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Stairs of lessons: What are the steps a person needs to go through to complete a life lesson?

The lesson will be expressed in the following 5 performance circles in order:

External situation – a case that you will encounter and will appear to be part of the routine. It will not be related to you or those close to you. Sometimes it will be seen even in your urban or national circles. The case will not make you feel an emotion or think a thought that will disturb your routine but will represent a specific pattern of behavior and its effect on its user.
For example, a person who saw a beggar walking down the street while the person himself was in the car.
From that moment on, man saw the beggar as a symbol of his survival and said: “This is what I look like when I’m in survival mode.”

A collective situation – a case that will happen at the level of the city, the country, or the world. Will affect you indirectly. That is, what happens in the external reality will affect your inner reality and ask you to take a new look at the similarities between the inner and outer reality.
A personal situation in routine – a situation that happens to you or those close to you that symbolizes a certain pattern of behavior that you tend to use out of confidence that it benefits you.
A personal situation that takes out of the routine – a feeling of discomfort in life (it doesn’t have to be a bad or abusive situation – this is one of the stigmas about classes).

A changing physical condition is the last stop of lessons.

6 questions that help identify a lesson: Preliminary note- This doesn’t have to be a false value, but rather a blocked article. The value is true, but the person uses it to block himself from things that bother him.

What value am I unable to express in the situation?

What do I gain from believing in this value?

How is my faith expressed in a place that is more pleasant for me?

What am I afraid to give up. Who am I without the value I hold onto?

What is the need that sits below the value?

How can I fulfill the need in a way that will benefit me and continue to believe in value?

Good luck and love!

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