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Development, Personality, And Trauma- Holy Trinity 

Development, personality, and trauma are a sort of holy trinity for human evolution.  It is very easy to switch to talking about theoretical information, to bring to the world new methods, approaches, and points of view regarding things that are now taken for granted, and to make revolutions.

This article was written with a deep understanding of how people encounter information.  How the information enters the person’s system creates an instinctive response, the skeleton of the thought or emotional response that will reach awareness later.  Development, personality, and trauma or – how do people understand things?

Development is a process of synchronizing the soul with a person through familiarization with its laws as a tool for realizing its role on earth.  One of the most significant tools in development is forgetting.  A human being is born when he forgets what happened to him before he came to earth and why he wanted to be born. 
This forgetting is especially effective when it comes to listening to the laws of space.
The development is done for a person during the whole incarnation through relationships, cases, and changes in life.  In recent years, people have chosen to be aware of their development process and know the laws through which it is done.  Whether the general laws in which changes are made in the community, the country, or the earth, or whether the personal story and the laws of his soul, they all belong to the process of development.

Personality is the sum of all the free choices that a person has chosen from the features that the world has to offer, in a way that the person is sufficiently convinced that these features do not contradict basic beliefs or natural tendencies that have been rooted in him as part of his life story. 

The personality is the execution mode of the intuition.  Through her, she expresses the knowledge, desires, and abilities that are within her.  If the inner expression of intuition is temporary, it will appear just like desire, whereas if the inner expression of intuition is permanent, it will manifest as personality.
A cluster of features through which the worldview is shaped, a way of thinking of the personal ideology.  The content of the personality changes all the time, but its structure is more difficult to change.  The personality structure is the alternative building block for the role of the soul when it is not in incarnation.
They give a person a balanced combination of uniqueness, internal belonging, and external belonging.

Trauma is a situation of conflict between development and personality.  Trauma occurs when an external event breaks the synchronization between development and personality.  The development stopped for a certain reason to produce inner knowledge since a certain personality line was emptied of its content.  People feel a deep longing for their pre-forgotten selves and as a result, find it difficult to maintain a personality line that is difficult for them to follow the content that changes from it.  It is important to note that the reference here is to how trauma is fixed in the face, and to the internal part that is responsible for its fixation.  It has nothing to do with traumatic events that came from reality and can burn as pain, but with a way of interpreting things that are based on trauma.

The Holy Trinity – development, personality, and trauma are the ways of building a worldview.  The result of the process is faith.  But the question arises: faith in what factor?  The belief is in the connection between development and personality.  This strong and stable bond prevents trauma from occurring, even if traumatic events are experienced in external reality.  Ways of processing stability arise from cultivating the connection between development and personality.  Here are some tips you can use to nurture this relationship:

  1. Do not change the roles.  Development is the opposite of personality and personality is the opposite of development.  Both are equally required to build a space containing enough in a person for his life lessons.
  2. Do not try to change your personality according to your development.  It is not about trying to change, but about adaptation.  Your personality draws your energy to the practical while development dissipates it.
    Damage to one of the system’s mechanisms will disrupt it completely and damage your resonance and ability
    to influence.
  3. Maintain a neutral point of view.  The development and personality shouldn’t make you feel like a problem unless you make them look that way by blocking one of their natural behaviors just because it’s uncomfortable for you.

In conclusion, creating order and organization between the personality and the soul allows a person to be a pure enough container to go through his lessons without wars while listening to a central narrative – his authenticity.

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