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The collective life lesson self-worth – does your self really have value?

Have you ever looked for a way to increase your self-worth?
Did you feel that your self-confidence is not high enough, or that you can produce more from who you are? Have you felt that everything is a matter of self-perception, and if you just look at yourself differently then the reality around you will change?
If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, it means that you belong to the collective of people who discuss their self-worth.
In this article I will feel privileged to present to you the possibility of getting out of this collective lesson circle and stop discussing your self-worth.
The discussion of self-worth takes a lot of strength out of you. You need these powers to get through your life lessons. I recommend that you read the article in front of you several times to relieve you of the burden of dealing with self-worth and, as a result, also the burden of dealing with maintaining a positive feeling all the time. Our spectrum of emotions is the key to transitioning our life lessons. If we don’t know how to direct our attention to its rhythm, we won’t be able to move to the new exploration of creation from infinity.
We are right now at the threshold of the transition between emotion and feeling.

What is self worth?

Self-worth is one of the worldviews that have been established regarding the illusion of life lessons.
Self-worth is the mind’s way of preserving the illusion it feels.
Remember, the mind is not an innate system, it is acquired during childhood as a result of a complete internalization of the belief in limited resources. In order for us to continue to believe in the lack of mind, there are 3 basic beliefs that are the pegs of self-worth in your inner reality:

  1. Belief in levels of awareness – most people start from an unproven assumption that there are things they are aware of and there are things they are not aware of. The division into levels of awareness preserves self-worth in the form of an index: the more a person knows, the more valuable he will be considered, in his own eyes or in the eyes of the environment. “Knowledge is power”.
  2. Belief in lack – belief that resources are limited.
  3. Belief in the power of reality – belief that life is stronger than anything else, without belief that what sustains life as strong is our decisions. We must decide and determine the intensity of life, this is our duty.
    It can be concluded from this that the definition of self-worth is the ability to separate the level of awareness from the general consciousness through an arbitrary and variable division in an undefined manner.
    In other words, self-worth separates the person from his personal relationship to himself and asks him to define and measure himself by non-fixed measures. This can be equated to money.
    Money is a symbol that every person who uses it determines their own value, including self-worth.

Why is self-worth not a life lesson?

Many people claim that raising their self-worth is their life lesson. This fact cannot be true in any way. A life lesson is a gap between what is desired and what is found that is reflected in a contrasting reality. Value is a symbol that we give meaning to as human beings. There can be no way for a value to give meaning to itself in a world as devoid of subjective interpretation as in the world of souls. Therefore, self-worth cannot be a life lesson since it is a template. What you choose to pour into it is what will come true.

Self-worth and development

If so, the combination between self-worth and personal development also changes. We understand that our self-worth is not a life lesson, but it is an energy that is necessary to stabilize before approaching even the most basic life lesson.
Pay attention, when the new investigation enters the earth you will be able to completely avoid using this belief that sustains the self-worth. Do not try to disable this option beforehand. This is a cosmic process and you must be ready for it.
Please note – readers of the article who are not familiar with the replacement of the investigation are invited to read the many articles on the blog on the subject.
In any case, there are many ways to stabilize your self-worth within the framework of development. Due to the fact that it is a symbol, it is more important to avoid things than to form new habits to change the situation.

In order to combine self-worth with your development, I recommend that you avoid the following:

  1. Avoid searching for meaning: Meaning is the “twin sister” of importance. As long as you choose to search for meaning, you will choose to make things more important than others.
    It’s only a matter of time before you become one too.
  2. Avoid comparison: Whether you compare yourself to internal ideals or external people, note that comparison also creates duality. We don’t want to make our self-worth a consideration that has two options. Splitting one whole into two other wholes that depend on each other, such as value and self-worthlessness – always results in duality.
  3. Avoid comfort: Pay attention, there can be many situations that are comfortable for you but not comfortable for you. Comfort is our mind’s way of letting us know it is satisfied. It is important to remember – a satisfied mind is a mind that expresses its needs. Self-worth is one of the needs of the mind that we don’t want.
  4. Avoid the sense of search: The sense of search leads to an endless state. We need results because we are in a material and limited world. Please, keep small results to yourself. It is also recommended to read the legality of these results and check: what internal behavior of ours led to the result in front of us?

How do you still feel good in the world of limited material?

We are all aware that a sense of self worthlessness can drive people. Moreover, people who feel a lack of self-worth will look for solutions to this in the outside world without internal control. Some of these solutions can be using their authentic essence to satisfy human needs. The needs will be met anyway as soon as you follow the developmental path, but as soon as they become the focus – the authentic direction of the development is reversed.

Until the inquiry is replaced, note what you can do to keep your self free from judging itself towards a particular value:

  1. Balance between receiving and giving – keep your energy full and take care of yourself maximally all the time.
  2. Add an hour of sleep – a surprising and extremely helpful tip! Every day that you recognize that your self-worth is slightly shaken, go to bed an hour earlier. An extra hour of sleep does wonders for the heart’s feeling of strength to overcome the inner lack.
  3. Love – we all like it, but most of us won’t admit that it scares us.
    Connect to a person that you love so much that its power dazzles you.

Remember, your self does not need to change, improve or learn more to have value. He has value because of who he is. You will be able to enjoy the fruits of this value that exists anyway thanks to itself thanks to authentic spiritual development.

Please- think about this photo.

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