Fear is one of the entities with the most stigmas in our world: a survival instinct, a barrier, a limiting belief, the entity
of fear has received many titles.
You have to let go of your fears, you have to overcome them, you have to accept, fear has also received many ways, some of them also contradicting each other regarding dealing with it.
The question arises, what is the role of fear in the journey of personal development?
Are we supposed to do anything with him?
After all, everything exists in our world for a certain purpose. Why do we need fear?
The purpose of the article before you is to organize the concept of fear in your mind so that it can no longer block your personal development.

What is fear?
Before we start with “What is fear?” It is important to note what it is not – fear is not an emotion!
Emotion is transitory, even if we generalize it with one name such as joy or sadness, we receive it within the same pattern in a different way. On the other hand, fear always returns in the same way, in the same form, and in the same story.
So, where does the fear come from?
Fear is a cognitive manipulation originating from the ego. It can be identified according to a fixed script that describes two conditions that fit into each other in a non-harmonious way. Fear will define man’s role within the system to make the intersection harmonious.
Here is the fear pattern:
If I do X, Y will happen to me, but doing X can happen even if I don’t do it, so I must avoid everything that can cause X to happen because I have no ability to deal with Y.
I invite you to use this template and insert any fear you feel into it. With its help, you will be able to identify the constant behavior of your fears.
Fear gets attention due to the double conditioning in it. Most people are used to thinking chronologically, meaning “if” – “then” one time at a time. Fear conditioning removes chronological thinking from the human mind, and requires it to think simultaneously.
It is important to note that fear is not temporary. Although the condition is worded in the language of “future”, it is also relevant to fears from the past or fears that people face in the present moment.
How is fear created?
Fear is one of the manipulations of the ego system.
The story of the array begins, when a small child, on average between the ages of 10-12, realizes that his brain cannot solve all the problems in the world and encounters significant difficulties for the first time.
A child’s brain cannot leave a certain topic without reference, therefore a certain energy splits from the brain array and creates the ego array. The function of the ego system is to explain why a certain problem cannot be solved, as the brain was supposed to do but did not believe it could.
The explanation happens through acquired means: criticism, judgment, and also fear.
Fear is used by the ego to explain why a certain problem is unsolvable.
Therefore, it is possible to derive the equation of transition to fear, the opposite direction from conditioning:
- What is the scenario that fear is trying to prevent?
- Why do we believe that a certain part of this scenario is impossible?
- What ability within ourselves are we supposed to be exposed to in order to make the impossible possible? What are we supposed to learn to be?
Fear and development
The development system of the soul creates the arrays acquired for the purpose of development. These arrays actually reflect the gap between what is desired and what is found. By the time the investigation switched to Earth, they already reflected the changes of scarcity and abundance that people used to understand things dually.
For example: courage, versus lack of self-worth (which comes from the mind)
Faith, in the face of criticism or fear (which comes from the ego).
In light of this, it can be concluded that fear is part of the development system, but not necessarily part of the human essence. You can imagine it like pegs. If our human essence holds certain character traits, which are the pegs that are supposed to help us as tools to realize the purpose of life, then the acquired systems, and especially the ego and fear in particular, hold the other side of these tools, the “alternative potential” of what we will feel if we do not choose to be who we are and use our tools.
Our fear has a very dual view. In recent years, when duality is out of the game, many people feel their fears overwhelm them.
Could it be that fear is supposed to flood in a blocking way?
Fear is the tool that sustains our free choice. Until the exploration of the world changes, through fear, we can choose to be who we are. But there is a price, especially if we identify with courage and fear at the same time.
How to use fear, in a developing way?
We are admittedly in the years of investigative change, that is, a collective change of laws on the planet.
But our internal systems are still dually constructed.
Use your fear as a peg to help you know when you are in your authentic essence. In other words, fear is a compass.
He can show you the places where you have reached the limit of your ability.
No energetic being experiences health and vitality if it is at the edges.
Therefore, fear is a tool that signals that soon we are going to experience a lesson in an unpleasant way, because we neglected a certain tool ourselves.
We must return to being who we are and move forward from there towards our goals.
Use your fear as a sign of return, so you will not enter into it, and channel it for your own sake.
What is the blessing of fear?
Every person has a blessing, a profit that stems from his fear, and because of that profit, the person created this reality in his life. It is important to recognize this profit because it is the one that sustains the fear in your life. I understand that none of you consciously want to be afraid.
On the other hand, an unmet need within you is what sustains fear.
I suggest you check, what need, or what problem have you been unable to solve and would like to receive an
answer to?
Once you release this need from fear, that’s how you can feel free and receive the blessing of this need, without the need to fear.
A sense of caution – or in other words, what about extreme situations?
Some people have a tendency to fear, some people have no tendency to fear. These two extreme situations indicate an extreme sense of caution. The sense of caution is a survival biological structure that every person is born with. It also develops a person’s sensitivity to himself and others.
The sense of prudence develops the intuition and guides it where to move forward, according to all the criteria put into it. In both extreme situations of fear, there is an energetic problem that needs to be scanned with a sense of caution.
Dear souls, it is important that you feel all the resolutions of your developmental energy. Don’t necessarily dismiss the negative “public relations” values, use them correctly and they will be at your service in whatever you need.