Many people enter the spirit world for various reasons. Some of them found a name and a language for what they felt for a significant part of their lives, others felt pain and found relief in various alternative solutions. Each of these motives and more comes to mind focused on results, time, and space. These laws do not exist in the world of souls. The gap between these laws and the information that comes from the world of souls is what creates the gap and that’s how development begins.
“Proofs” – one of the most available tools to demand the time, space, and results that come. After all, until reaching the world of souls, people thought that their influence on what happens in their lives is partial. Suddenly, the full responsibility for the reality of life is man’s. This is a primary market, most of those who enter the spirit world do not pass it, or find themselves in an intermediate layer – between spirit and matter.
The evidence appears to be an illusion of aid to this shock. No matter how long you have been in the spiritual world, knowing, believing, and learning – an event that is not understood logically, seeing, hearing, or sensing clearly through one of the senses can reset your human energy and cause sensory intoxication. Sometimes you also look for this event, if you feel stuck or unclear about a certain topic.
Sometimes you also feel that you deserve it, after all, you worked so hard and abandoned everything you know and know in such an inspiring way – it’s time to see!
You wait and it doesn’t happen, you try, make an effort, clean the energy, hold the frequency, and disconnect from everything familiar and known on another level but it still doesn’t happen.
Today, after much demand and deep acquaintance with developers who ask me this question, I want to answer once and for all – why?
How does energy move to you?
Each of you, whether you are in remembrance or oblivion, has a conduit. The conduit is an energetic entity chosen to convey information to you in the most transparent manner while you are incarnation. It is connected to your intuition and whenever your soul thinks you need certain information, it sends it to you through the tube. The expressions of the tube can be different and varied: a familiar song can play in your head, and you can see something unusual when you walk down the street or hear a sentence from a close person that is not typical for that person to say. You may also feel that you are recalling an ancient memory or a sentence that an inspiring person told you in the past. These are all different configurations for energy transfer. Each of them requires digestion and processing on your part, which inevitably means that you will pass it through your filters. Your filters are the lines of your personality and the conduct of your internal systems in the way they understand the information. The filters can also be beliefs, opinions, worldviews, or what you feel that day towards a subject that your awareness will not relate to the information you received. Either way, the discrepancy between you and the information will make you feel the effort, sometimes even despair about the way you can understand: “what the poet meant”. You expect clear information, without any activity on your part.
But know that even people who receive information that seems obvious to you, have developed mechanisms so fast to understand this information that they don’t feel it. Their mechanisms work automatically and the information enters them ready and finished. An energy conduit is a personal portal, or muscle of my soul if you will. Whatever you choose to call it, it is necessary to train it for it to bring you the results you seek. The essence of this training is that you are responsible for every reality you create.
What blocks the energy?
One of the most famous blocks to this concept of trust is effort. Many developing people think that it is not worth the effort because they are exhausted from the lack of proper energy regulation in their past. The very fact that there is no willingness to make an effort at a given moment, makes those developing passive in an existing and ongoing process. The energy is blocked and it is not possible to receive the information without filters. Many people who do not receive the information are very sensitive to filters and can shy away from information that is connected to a feeling of lack of soul, for example.
How can this block be overcome?
I believe that each of you has a pipeline that can greatly contribute to the world. We must together illuminate this tube so that it fulfills the role for which it has been trained for many eons. Therefore, I have written a weekly development routine for you, if you stick to it for 2-3 weeks as a start, you will see a significant improvement in the way you receive your messages. I warn you, it is not simple at all. It requires you to adopt muscles that until today you didn’t know existed in you. But if you know how to mobilize your inner forces, your connection to the soul will be so independent and you will receive your battery of existence.
Soul connection routine:
1. Personal expression – start and end your day with 15-20 minutes of personal expression. Write, draw, think, or imagine everything you went through during the day without interruptions.
2. A transitional object – take a transitional object, a crystal stone, a magnet, or a physical energy source that you connect to and hold it as long as possible. He will be your companion on this journey so keep him close to you.
3. Breathing breaks – after every activity you do during the day, take a breathing break. Expand your chest and see how you feel. Try to leave the feeling as a feeling without words.
4. Create a boundary – Create a boundary in your communication with people. Don’t become them to answer them and be careful when you talk down their throat.
In conclusion, you see everything, you just have to agree to conceptualize things that are not within the control of your beliefs.

גלית לוח בירמן
תודה על הפרקטיקה, אשמח לחדד את סעיף 4. המשמעות שאיני צריכה חד לדובב את מצב האחר במקומו?
בעת פגישתנו או כשאני חושבת על האחר ?
Nitih Niranjan
Hi Galit, thanks for this response. It means any situation in which you are in communication, internal or external. The action is only in front of yourself and not in front of the other.