The aspiration to reach self-realization has accompanied humanity for many years. Many people set this goal for themselves during personal development processes. This goal is usually surrounded by the need for meaning. The need to understand the meaning of life and make changes in life in accordance with it, provides the basis for our initial judgment during spiritual development. After that, we try to create a suitable transformation to get the second basis of our spiritual development: the spiritual insights. That is, the conclusions we understand from every life lesson we go through and the renewed transformation we try to do accordingly. In the guide before you we will create order in the concept of “connection to vocation” in your personal journey.
What is vocation?
Every soul has a role in the world of souls. The soul is a kind of center of energy that resonates a certain medium of frequency. The wider this frequency is, the more ventilated this soul is, while the narrower this frequency is, the more compressed this soul is. In certain states of consciousness, it is possible to define, give names, characters and definitions to the frequency that the soul resonates. The role of the soul in the world of souls is to take part in the general web of souls and give place to a frequency that resonates harmoniously with the rest of the other souls. There are general aspects and specific aspects through which the same frequency vibrates.
The general aspects can be the element of the soul (element), the place within the infinite source from which the soul was born or the soul from which it was created.
The specific aspects are even more familiar to us. The specific aspects are the lines of the spiritual character, the form of development that the soul chooses for itself, the point of view, the free choice and the laws of the space that the soul chooses to take from the general laws of the space in which it is found.
According to these data and many other considerations, the possibilities for translating the vibration of that soul expand. All possibilities of translation, definition and application of that vibration under the universal energy is the destiny of the soul.
The way to determine under which energy the frequency will vibrate is according to the place of development. A larger frequency causes a smaller frequency to vibrate. For example, the exploration on earth is universal love. This is the central frequency at which the earth vibrates. Therefore, everything that happens on Earth starts from this frequency. A baby born forgetting who he is and his soul, vibrates pure universal love, as if he were a part of the earth itself. The purpose of his life in the world is to connect back to his own frequency. To maintain uniqueness within the unity and vibrate himself in harmony with the universal love in which he is.
In the second stage, the person goes through life lessons. Triggers in the external reality that should make him find areas of internal reaction that he does not know. These inner response areas are the parts that the person has forgotten and connect them to their inner frequency. These are the inner sources of knowledge that make up the original authentic soul frequency. Each life lesson that passes exposes the person to another source of such inner knowledge. When at the end of the process, everything that happens outside connects automatically and harmoniously to the internal knowledge.
In the third stage, we went through all our life lessons and reached full union with our inner knowledge, that is, with the frequency of the soul. At this stage we are in a state of consciousness called “remembering”. This situation has two stages regarding the relationship between us and our soul:
- Initiation phase – In the initiation phase, the soul opens a personal portal and it is clear that through it we as humans can understand it. Through this portal the soul teaches you all the knowledge you are supposed to use to understand your calling.
- The cooperation phase – in the cooperation phase, your soul continues to flow information to you and you continue to choose how to implement this information. Your choice of how to put the information into practice is actually your own destiny and your ability to be ready to realize that destiny.
vocation roles
The balance between uniqueness and unity is the guiding principle of creation. The duties of vocation and the division of duties between souls are to preserve this balance because creation is infinite precisely because of it. Each vocation that is fulfilled increases the infinite creative energy and creates a sort of chain reaction. That is, following the increase of infinite energy other souls can feel the complete infinity within and enter into their complete infinity. That is, the connection to your destiny increases the connection to the creative infinity within different angles of infinity.
Once we understand the differences between people, we can understand the unity between us and realize the spiritual transformation that is planned for us on Earth.
types of designation
Every soul has a role in the world of souls. As part of this role, that soul tries to vibrate the frequency as widely as possible. Very few out of the infinite number of souls choose to embark on a life incarnation in one of the stars, few of these few choose to embark on a life incarnation on Earth. For this form of evolution the soul cuts a part out of its role in the soul world and compares its frequency to the universal energy frequency found in the world. This comparison of frequencies makes the person (the end point of the soul) a part of the universal system, within this part there is a point of personal vocation.
Once a person completes their destiny on earth, the soul receives a new frequency of the flavor of universal love within its natural vibration and connects to the infinite through an essence that is wider than itself (the essence of the earth in this case).
What happens if a person fails to fulfill his destiny?
I love this question so much, that I wanted to dedicate a paragraph of the article to it.
Many people see vocation as a duty. There are many people who have not been able to fulfill their vocation for all kinds of reasons. Designation has a life of its own. As soon as one person fails to fulfill his vocation, he automatically passes to another person. The destiny will be fulfilled through human society or through the world. The preference of the soul is to fulfill the vocation through the same energy that was trained for this – the son of man which is his vocation.
How do we meet our vocation today?
Many people meet their calling in the form of life lessons. Life lessons are the gap between what is desired and what is found in our lives. We derive from this gap an unpleasant meaning And we want to convert it into a pleasant meaning. The conversion to a pleasant meaning is the one that reveals the source of inner knowledge that lies beneath the lesson of life. The source of this particular inner knowledge is a need that we get answered from within the gap and we unconsciously believe that we can’t get answered in any other way.
Practical tips for connecting to a vocation
The designation has three building blocks. If we choose to practice these building blocks at the same time as our life lessons, we can strengthen the meaning of our role in the world, strengthen ourselves and train for it:
- Internal expression – self-recognition creates self-recognition in external reality.
- External expression – the freedom to feel yourself naturally in the world without censorship according to internal and external principles.
- Difference between comfort and pleasantness – comfort keeps people in place, at one pace and with certainty. Pleasantness, on the other hand, turns curiosity into an anchor for progress in the development process.
Do you feel your role? Would you like to know more about them?