Within the human system on Earth, people undergo 3 main changes in order to believe that they are lacking something:
- Changing the focus of responsibility – instead of believing that people are responsible for everything that happens in their reality, they believe that there is a large and powerful reality that sometimes forces things on them that they must deal with.
- Sorting – people believe that there are things that are hidden from their eyes and there are things that are revealed to their eyes and thus they deprive themselves in advance.
- Attempting to avoid suffering and increase pleasure as a system of understanding development – people believe that the better they feel in a wider variety of moments, the more they develop.
Thus, an acquired criterion is created and based on the two previous sections of the meaning of development.
In light of this, the change of inquiry that will come upon us for the better starting in 2020, adds a confrontation with these 3 sections of lack in addition to dealing with life lessons. In this article, I will review their meaning on personal development and the transition to creation from infinity with greater ease.
What is creation from infinity?
Imagine not being dependent on resources to create. On the one hand, it can sound like heaven, on the other hand, it can sound radically disconnected from the reality in which we live.
Creating from infinity is a choice to be created anew every day instead of creating reality. To look at everything that happens around us as if it were happening for the first time and at the same time to keep the inner knowledge as disposable, as long as it is not used.
As long as there is no sorting between different beliefs, the possibility remains to use each belief in all the possibilities and layers it presents. We are the ones who limit both our blocking thoughts and our creative thoughts, as long as we decide in advance what path of creation they will follow.
Creating from infinity allows us to connect to new possibilities, provided that there is no condition. Cause and effect, consequences, dependence, drawing conclusions, all these are conditions. A kind of prophecies accepted at the discretion of human logic to predict what is going to happen in the future. As a result, it is much easier to come to terms with the prophecies of lack. In other words, a person who believes that he lacks and gives up on the way out of lack will join one or more of the following beliefs in the collective consciousness: “I am only human,” “No human can know everything,” “Knowledge belongs to God,” and other variations that diminish him in the face of reality.
The point of connection between lack and creation from infinity
You can use the following three questions to identify the point of connection between you and the consciousness of lack. These questions will form a greater basis for investigating creation from infinity:
- If you met another person who had exactly the same character as you, what would you think of him?
- If you could re-decide on a character trait that you are currently confident in, what would you change?
- Where would you place your self-worth in relation to the worth of other people?
You can transform these questions into creation from infinity:
- If you met another person who had exactly the same character as you, you would not differentiate between you, because you are not bound by your self-definition and can be everything at any moment.
- You would change everything, because all character traits are always available to you and you are recreating yourself at any moment.
- Value is a function of lack, every person has value by the very nature of their being.
Liberation from the consciousness of lack: the practical tools
You can release within yourself the foundation of belief in lack and move to a belief in creation from infinity. But to do so, your definition of development will change. Instead of defining development as a change of interpretation for a more beneficial purpose, define development as an opening to be re-created and to recognize a renewed version of yourself as attention that is part of a general unity. This change in the definition of development is the key to changing attention from preparation to influence. You can stop preparing for a change of interpretation more appropriate to that of the spiritual world and start influencing the world. Creation from infinity is a state of consciousness that you place yourself in while understanding how our personal development affects the environment.
To do this, it is recommended to go through two stages:
- Release from action: The Earth is indeed a world of action, but action belongs to influence and not to development. If you are developing and do not find what to do to complete the process, it is a sign that you should focus more deeply on the resonance of your natural frequency. What comes naturally to you seems obvious, but you are already doing it anyway and there is no need to fill in the same answer twice.
- Release from projection: There is no cause that leads to a result while everything is happening on different levels all the time. There is a free choice in which level to live and place yourself.
Creation from infinity: the practical tools
Creation from infinity is not practical, it is a change in the attention of consciousness on the different levels. The levels are not determined by personal belief or perception, but by the way in which the perspective changes in relation to that belief. Therefore, the more flexible you are within your perspective, the more you will allow the energy wave that sustains you to flex your perspective according to considerations of which you are not aware. Riding the perspective wave is the enabling of the energy of creation from infinity to exist within you.
The language of energy discusses changes within spaces. While the energy itself moves in these spaces only when our attention is in the transitions between them.
Where do we start right now?
Creation from infinity is a process available and accessible to everyone. In order for you to activate it right now in your life, make room for it. Avoid the following habits to do so:
- If you are used to evaluating and measuring, flood your heart with the freedom to change.
- If you are used to doing so that something happens, resonate your frequency while doing so that you happen.
- If you are used to being solely responsible for your fate, know that everything that happens around you shares that responsibility.
In conclusion, creation from infinity begins with you and your ability to flex your personal identity. All this by virtue of flexibility being the natural state of identity without lack. As a result, you will disconnect your thoughts from cause and effect and you will be able to flood your flexible heart and life with whatever you want.