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Different ways of development – how do you develop authentically in the world of souls?

Many people feel that the path of development can bring the changes they want in their lives. The choice of development is actually the choice of a more open mind about the way reality reacts to us and the changes it can make for us in life.
In some situations, we understand development as a new subject we are learning.

A new subject we are studying rests on 4 pillars:

  1. An external teacher who shows the way and we assume that he knows the answer and is confident in his path.
  2. One correct way to act.
  3. Understandings or actions that need to be realized to prove to ourselves that we are following the right path.
  4. Connection of cause and effect – we notice that our actions led to a desired result and thus understand that we are on the right path.

Many times, people who feel that they cannot understand something according to these 4 pegs, turn to spiritual development. Spirituality is a kind of alternative answer on the earth of the year 2024, to all the lack of understanding of the accepted way to learn. Traumas, pains, physical hardships and irreplaceable life lessons are just some of what people bring with them to resolve in the spiritual world.

In the next step, the spiritual understandings are divided into two parts:

  1. An understanding that aims to make the feeling relax and the person feel better emotionally.
  2. An understanding whose purpose is to reduce the gap between what is desired and what is found and to cause a change in the person’s point of view on his problem.
    In some situations, the second kind of understanding seems difficult to impossible. People find it difficult to take responsibility for the reality of their lives, especially if it is an undesirable reality in their eyes. The pain that brought them to spiritual development extends to other areas of life and the responsibility appears to them as guilt.
    After all, why would a person want to create an unpleasant life reality for himself?

In this article, I will deal with the entire development layout in our lives. I will clarify what the way of spiritual development is to receive expression and realization and I will advise on focusing and sharpening the personal way of each reader of this article to develop on his own.

First, what is development?

Development is a change that every existing being chooses to produce in its life and happens with regularity. The developmental sequence can also be measured in a way that is not always going to work out in a person’s routine logic. Development can be understood as an irrational logic of life events that can be measured through vibration – a connection between movement and sound.
Development is the energy that distinguishes the total unity from all the divisions that exist in it. As soon as a certain field of energy has a vibration, it is possible to identify it as a separate entity and analyze the development of the whole that is against the general unity.
Every being throughout the soul world that defines itself as separate from the complete infinity is evolving.

Whether it is a soul, a being, an angel, a demon, and yes – even human beings.
The development is determined by the general energy of the space where the entity is.
The earth for example is a soul in itself. A soul that chose to incarnate as a star and explore universal love.

Therefore, any being that chooses to evolve within the Earth will do so in the mirror of the energy of Universal Love.
It is important to understand – as of these days, when the earth has passed the rate of lack and abundance and moves to explore through creation from the infinite, the developmental duality is in its last days. Therefore, universal love for the coming years is an axis on which a person who chooses to evolve moves and reflects love in the face of fear.

So is every life lesson we face and is still built on a pivot.
The movement within this axis is where people develop.

Spiritual development and its meaning

Evolution sustains the infinity from which each soul was created as a complete energetic entity. The whole includes both the uniqueness and the unity. The development is the way of the souls to differentiate one from the other. They know how to identify the vibration with the help of the developmental path of the soul.
If you want to discover your developmental path, click here – developmental path and discover the number of energy that your soul sent you into the world with.

Why does a soul need to evolve?

A soul was derived from the infinite to allow the infinite to experience itself in the particular part from which it was derived. Being is the theory, and the soul feels and experiences the act in different levels of realization. Therefore, the soul’s need to evolve stems from the need of the essential infinity particle that it is to accomplish the task for which it was intended. To bring into infinity the finite and limited experience – the more compact fulfillment than the general theory that it is. In order to do this, each soul has a role. The role is a raw set of knowledge that the soul has accumulated and accumulates throughout its entire development. Once the soul chooses to evolve, it chooses to prepare to manifest its role in another way that did not exist before.
At the end of the development and after the soul examines the angles of its role in all the infinite angles and perspectives that exist – the soul returns to infinity and illuminates itself again with the unified energy.

The development on earth – embrace or internal battery

The path of development on Earth is special and different than development elsewhere in creation. As mentioned, the Earth explores universal love. Therefore, everything that happens in and around him is expressed through two types of filters: love or fear.
Every soul that chooses to come to earth goes through 2-4 years of preparation before descending into the world.
During the preparation, she chooses life lessons for herself – intentional gaps between what is desired and what is found that will help her to be aware of her inner sources of knowledge.
There are two types of lessons that the soul chooses before arriving on earth:

  1. Life lessons – topics that the soul wants to learn and understand from all angles, so that they will help her in fulfilling her role.
  2. Human lessons – deliberate gaps in the lines of human character that represent a gap between what is desired and what is found. Human lessons are constantly changing in terms of their subject matter and the goal is to avoid opening them.
    When one’s lessons are finished, one reaches a state of recollection. The general soul unites with the part of the soul that has been with the person since birth. Together they go through the two stages of endless recall. That is, these two stages happen simultaneously:
  3. Initiation – learning the raw knowledge found within the soul and recalling the skills and abilities the soul has in the world of souls.
  4. Cooperation – the soul continues to inaugurate and bring knowledge while the person uses the conclusions he drew from his life lessons to understand how to bring this knowledge into expression and realize it in the world.

    The general purpose of all this knowledge and other information is to inspire more people towards fulfilling their roles. The entire story of development presented above regarding the way of development on Earth reads in a significant stake mirror: the vision of the soul. The vision is the whole birth story of the soul since birth and there is also a chapter about this reincarnation.

    The whole medium of actions, free choices, and collaborations is written in the vision – that is, the set of potentials that the person and the soul can use for development. During the incarnation, the person is on the earth with a particle of soul within him and the soul stands in observation of the earth and uses the vision to send the person the most suitable, authentic, and pure potentials for development.

    Beneficial ways of development

    Below are several ways that will help you develop in the most beneficial way toward realizing your life purpose in the world:
    Ask yourself – where does reality treat me as I treat myself? This is how you can identify your life lessons.
    Ask yourself what is your profit from situations that are not pleasant for you. This way you can provide a different, pleasant and more developed answer to your needs.
    Check in what way you recharge the energy of others and in what way you recharge your own energy.
    Are these claims equal in terms of their emotional value?

    Unfavorable ways of development

    Below are several ways that we call development only because they give us emotional well-being, but they do not develop us at all in the soul aspect.
    If you would like to read about proper management of the emotional aspect of your development –
    click here: emotion.
    Don’t strive to feel comfortable – comfort is the castration of the natural vibration of your development. If you are comfortable, it is a sign that the situation was created only by your soul to store up strength for the next step on the way.
    Many faces to the truth – in development there is one truth and many ways to reach it.
    Look at yourself from a bird’s eye view, not everything you have decided is true is true just because it is convenient for you to believe it. The passage of life’s greatest lessons happens through our core beliefs.
    Don’t use the principles of the universe and the laws of space to feel better about yourself. Development is not related to lack, problems with self-worth, security, or comfort are related to your mindset and not to development.

    I invite you to read this article several times and check – are you developing exactly the way you and your
    soul want?
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