Everything in the world moves in a vibration that has a certain lawfulness.
As long as we know how to read the legality we can give different characteristics to the thing.
For example: a slow vibration will make us understand that it is a slow and compressed object.
On the other hand, a fast vibration will make us understand that it is a ventilated, abstract, and theoretical object. Sometimes also clueless energy.
Apart from the level of compression, there are many ways to understand the legality of everything that exists
around us.
In this article, I would like to introduce you to one of the most authentic ways in the soul world to get to know frequencies: the language of light.
The language of light is a visual representation of a certain object, as its movement is reflected within the soul’s essence. The soul creates a visual “stamp”, a description perceived by the sense of sight of the original movement that the symbol went through from the moment it was derived from infinity to the moment it manifested itself as a separate entity. As a result, we receive energies that take shape and form adapted to what we feel in the world.
The language of light is used by the souls regularly in every learning that is done in the world. Whether in the context of the earth or other contexts. With its help, you can go through or transfer a process called frequency comparison.
It is a process that we go through consciously and unconsciously several times a day, without noticing. Comparing frequencies means that when we pair two things with different frequencies from each other, the more airy frequency will prevail over the compressed frequency. For example, if we connect a happy person with a sad person. In the vast majority of cases, the happy person will succeed in encouraging the sad person and not the other way around.
The language of light has the same effect. As long as the tongue of light meets the person’s current energy, it compares its frequency to the original energy it came from.
Think to yourself that every time you feel “down” there is a mechanism that can pull you “up”. To the source of your soul, to the authentic part, and yourself.
The process does not amount to one pull in most cases. Writing code in the language of light is writing a sequence of events. The processes, the movement, and the final result that people want to reach at the end of the process is what dictate the code.
That is, a code in the language of light describes the entire experience and being of a person from the moment he compares himself to his original energy.
The best example of this is my soul seal. The soul seal is the innate seal of the soul, it visually describes the movement of the authentic energy of the soul from the moment of its split from the infinite until the end of its exploration and its return to the infinite source.
Comparing frequencies between the soul seal and the person is a particularly powerful experience.
This power will begin to manifest itself in a very specific type of vitality – both high and authentic and will continue in that the human personality will feel that it needs to reintegrate into the essence of pure energy that is within awareness. In light of this, the power of the spiritual seal in the meeting with the person will be divided into two parts:
- Empowerment of internal energy sources and a high sense of vitality.
- Along with a feeling that all human beliefs should be reintegrated into the general consciousness.
Many people report that the integration of human beliefs is the first part they feel and once they manage to hold onto it and evolve from it, they receive the energy of the seal. For example: the search for evidence and results.
did you know Searching for evidence and results is a human belief that stems from a crisis of collective trust?
There are many things in your life that you believe in while having no consequence. In most cases, people who are going through processes on their own are looking for results to give themselves confirmation that what is happening to them is normal.
Most of the people who received their soul seal from me after an energy scan reported that the seal gave them energy that they did not understand why they felt it, or what words and definitions should be given to it to understand it better. After a time of adaptation and establishing contact between the sealer and the person (yes, he is an entity in himself and it takes time to establish contact with him), the clients reported that they did not need proof. The seal gives them the access and the energy to achieve on their own what they want.
Just like any other knowledge of the soul, the language of light is part of the energy that exists for every person in the world in the center of their intuition. Every person can speak, write, read, sing, and understand the language of light. On the other hand, to bring awareness to these insights, it is important to disconnect limiting perceptions. For example: most of us tend to think that language is a representation of sounds using agreed signs. On the other hand, the signs you will see in all the codes of the language of light represent vibration, and not a particular sound separated from the other. For example: no sign symbolizes letters, only the movement of an energetic tone that originates from infinity.
Understanding the language of light-
Pay attention, your intuition is prepared for the day you encounter the language of light and you will be interested in understanding it. If you want to understand the language of light, you must recognize yourself as an internal source of knowledge in the depths of whose stomach there is an elaborate translation mechanism. This translation mechanism does not depend on your understanding and therefore you will not be able to describe in words, until the moment you reach full union with the soul, what is happening inside it. All you can do is trust him that the result he will give you is the most authentic translation of what you are looking for.
When you observe the language of light, hear a sound. Your control mechanisms for internal authenticity are important and welcome. You can check your understanding by:
- Lack – If there is a lack within your inner understanding, it is a sign that you have added a human filter to the vibration of the language of light.
For example: lack of understanding, lack of focus, lack of clarity and more… - A feeling of fullness and satisfaction – fullness and satisfaction are feelings that arise from the investigation of lack and abundance. Our awareness becomes a tank that fills and empties at a rate we don’t understand. It is important to keep ourselves out of the system of changes between lack and abundance while we speak the language of light. We are neither full nor lacking at the same time.
- Words – the language of light is translated in the first stage into vibration and in the second stage into words. It is important to keep the translator within our intuition going through all these steps to express the message.
The process described in this paragraph is the same for all the messages you want to understand in the language of light: writing, singing, speaking, and more. (Yes, there is more, your soul knows how to use the language of light in a unique way).
I’m attaching you right here under the post messages for training.
Tell me – what vibrations did you get from them?
You can order the energetic seal in your light language right by clicking on the word light

גלית לוי בירמן
תודה, כלומר להתנסות כאשר היא מתחילה לנבוע וגם להמתין לבואה?
Nitih Niranjan