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Proofs – Doubt and development are like oil and water?

Have you ever asked yourself how you know something is true?

Do you feel, do you think, or are you looking for evidence?

In this article, I want to review our way of thinking. Why is evidence such a significant tool to know what is true?
Why do we need them? And most importantly – in what way can we use them to improve and strengthen our personal development?

First of all, it is important to know that we need to check whether something is true for us as a concept of space exploration. The source of the test does not derive from human society but from the Earth entity.

The earth is also an inquiring being. From 1952 until 2020, the planet explored scarcity and abundance. In 2020, the process of changing the investigation from lack and abundance to creation from infinity began. Changing the investigation caused the range on which people developed – between use and lack of use of the limited resources, to move to a more internal search for different methods of creation from the infinite without dependence on raw materials.

Intuition, effort, convenience, and evidence, are a series of tools that people have used in the exploration of scarcity and abundance to keep themselves on one side of the spectrum. Their internal question was dual and very dichotomous: How do I avoid one situation and stay in another? Over time, many changes have entered the earth. Much faster changes than fixing in a specific situation. Therefore, humans in the investigation of lack and abundance had to find a way to follow the intense changes that occurred in their inner reality, and at the same time live in a balanced way on one side of the scale.

For this, intuition, effort, and comfort have taken on a changing aspect. Many methods today talk about leaving the comfort zone, listening to intuition, and persevering in things that are important to a person (effort). But the “proofs” were left behind. To this day, in a variety of spiritual methods – proofs are a tool to gauge the truth of things.

What is proof?

Proof is a common denominator between internal logic and external logic. We all have a variety of types of reasoning, we understand in different ways what is right for us emotionally, mentally, and intuitively. Many sensitive people can claim that their body also knows what is right or wrong for them.

The proof is a partnership, a match between external belief and internal belief. The more balanced this match is for the array of that logic and the other arrays, the more the proof causes a person’s greater dedication. That is, people who have greater difficulty synchronizing their inner voices will have more difficulty accepting proof. On the other hand, people who have one inner voice that creates a correlation between their beliefs and actions will accept more proof and will have greater faith. In advanced cases, people with a uniform inner voice will even be able to create proofs for themselves through creation from infinity.

Does proof contribute to development or harm it?

The answer to this question is balanced. Everything exists in the world universally, also proof. The question of the damage is based on the use we make of it. As long as we make authentic use of the proof, it will be an advantage, as long as we use the proof to fill within us the hole of investigating the lack that will never be filled – it will be a disadvantage, damage, and obstruction.

Proof is another tool that can synchronize us the inner voice of our reality with the outer reality. Its authentic use is for unification and working at the same pace with reality.

On the other hand, the thought of proof is very divisive. The use of proof creates a lack of capacity that must be filled. The basic proof question is the same question a person asks themselves when discussing their self-worth: Is who I think I am really who I am?

That is, proof and self-worth are attempts at self-affirmation. A person who stops looking for confirmation of who he chooses to be stops looking for evidence that should confirm whether what he thinks is true.

What is the solution to this problem?

There is no solution here because it is not a problem. There is a new understanding here about the essence of our existence. We are attention moving within free choice. Every single year, month, day, hour, and second we have the choice in hand about what we want to be, feel, think, want, and do. Whenever we try to unite this choice with another person’s choice, it is blessed and harmonious, but it is important to do it in full synchronization with the uniqueness.

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