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freedom- the keyword of spiritual development?

Have you ever asked yourself – how many of you came to the world of personal development in general and spiritual development in particular just because you didn’t feel free?

Freedom is one of the central values in the field of search. The need to search arises in most cases from a motive of freedom. That is, people who search, do not necessarily define a goal for the search but are looking for a state of mind to be in during the next search. Therefore the search becomes an endless experience that only external awareness can stop. External awareness in this context is the awareness that is not dependent and independent from the next state of mind required to continue the search. This article will deal with freedom as a key to development. Because of this, it can cause difficulties and discomfort since it frees the search element from freedom.

What is freedom?

Freedom is a state of mind of being able to access boundaries and the changes they represent.

That is, a free person is a person who has a medium of limits. A pool of relevant boundaries for any internal or external situation and complete freedom in terms of security to change them at any given moment and according to need, based on a stable guiding ground.

Freedom is the greatest threat to the feeling of lack. In other words, when the full definition of freedom is met, one cannot feel lack or abundance, but existence. Because of this, the human collective being has created a defense mechanism of dissolution.

The mechanism breaks down the definition of freedom into parts and disperses it between different types of mentalities to ensure the existence of the previous lack of investigation. Now, with the replacement of the investigation with the earth and a connection to the new investigation, it is possible to release the feeling of freedom from the search, and as a result also from the partiality of the definition and fully sustain it as a stable and shared basis for the creation of the new investigation: a creation from the infinite.

Partial definition of freedom:

1. State of mind – access to knowledge without adopting it. Threatens people who feel the need to control their lives exclusively, without allowing other partners to take part in the creation of their soul journey.

2. Limits – a feeling of limitation and a wall in the hands of most people who have not adjusted their definitions because of certain life realities.

3. Stable ground – ground that does not justify faith, but ground independent of the thing. threatens people who base their character lines on delineating definitions of various kinds.

4. Sustainability – a situation in which all resources exist to create within changing limits. Threatens people who feel there is a greater power governing them and give up their free choice.

Freedom and personal development in the world of souls:

Freedom is a given state for a soul. There is no way out of this situation unless access to the natural tools that sustain it is denied. The reality of life on Earth can result in denying access to the tools that sustain freedom.

The belief in lack causes the illusion of lack of access, belief in levels and layers of awareness, and a sense of suffocation when accepting unregulated limits (without taking into account the possibility of the person regulating them on his own).

Freedom is a universal alternative. The first stable land that was offered to humans even before they came into the world to fulfill their role in it. It is important to create this ground on a collective basis and a personal basis.

The replacement period of the investigation we are in creates a kind of “bottleneck” for this fact.

The most burning issues for advancement in the eyes of many people, are also the issues that most block people from progress. Freedom changes the perspective in this matter since it invites people to take care of the things they don’t feel bother them, before the things they do feel bother them.

The barriers to reaching a sense of freedom:

1. Needs and lacks – Mental needs and lacks can be filled, sometimes they can be filled quite easily. But did you know that to continue to maintain a lack of space on Earth there is a very restrictive space bylaw regarding this issue?

For every lack that is closed, there is another that is opened.

Therefore there is no reason to try and fill in the gaps. They will appear to you to the same extent in other places. Feelings like belonging, abundance, and connection are based on lack. They sound good for development but will lead you to open another lack.

Stop looking at reality from a point of view of lack.

2. Fear of boundaries – Many people have developed a fear of boundaries as a result of a lack of balanced regulation of boundaries in their immediate environment. As soon as boundaries feel like a limitation of reality that did not delineate the boundaries, compared to a limitation of reality that did delineate the boundaries – the concept and the advantage of the definition go out of balance. When one chooses to use a limit, the limit limits the person who decided to maintain it. Developing a fear of boundaries creates a reluctance to set them and as a result, makes it impossible to use these lovely and defined patterns of freedom.

3. Renunciation of free choice – free choice is the way for every person to have a dialogue with reality. Either the existing reality or the reality he wants to create. People who feel that their free choice is not with them. Whether they are subject to the spite of a situation or another person, whether positive or negative, they will never be able to create their sense of freedom. They are the only ones who have been trained to sustain their development and they have the unique template for this. A free choice that is not adapted to development robs the person of the freedom to develop.

After knowing the barriers, here are 3 tips for creating greater freedom in your life:

1. Stable ground – create a stable ground for yourself. The energy that will envelop any choice you want to put into your system. Check that the stable ground you have chosen reflects your natural energy and the role you would like to play or are currently playing.

A symbol can be used to establish a stable ground in your life, a word, a thought, an object, or a creation of your own making.

2. Create a boundary mediator for yourself – feel the diversity within the settings that govern you. Think about it – is there a certain part of this variety that threatens you? Can and how can you remove the threat? Is this threat necessary, if so for what?

3. Independence is the name of the game – create freedom for yourself in any situation. Precisely the situations in which you feel the least natural, are the places with the greatest potential for liberation and diversity.

Feel free to update me in the comments: how do you feel about your freedom?

Remember – development exists in your heart. It’s time to shine her.

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