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Trust and faith – two sides of attention

Trust and belief are different abilities from each other, and many people mix between them to try to reach a feeling of comfort. In practice, trust and faith are two types of tools that, when there is teamwork between them, it is possible to achieve full fulfillment and harmonious synchronization between the inner reality and the outer reality.

Just before I begin to explain the relationship between them and their impact on the journey of personal development. A moment of terminology and basic assumptions for this article:

Trust – Trust is the ability to trust a fixed object regardless of its actions.

Faith – Faith is the ability to transfer trust from object to object according to one’s actions.

This article will discuss the relationship between trust and belief. In the separate influence and cooperation for human development.

Trust and belief are two sides of one axis – the axis of attention.

Trust and belief are the available tools that people can use to get attention.

 That is recognition that comes from the heart and not from the mind or intuition.

 A person who wants to recognize something from the heart should create an emotional identification with it.

Many times the term identification takes on the connotation of blurring boundaries.

On the other hand, while trust and faith happen – there is a possibility to pay attention without identifying. observe from the heart, but remain in the realm of the deepest personal and unique inner essence.

Trust and faith are two states of attention in which there is no blurring of boundaries. They are two extreme sides of the same action that is manifested in different ways due to emotional triggers.

The Faith-

Belief is one of the most available tools for disidentified attention. Belief is the way to completely neutralize the mind with the help of the following three ingredients.

Here is a recipe for faith:

1. I have no practical proof showing that what I want can come true.

2. I have no desire and no possibility to obtain such proof.

3. I know my cooperation with reality.

4. I understand that in most cases I lead this collaboration.

5. This time I choose not to lead and let reality speak in my language.

In most cases, faith will be expressed in changing fields, with its embedding being the one that will lead to realization or crisis in its field. Faith in myself, faith in the environment, faith in ability, and more…

The Trust-

Trust is a much less accessible tool than faith.

Trust is a deeper state of mind. It includes faith but in a much more abstract aspect. If faith helps us divide the roles with reality and feel the cooperation through our separation from it, trust brings us back to being one with it. That is to trust the way it is conducted, to read it just like an open book, without cooperating with it for a concrete goal. “Trust there to trust”.

Trust is a tool that does not have specific examples like faith, since it is not customary to use it for different purposes.

Think to yourself of defining moments in your life, when you felt one with everything while being able to separate yourself from everything. Feel the moments when you were life and life was you and this is trust: it has an almost sacred dimension.

The relationship between trust and belief is a system of attention.

It is expressed mainly in our reference to ourselves and represents our ability to fulfill the emotional reality in practice – or simple words; The balanced relationship between trust and faith is our ability to create a reality full of magic.

How can you identify the relationship between your trust and faith?

Remember – equality is not the name of the game! Some people need more trust and some people need more faith for their investigation. Therefore, when you examine the relationship between trust and belief, make sure that one does not surpass the other. In other words, make sure that when you need trust you don’t use faith and vice versa. Replacing one with the other creates disunity with the inner essence, that is, with the ability to recognize ourselves as existing. In cases of extreme trauma or a difficult lesson, the exchange can happen and thus undermine trust and faith and cause a crisis.

How do you maintain a balance in the relationship between trust and your faith?

The answer may surprise some of you – circles.

As long as you create circles in your inner attention to yourself and the world your trust and faith will remain balanced. 

Trust often starts from within while belief is helped by much more external factors.

Creating circles in your attention to your life includes 3 steps:

1. Check that you treat the subject more as it is close to your heart. (Many people get confused at this stage, and refer to the subject that is closer to their mind than to the subject that is close to their heart).

2. Check that the value you use to refer to the subject matches the value you observe on the subject when it is not so close to you but related to another person.

3. Make a match between what is desired and what is found regarding the same subject.

I invite you to use the site’s chat to consult with me about individual cases or comment below on the blog about your trust and faith.

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