create strategies to link to reality.
    The heart – whose role is to aim at the purest and most authentic desire.
    Intuition – whose role is to desire and hold the knowledge of the soul.
    The mind – whose role is to feel the acquired emotions and hold the belief of lack.
    The ego – whose role is to explain why our brain cannot solve certain problems through beliefs that hold mental deficiency.
  2. Conducting the free elections without the influence of the environment.
  3. Create as much as possible in a way that does not depend on the resources you have.
  4. Dedication to the process.

The key word in moving the money rate is effort-

Many people experience the effort as exhaustion, but a money lesson is woven into the value of the effort just like a braided braid. The more you stop limiting the amount of your energy and dedicate yourself to as many activities as possible that will help you pass the lesson, the faster the lesson will pass.
The money rate is literally like a jump in price. You must move at a constant rate between one speed and another.
As you slow down at a certain speed, you “go back” in your money rate.
To overcome the value of the effort inherent in this life lesson, it is important to understand two things:

  1. Assessing effort – it is important to assess how much effort you are going to exert. Try to go back as many generations as you or your family know. Money lesson is just like a pyramid. You are not passing the lesson just for you, but for all previous generations.
  2. Preparing anchors – what can strengthen you during the steep uphill journey you are about to go through? What can give you the “fuel” to increase speed at a constant rate and all the time?
    Prepare for yourself all the relevant anchors so that they will strengthen you.

Note, it is possible to pass the money lesson, if you give up the need to digest its very existence.
Money lesson is like driving uphill. The more you increase the pace, the faster and easier you will get through it –
as opposed to the energy saving that this lesson is planning for you.

Do you have any further questions? Want to consult about specific dilemmas you feel in a money lesson?
Feel free to comment here or send me a private message here in the contact tab on the website.
I am proud of your courage to pass your intergenerational money lesson.

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  1. חשיבה חדשה ומרעננת ביותר, אני מרגישה שאני צריכה לשנות את כל התפיסה שלי לגבי כסף…

  2. שלום שני,
    למה הכוונה : אפשר לעבור את שיעור הכסף, אם מוותרים על הצורך לעכל את עצם קיומו
    תודה אורית

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      Dear Orit, money is a symbol, just like any other symbol, we digest its very existence by giving it a changing meaning each time according to our needs. But if meaning comes before money, there is no messing with it, but it is used only to achieve and fulfill greater goals.

      • Thank you, Shani


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