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External and internal spirituality – can we feel progress but not actually move?

People are used to communicating with each other through words.
The difficulty arises when these words have different meanings. Two people can say the same word but deep down give it a different meaning. As soon as the meaning of the word becomes different, a gap opens up. People mobilize all their inner resources to bridge these gaps. They do this by:

  1. Collective meanings – there are words, layers, and understandings that everyone understands and agrees on
    their meaning.
  2. Empathy- an emotional connection to one another.
  3. Communalism and tradition – people connect their norms to each other through various sociological means. As a result, community, religion, gender, or sector clarifies the meaning of certain words.
    Despite all this, there are still words that remain in the “gray area”.

    The first possibility is that they do not know how to give them meaning and their definition is controversial. The second option is that there are many ways to give them meaning and all of them connect people to a certain emotion that dictates the change of meaning at that moment.
    Words that are not clear what their meaning will be, or words that are not clear in which way they can be given meaning, enter into them the question of authority.

    The question of authority is the first question that people face while dealing with words that have not yet been given meaning. Humanity has a deep need to seek a source of knowledge.
    If this source of knowledge does not yet exist, a decision must be made about it.

    Who is the factor that most profoundly inspires the trust of the people who want to give meaning to the word?

    In most cases, especially in the 21st century, a person or a small group will not choose to give meaning to that word. This is because humanity has a collective fear of the concentration of authority for the sake of one person. People do not recognize that there is a collective consciousness evolution and with the development of this evolution, humanity has encountered many lessons of fear that resulted from the concentration of authority in one place.

    Therefore, sublimation for this purpose is manifested today in three ways:

    1. Giving the authority to determine the meaning of a word to a previous value – generalization: an attempt to connect the value whose meaning is disputed to previous values.

    2. Giving the authority to determine the meaning of the axis of fulfillment – humanity’s relationship with that word, to what extent it achieved or did not achieve the desired results is also the one that can determine the meaning of the word. If people are satisfied with the word, they will give it a positive meaning, even if in practice it is related to their development and it brought a desired result. Conversely, if people are unhappy with the outcome of a certain word, they will give it a negative meaning, even if it contributes to their development.

    3. Giving the authority to determine the meaning of a certain ideal – if the word is close in terms of its semantic field to certain ideals, a generalization will likely be formed, and the word will take on a role in relation to the ideal.

    The issue of determining the meaning of words is a relatively marginal issue in the energy system between a person and his friend. Most of humanity uses words whose definition is clear, adapted, and reflects its fixed world of values. There is a group of people, especially people who have not been able to find solutions to various situations in conventional medicine or psychology who use the relationship between the person and the meaning of the word.

Pay Attention!

The preoccupation with meaning contradicts the preoccupation with spirituality.
As soon as we engage in pure spirituality we remove the meaning we have given to things, to stop inventing a story about them. On the other hand, as soon as we search for meaning, we build a world picture that should reflect to us how a better world should look like in our own eyes. In other words, we make ourselves the authority to decide what a better world could look like. There is a huge gap between free choice and authority. A person who chooses how his life will look involves additional considerations based on the way reality looks.

On the other hand, a person who gives himself the right to decide what is the best picture of the world, is a person who has not been able to solve a certain problem, suffers from pain in some area and realizes his pain through trying to find meaning.
Therefore, the opposite of meaning is spirituality.
It is important to clarify the closed circle in front of you.

  1. People try to solve a problem in a certain area of ​​their lives and fail.
  2. People are looking for alternative solutions.
  3. People discover that in order to adopt these alternative solutions they are supposed to adopt certain values ​​into their lives. In most cases, to become people who manage a relationship with the meaning of life, these values ​​will contradict a certain part of the expression of emotion.
    For example: people who are very critical of themselves and the environment and try to eliminate this criticality in order to realize the value of acceptance. On the other hand, from a spiritual point of view, these people would understand the need on which that criticism is based and respond to it. Another example of this is people who try to create a balance between groups or communities by erasing the individual’s personal needs, or sending the individual to deal with his needs personally. (The cooperation in fulfilling the needs will only be for the needs of the group).

In my soul’s view, people who are in a state of relationship with the meaning of words lose all connection to their soul. This is one of the most difficult situations in terms of a soul, because the place that was supposed to be dedicated to the relationship between her and the person she accompanies, is actually dedicated to trying to replace reality on Earth and manage it.
Most human souls in this state use the following defense mechanisms:

  1. Renunciation of sending potentials to a person – instead of the individual soul sending potentials, the general reality on Earth sends them.
  2. Removal of a certain part from the role of the soul.
  3. Disconnecting the life energy pipe of the personal soul from the person. Man receives energy from his personal sources or from the universal sources.

pay attention! Don’t rush to diagnose yourself as the manager of a relationship with the vast world of meanings. If you fear that this is the situation you are in, check:

  1. How are you sure the world should run?
  2. Does this confidence manage you?
  3. Does the image of the world you hold regarding the conduct of the world govern your decision-making?

If you answered positively to these questions, it means you should check that you are allow yourself to move within
the change.

At the end of the process, the task of each and every one of us is to realize our role on earth. Our role is the raw knowledge. The energetic source within which things happen. As soon as we return to the path of change of our definitions, we can flex with them and prepare for our realization.

Extrinsic spirituality is the spirituality that seeks to define the world according to a fantasy based on a previously unsolved problem. On the other hand, the inner spirituality knows how to be flexible with the different definitions and take responsibility for the fact that it is the one that should change itself.

Do you have a question? Don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions.
Comment here or send me a private message and I’ll be happy to help.

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