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Gratitude – or one piece of a puzzle

A proposal for a routine that includes all the parts

We are surrounded in our lives by many symbols. Starting with expressions that symbolize our feelings towards ourselves and people, continuing with money that symbolizes our abilities to obtain material and ending with language that symbolizes the meaning we want to express.

This article will discuss the relationship between all these signs, with emphasis and from the point of view of gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most common symbols in personal development methods, many people draw their strength from it.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is the ability to express a positive emotion towards a symbol we see in reality that makes us feel better, or as a gesture of reality towards us.

Gratitude can be expressed through an intention, word, or deed that reflects the sense of value we feel we received from that activity of reality.

People’s main uses of gratitude are:

1. Cultivating self-worth – a feeling of encouragement and comfort through the gestures of reality with the help of an unconscious belief that “if the active reality in front of me makes a gesture, it means that I am an important and meaningful person for it.”

2. A sense of unity with the universe – attention to details that a person did not notice before due to a lack of focus and thus a deep sense of identification.

3. A sense of belonging and overcoming feelings of inferiority – the ability to recognize gratitude for something is the ability to recognize a mutual contribution – a contribution of a human being to the world alongside a contribution of the world to a human being.

Gratitude is a way of appreciating the gestures that reality gives us through an agreed-upon sign that leaves us passively impressed by reality’s capabilities.

The very existence of this sign contradicts the understanding that everything we experience from the external reality is a reflection of our internal reality. Therefore, even the positive gestures of reality result from an internal change of the person who made them.

This is not to say that gratitude has no meaning, but rather that it is part of a larger puzzle.

Gratitude is healthy, and uplifting and strengthens the sense of self-confidence.

But all these references are internal, their effect on reality is not independent and related to the other puzzle pieces in the process.

What should a person add to their gratitude to make it more effective?

1. Activity – gratitude for what happened in the external reality, cannot be complete without gratitude for the internal reality. Rejoice and give thanks for what happens to you in reality, but do not forget yourself and your positive part in its creation.

2. Seeing reality as it is – gratitude should reflect and not cause your picture of reality to become cloudy due to values you want to be fulfilled.

See the reality as it is and the effectiveness of what you received from him in improving your sense of quality of life.

3. Cooperation and concluding – check – what brought about the positive and pleasant results you see before you? How can you reproduce this the next time and improve from it?

Here is a preliminary proposal for gratitude that includes all the pieces of the puzzle:

Start your morning with a full gratitude routine-

1. Let go of the night you spent with respect: feel yourself and your body entering the new day with your strength and the strength of your attention.

2. Freely choose an internal or external element that will serve you during the day and remind you of your importance by your very existence. Check how you will give in return for this element to maintain the rate of balance between receiving and giving.

3. Connect the energy of that element to the energy of your body. Now, everything that happens in reality will be integrated into the transition between the energies of the two different bodies.

4. Find elements that resulted from the elements you connected within your daily routine, and try to cultivate them outside of you and inside of you.

5. Allow your day to adjust to the new agenda.

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  1. I liked it, and it gave me a fuller understanding of what gratitude is

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      Thanks Rona!
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