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Who are the black entities? Is there negative energy around us?

Many people feel that there is a negative external influence regarding their development. This effect can be expressed through a toxic environment, which is easier to change and reach a state of energetic influence between people who have not met each other for a long time.

I want to use this article to offer you tools to feel greater freedom in the face of the negative external energetic influence you feel.

All the words in the article before you are symbolic of a greater meaning, most of which is wordless. Therefore it is close in meaning but retains the original energy it represents. Many people start from a point of assumption in the process of personal development that everything that happens to them in their lives, they have invited into their lives and they must choose or recognize (if they think they have no control over the invitation) how the invitation is made. On the other hand, an objective negative energetic influence in most cases comes from a layer that a person is not aware of. Before we begin to explain the connection between a conscious layer and an unconscious layer, it is important to separate: a negative energetic effect is not a feeling of mental difficulty!

If you feel difficulty, pain, or sorrow regarding a certain issue in your life, know that it is not an external negative energetic influence, which we will talk about shortly, but a mental imbalance.

It is important to me that you remember that your mind deals with lack because that is its job.

When you were little children the soul particle inside you did not know how to contain the possibility that there is a desire that cannot be fulfilled and that the resources are apparently limited.

The mind is the first defense mechanism you created and it will accompany you throughout life.

It will allow you to keep your heart calm in the face of the deep investigation of lack that your heart holds.

If you feel changes in your feelings, in the atmosphere around you, if you can move between joy and sadness relatively easily but there are foreign feelings around you that you feel do not belong to you, know that this article was written for you. I need to clarify – that foreign feelings are not necessarily negative or unpleasant, they can also be expressed in abilities or knowledge that burst out of you without you noticing it.

Types of energetic cables

The earth is admittedly an opaque dimension and most people are there in oblivion, to identify as much as possible with the laws of space.

The opacity of the Earth concentrates its gravity in the center of the sphere, meaning that the more pain, sadness, or frustration a person feels, the more he feels like he is “falling into depression”.

The phrase “falling” is derived from the energetic gravitational force in the earth falling to its center.

We determine our physical state of accumulation as humans, through the level of compression of the emotion we feel. The more difficult emotions we feel the closer we are to the Earth’s Earth Center. This proximity makes us energetically need more air. As a result, there is a gap between the physical need to synchronize with the compressed energy that is inside him and the brain that needs air to start the inner awareness.

In this gap, a gap is created between what is desired and what is found, an unfulfilled lesson or a repressed desire that has been hidden through a pathological relationship. Just like everything in the universe, this desire has its role, life, and independence, for that matter we will call it: the “black entity”.

types of black entities

It is important not to judge black entities, we are universal entities and also consist of the gravity that our awareness pours into ourselves. This gravity can be embodied in a form, a definition we give, and a figure as a black entity.

Know some main types of black entities. You can use your familiarity with them to deal with them in a balanced way.

1. Leeches – An energetic leech is an entity that feeds on other people’s energy.

You will meet her many times at night, or with a feeling of mental restlessness when you have nothing to do. An energetic leech can also manifest itself through other people, who suddenly become bothersome to you when in the past they didn’t bother you at all and suddenly they bother you especially. Energetic leech is the easiest parasite to treat. She is handled in a one-time manner when she is asked to leave. If you ask her once to leave without thinking about it and with enough firmness, she will not return.

2. Black – A black entity is a more complex entity than an energetic leech, it is a kind of energetic crystallization of trauma, pain, sorrow, or contraction of any kind that was not dealt with in the past and is expressed through an entity separate from the person. The distancing of the trauma energy from the general energy of the person is created to facilitate coping. Think about it in everyday conversation – it’s easy for us to take care of something when we look at it from the outside.

A black entity can be released with the help of various cleansing means: plants, essential oils, and calming crystals of various types. (Please note, this is a general article, if you would like a recommendation for a specific black release for your story, you are welcome to contact me in the chat on the site).

Blackness is expressed through a sense of confinement. We feel freed from the trauma that opened the blackness, but we are said to be bound by bonds and relationships that are easy for us to claim.

3. A satanic entity – a satanic entity is an energetic entity that has a vision, a role, and a mission in itself. She comes to earth as an endpoint, just like any person, to create a regression. It is a completely external entity and requires comprehensive energetic treatments.

You will be able to recognize it over a long period, if there is a certain issue that you are unable to solve, a class that is particularly difficult for you to pass (that every time you pass it you feel like you are “falling” into an emotional pit) or any other sign of a continuous regression independent of actions.

It is necessary to connect to your internal sources of knowledge, according to the specific case in which the entity is manifested and ask your soul for specific energy treatment to release that entity.

You are invited to read the article about your energetic portal, in the previous articles of the blog, and use the instructions in it to do so.

How do you release a black energy entity and maintain a pure space?

If you have identified that there is an energetic entity of one of the types I mentioned or another black energetic entity, I invite you to follow the instructions. Purifying a space is a warm recommendation in any case, which will help you even if you don’t have a black energetic entity in your space at all.

1. Pay attention to energy purification – create a regular purification routine for yourself. I recommend one or two times in case of need in which you dedicate the time to internal and external purification of your space.

A. The internal purification stage – listening to your thoughts, expanding the contracted areas of the body, and releasing the emotional charges that are no longer needed.

B. The stage of purification in space – your work environment, home, or office, physical cleanliness leads to internal cleanliness.

C. Match your heart to your head – match your values to your thoughts, and create a uniform inner voice between your arrays.

D. Stick to the love that you are – love lives in peace even with darkness, despite the regression it creates, it cannot be harmed by it unless it turns itself into it.

It is important to remember – that the goal of your personal development was never to feel comfortable and rise above the darkness but to illuminate it into who you are and reduce the crystallization of regression as an energetic entity in your life.

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