The process of passing life lessons can undermine a person’s self-confidence. Beliefs, thought patterns, and internal sources of self-confidence can quickly become a source of blockage and inhibition. Most of people’s self-confidence today depends on what they believe in. The more evidence they find that what they believe is true and true, the more confident they feel in the world. Moreover, the more they find recognition that what they believe in is considered more moral and socially acceptable, the more reasons they find to prove their self-confidence through actions.
In the world of souls, self-confidence does not exist, because confidence is unquestionable in a world where there is no lack, harm, or danger. The soul connects itself to the world of self-confidence only when it meets the human perception of a person on Earth. The greater the self-confidence, the more room the soul has to share raw inner knowledge in a deeper way.
In this article, I will review ways to not question the confidence of your self in the world and allow the soul to infuse the information relevant to your role.
Step 1: The reason why the concept of self-confidence was created;
People who were born with amnesia do not remember what happened to them before they were born. As a result, they are born with a deep and inbuilt longing to be who they are and to find the meaning of their lives. Their access to internal answers is blocked and they are given the perception that in order to receive these answers they are trying to connect themselves to external reality. As a result, two types of confidence are created:
- External confidence – confidence that depends on external answers.
- Internal confidence – confidence that depends on the level of questionable loyalty to the realization of external answers.
These two types of confidence start from the assumption that the connection between your actions and deeds is questionable in advance.
Step 2: The internal movements of confidence;
The concept of self-confidence will always be achievement-based, until the “change of direction” stage in the spiritual journey. At this stage, people who are used to dealing with what bothers them the most, move on to dealing with the things they are most confident about. Changing the direction of dealing with the various issues creates a feeling of emptiness and uncertainty. This is because when the issues on which security is based are addressed, it becomes a challenge. Thus, the inner movement of security increases self-doubt and drives to higher evidence-based action. At the end of the process, the inner movement of security finds no action to base security on and becomes independent of anything. Security that is not independent of anything can move in two different directions:
- Security with constant doubt – introducing doubt as a character trait until a new self-confidence is built.
- Release from the concept of security, moving beyond the life lesson of security and observing reality as it is without interpretation.
Step 3: The replacement – the soul’s view of the issue of self-security;
The soul does not use the feeling of security because it knows exactly who it is, what its character traits are, why it exists in the world and what it is supposed to do with these character traits. At this point, your soul suggests that you listen to what you think is authentic for you without relying on any external factor. The more strongly you separate opinion from foundation, the less you will need to question your self-worth by virtue of being yourself.
Foundation ties your opinion to reality and does not allow the raw, inner knowledge that exists within you to move freely within you.
As long as you are excessively and disproportionately engaged in identifying barriers and self-criticism, you do not allow yourself to listen to your inner knowledge.
Stage 4: Parallel development – life lessons alongside listening to raw knowledge;
If you no longer question your self-worth, your development will split into two parallel lines:
- In the first part – you will differentiate the collective consciousness into what is relevant and what is not relevant to your development.
- In the second part – you will listen silently to the raw, inner knowledge that emanates from you.
Your movement between the two parts will be both the challenge and the advantage at the same time.
Step 5: Overwhelming Consciousness;
One of the reasons why people question their self-confidence is overwhelm. Every time you think about your consciousness, you are flooding it with energies from the collective consciousness. You will not necessarily be aware of these energies, but they will question everything you think. They will become background noise that has nothing to do with your personal journey. You will hold onto them because you will think that they fulfill your need for belonging. The opposite is true, everyone knows them but no one recognizes them – this is the power of the collective consciousness.
In this way, life lessons of the type of human lessons are opened on an hourly basis. Note – if you choose to completely give up the concept of self-confidence, you do not need to recognize laws based on lack. You understand that in terms of structure, the practical world is part of the theoretical world and these are not two separate worlds.
In conclusion, I invite you to join the community and meet more people who do not want to doubt their own longing to be who they are. You can start, pouring yourself as a receptor of energy into your soul power and realizing your role in the world. This happens in a super-temporal way, everything that happens around time is also what happens within time.
Share with me – have you started to get rid of doubting yourself? How do you think about the concept of not through lack?