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Clarity – what are the factors that affect the progress in our development?

Clarity – what are the factors that affect the progress in our development?

Free choice, development, role, life lessons, self-realization, we are flooded with unordered goals when we enter the world of personal development in general and the world of spiritual development in particular.
After that, we can believe that our ability to make order is only within us and order things in a way that can take the content out of the context that the soul intended.

I want to update you on the article in front of you. But I have a more urgent goal for me: to put the process in order.
It is important to me that you know the starting point of the template within which you make your development on Earth. My goal is that through this template, you can get another perspective on a more authentic, pleasant, and meaningful development on Earth.

This article will include some innocent questions that will regulate the process of personal development in a different way than the familiar one.

Did we come to the world to evolve?

No. Development is a kind of glass ceiling when used to define our life purpose.
We came into the world because our soul felt a spiritual attraction and curiosity to realize its character lines and its role in the world of souls under the energy of the earth: the energy of universal love.

If so, why do we use the word development a lot to describe the processes we go through?

Development is an integral part of the way to realize our role on earth. But it has a different role than we usually think: development is a means and not an end. Each soul equips the person it sends into the world with life lessons.
Intentional gaps between what is desired and what is found for the person to feel the force of gravity that will lead him to extract from him all the internal information he needs.
This renewed self-consciousness, which happens to a person when he has forgotten what happened to him before he was born, accompanies him to realize his role in the world.

If so, our soul decided for us before we came into the world what our role would be?

It’s a little more complicated than that. Our soul has equipped us with the raw knowledge it uses to do its part in the world. This is exactly the same knowledge that we know how to extract from ourselves every time we have gone through a certain life lesson. In practice, our role is not a particular project or profession that we must engage in.
Our role is the way we choose according to the conclusions we have drawn (only after the evaluation of the life lessons), how to express and realize our knowledge in the world.

Where does free choice manifest itself in this process?

Free choice is one of the tools our soul uses to continue to communicate with us in as balanced a way as possible. Sometimes, when a person fears the fate of his free choice, he is afraid of not being solely responsible for his fate. Meaning that more people will influence what is going to happen to him.
Free choice is the final and exclusive seal of any process.
We are affected by dozens of factors at every moment, sometimes even hundreds (as we develop our sensitivity, the amount and level of our influence from external factors increases).
In practice, each of these factors, including our soul, cannot initiate any process, unless our free choice supports this at all levels of our inner reality: at all levels of consciousness.

If so, what are the stages of personal development?

Personal development has stages into which we can pour as much content as we want:

  1. The passage of life lessons.
  2. Every life lesson that passes reveals to us the inner knowledge that is within us.
  3. After we go through our life lessons, the soul contacts us fully and teaches us (educates us) the information we have discovered within.
  4. At the end of the process and after we have gone through the full initiation, we choose how to bring to expression the raw inner knowledge found within us by the conclusions of the life lessons and in full cooperation with the soul.

If so, what are the roles of each of the factors along the way?

This question will organize for you all the factors in your personal development into an orderly and organized process into which you can pour the contents of your choice.

Life lessons – their purpose is to extract from you the inner knowledge of your soul.
The development – its purpose is to retrain you to discover what happened to you before you were born and to connect with the authentic essence of your soul.
The internal sources of knowledge – their purpose is to form an infrastructure for self-realization in the way you will choose on earth.
Your role is to cause the world to expand its energetic frequency and you, along with your soul, to expand the frequency of your authentic essence. The compass for expansion is the most infinite energy frequency: love.
Consciousness – Consciousness is the collection of definitions that exist within your consciousness space at a given moment. As soon as you change the space of consciousness, your collection of definitions also changes. Consciousness cannot expand because it is unlimited and contains infinite information at any given moment. It can appear to expand because of certain parts of it that are expressed in different forms: definitions, forms, feelings, intuitive messages and more.

How can we use these roles to realize our role in the world?

Our soul created a journey for us that has two parts: development, which is preparation for the second part, fulfillment. We can realize our development with the help of 3 questions that can accompany us toward reaching the potential of fulfillment on earth.
Do not be afraid, before I present the questions it is important for me to emphasize: do not understand this pattern of development through beliefs of lack. Even if a person does not do his role in the world for a certain reason, the role passes to another person. You have the right to be the original template for realizing your role in the world.

To do this, ask yourself:

  1. How does reality treat me as I treat myself?
  2. What is the information that I know that is not based on external sources?
  3. What are my most natural and most pleasant behavior patterns? (Note – satisfaction is not pleasant!).

I invite you to leave a comment here and contact me to deepen your journey towards fulfilling your role in the world.

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