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Can spirituality affect health? – Spirituality as a tool for self-healing

Imagine a belief that contradicts everything you think about yourself.
Sensitive people will imagine themselves as intense, special people who will try to conform to the norms.

Do you wonder to yourself how the article in front of you may open with this illogical question? Through it, you can understand the connection between spirituality and health.

I’m sure you find yourself dividing your life into faith and unbelief.

There are things you believe in and there are things you simply cannot trust. Both of these things depend on behavior. The behavior of reality or people towards you, makes you conclude the level of your connection to them and yourself.

There is a certain part of you that does not have this privilege, more precisely two parts: your physical body and your intuition. Your body and intuition are two parts that are the tip of the iceberg of a greater power. Intuition is the tip of the iceberg of your soul and the body is the tip of the iceberg of your personality.

The role of this article is to discuss the connection between spirituality and health. Still, the real discussion will deal with the connection between body and soul and the third factor that mediates this connection: personality.

Have you ever heard of people who have gut feelings that are always accurate?

You are such people. Have you asked yourself how this could happen?

How does it make sense that the body receives energetic messages? 

These questions can be answered in a variety of layers, but the most specific and rooted layer in this case is the belief – that the body is a product of a greater energy: the lines of your character.

Like any substance, the body is limited and therefore an energy more abstract than it sustains. Your body is the most compressed material that belongs to you, therefore the energy that sustains it is the most abstract energy that sustains you (opposite relationship) – your personality. Your body is coded in a way that reflects the character lines you chose for yourself for your current incarnation even before you came into the world.

Your body was created before you, you are the ones who entered it after your soul came into the world.
Your soul went through preparations for the earth (the detailed process appears in the previous blogs) in which it chose the body that would serve its role in the form

The most authentic.

The effect of spirituality on the body

Spirituality is a choice of faith. As long as you feel the need to choose a certain belief, you are connected to the spirit. You understand that there is a greater power that affects your life and cooperates with it for the overall benefit of your life and the lives of all the circles of life around you.

You allow your body to be energetically open to receive power from the place that manages it and allow it to create the cooperation that is so natural to it. On the other hand, as long as you close yourself to cooperation with something or someone you feel is stronger than you, the body is closed within an energetic system that degenerates itself.

It is important to remember not to say the opposite of this description, i.e. not to put all the emotional weight on another force and keep your free choice with you. Your free choice is the driving force that will preserve your uniqueness within the united cooperation.

A crisis of faith

The main reason the body is closed in a degenerate system is a lack of faith. The very fact that you feel that you have no possibility for some reason to be influenced by the external reality, closes you to the limit of your abilities. The crisis of faith is the way you look at the relationship between your maximum ability threshold and your minimum ability threshold. The very fact that you focus on the fact that there is a limit to your influence and responsibility on the reality of your life, blocks the energy that manages the body from entering it.

How to improve the connection between body and spirit?

If you find yourself understanding the article at an advanced level, you will be able to associate what is written in it with a variety of physical and emotional phenomena in your life. Each of these phenomena can be a sign of a life lesson that your soul is inviting you to go through. If you want to focus on improving the connection between body and spirit, you can focus your development on unity. In other words, you will not have to divide the practical world and the theoretical world into different parts and move between them. You will live in one world whose laws will be synchronized to the ability of a greater power to influence you. There are two main ways to improve the connection between body and spirit:

1. Go through the life lesson “faith” – solve your initial crisis of faith, find out what commitment you gave yourself in the past to not believe in things, and change this commitment.

2. Connect to the personal energy sources of your soul – be able to hold your attention until you are exposed to the information behind your thoughts, feelings, soul voices, ego, and desires.

Do this through understanding, because strategies for going through life lessons synchronize with where your awareness is, about consciousness.

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