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The war of consciousness that people call “iron swords”

The quest:

Why did this have to happen?

Why so extreme?

What is our role? What should people do?

What are the principles that will guide us in entering the new world after the war?

The answers:


 Why did this have to happen?

A.  Reaching the limit of the ability of human consciousness to contain duality-

People feed themselves conflicting options and feel that something is missing if one of the options is not considered in the overall decision-making.

The rules of the game that make the human mind decide between lack and abundance finished their role years ago.

People cling to these rules, so the situation was supposed to escalate.

Thus there is no choice but to exclude these rules from the consideration systems. A closed circle of oblivion closes people in a need to survive.

External survival – to fulfill all their needs with as little effort as possible.

Inner survival – learning to live “in peace” with the inner contradictions.

B. A survival need to justify the personal belief system-

In wartime the justification is much more pronounced than in normal times. A person who believes in a certain thing seeks to justify that belief through his decision-making system. The actions serve the beliefs but the beliefs do not serve the actions. Faith is a certain way of thinking based on emotion. It is not rational. People confuse belief with rationale and as a result, turn their beliefs into facts. A belief that becomes a fact disrupts the perception of reality. It is based on personal conventions that have nothing to do with the environment.

c. self reduction-

The “successful” human education is an education for mediocrity. People grow into social classes, and within them, there is a “glass ceiling” that a person passing through receives sharp criticism that sometimes destroys emotional values. People try to reduce themselves to the glass ceiling they were born into. As a result, their self-expectations are also born. Their expectation to “compare” with the environment manages the reduction

d. Faith in layers-

The belief that the world is based on layers binds the hands of humanity from the creation of its own reality. The layers make the external reality independent of the person’s reference to his beliefs. Reality is a projection of our eyes, which are busy extracting information from the brain and not taking in information as is commonly thought.

Each person has a layer inside him that is reflected in the form of war. In most cases, this layer is based on the way the world is supposed to run according to man. The phrase “there is no one truth, everyone has their truth” is also falling apart. There is one truth, but it is not a certain way of conduct. Each existing way of conduct is an executive arm of that undefined truth.

I. Personal links-

The external war as well as the internal war is manifested on a variety of fronts. Each person must create awareness and work with himself to find how each external front is reflected within him. The awareness of the reflection will allow for spontaneous healing that releases the pain from both the internal and external areas.

Examples of external war scenes: are kidnapped, captives, invasion, border crossing, rocket fire, alarms, and more…

H. Contribution to Humanity-

No awareness or development work is more important than another. The belief in importance stems from a lack and the assumption that energy that is in one place comes at the expense of energy that is in another place.

Every person who comes into the world during this period has a significant role in the fundamental change (the change of investigation) that the earth is going through. The attempt to find external direction for internal work is an attempt to find an alternative source of control. That is, instead of allowing the conventional institutions to control the decision-making, they allow one or another theme to control the person. Each person must connect to his role and do it with maximum activity. The possibility of reaching maximum activity stems from the need to disconnect between energy intake and expenditure.

A person who spends his maximum authentic energy receives maximum income.

“By the sweat of your nose you shall eat bread” – is a punishment that has come to an end.

G. Emotions are not a death sentence-

Making decisions driven by emotions makes the outcome of the decision temporary. That is, the balance between the energy invested in making the decision and the result of the decision is equal. An emotion is temporary and therefore the result of a decision resulting from an emotion is also temporary. Emotion is an energy wave that is on an axis of contraction and expansion and is temporary.

Experiencing emotion in this situation may not be easy, to say the least. It is recommended to channel this experience for the sake of humanity and transform it into love. This can be done by:

A. Stopping and staying in emotion.

B. A space that allows the emotion complete freedom.

third. Liberation through the body to the earth and the sky (at the same time) and a request to transform into full love that will bring heaven and earth closer together.

Why so extreme?

“Extremism” is derived from the word “edge”. The end is a place you reach after passing through.

This situation is an extreme point of a centuries-old path that the earth is going through in the transition between the consciousness of lack and the consciousness of unity; the Internal unity of a person with himself and external unity of a person with his fellow man.

This is a call for a change of consciousness. The pain that lay in the depths of the Earth’s soil is the price of lack and abundance. Lack and abundance are temporary situations and each has its own price. People who gave up their role on earth, ideas, feelings, desires, and relationships that did not correspond to the reality of their lives for whatever reason experienced a painful and enormous loss. This loss lies to this very day deep in the collective soil and governs most of the relationships between different groups and systems. The ascension to unity consciousness goes through pain. The date of each person’s death is pre-signed. The chosen souls chose to take on the role of representation and transmutation of general pain. A pain is so wide-ranging that it includes horrors from ancient times of humanity. (even before the modern counting of time began).

Pain is still considered by most of humanity as a trigger for change. Using a move as extreme as war renders the trigger useless. In these times we do not try to change as a result of the pain, but to transform it into unity and love. The people of Israel are more united than ever, especially in issues related to eradicating pain and raising the sense of protection and cooperation between all concerned.

The Earth changed its course from the moment humanity gained the ability to tell itself how it was created.

An inclusive ambition to break the limits of the possible through the impossible. Limiting the ability to fulfill alongside increasing the ability to imagine. The earth is also a learning being, which has finished learning all its life lessons at this time.

A new world is born.

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