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What is magnetic healing?

What is magnetic healing?

Note: This article is a broad overview of the subject of magnetic healing. Please note – the article covers magnetic therapy in general and does not go into individual cases. If you want to receive an individual answer in magnetic medicine, contact me here on the website or by email shani@shanibaharazulay.com and I can give you a personal answer.

The need to heal accompanies humanity on two levels:

  1. The need to heal from pain, troubles and blockages on our own.
  2. The need to heal other people, resulting in a sense of meaning and mission.
    In both of these cases, the healing is defined as the prevention of pain, suffering or obstruction in order to bring the cured factor to the desired result.
    Magnetic medicine carries out exactly the opposite process. We don’t want to attribute our healing to the pain, because that’s how we preserve it.

Magnetic medicine allows each person to connect with their soul, in a universal way that is based on balance, clarity and healing. In this context healing is defined as the realization in all layers of the authentic essence.
That is, the ability to translate your authentic essence into the language of the layer you exist in and echo it for the purpose of spreading love.
Our resonance allows the physical body to hold the limitless infinity within the limited energy.
That is, to hold the medium of the future potentials of the soul’s journey within a material body.
This medium of potentials is the totality of the internal raw knowledge that is within the soul from the day of birth as a soul, through all incarnations and in between.

In the world of souls, it is customary to divide the resonance medium of the potentials we are now discussing into 8 energetic bodies, according to the topics they deal with.

  1. The physical body – whose role is to contain the arrays and inner reality found in it.
  2. The body of conclusions and history – the body whose job is to contain all memories, history, conclusions, data and practical information and retrieve it at an appropriate moment.
  3. The body of the role – the body whose purpose is to grasp the raw knowledge defined as the role of the soul in that incarnation.
  4. The healing body – the body that is responsible for balance, clarity and fulfillment in relation to the conditions of life in our external reality.
  5. The body of infinity – the body that connects us to the infinite source of things.
  6. The body of being – the body that contains the contours of our soul’s birth within the infinite source that created all the worlds and those who live in them.
  7. The body of truth – the body that contains the energetic pattern of the meeting points between you and reality. All this with an emphasis on development, frequency distribution and influence.
  8. The body of unity – the body that contains all the information of all souls and forms of existence in the world.

These energetic bodies are like a “community device” or “telephone”, for healing with energies.
Each of them is a method of magnetic healing in the subject it holds. The soul uses the energetic bodies as a platform to receive information from the person it is accompanying and to give him information, support and potentials that suit his free choice.
Within these energetic bodies there are meeting points between parts of the internal, external or both realities together. These meeting points are the “conductor” within which the information is exchanged.
That means incoming energy and outgoing energy. The part where the two pieces of information stay at the same point, and are able to hold a common unified frequency is the magnet.
After that, they re-split for the input and output of energy.
It is customary to define a magnet as a connection between two parts.
But in the case of magnetic healing, the magnet is poured into a certain point in the bodies gravitational force of two opposing forces and releases a completely different consciousness.

Magnetic medicine relates to 3 anchors of unity, to keep our soul’s journey balanced: balance, clarity and healing. In the context of magnetic healing, we do not need pain to define healing. Healing is a state of freedom to “translate” your energy to every layer you live in according to the raw internal information within you that is a compass for realization.
The goal of magnetic medicine is to realize these 3 anchors in all areas of life.
We can use it for:

  1. Passing life lessons softly and gently.
  2. A promise and assurance that the lesson of life will not be repeated.
  3. Healing emotional illnesses.
  4. Healing physical diseases.
  5. Clarity in communication with your soul.
  6. A process for realizing your role in the world.
  7. Variable goals can also be created according to a personal plan for the patient. In this program we use magnetic medicine to open the patient’s access to the authentic energetic tools that suit him for self-care.

In magnetic medicine we use a variety of treatment methods.
The treatment plan is built personally for the patient and is divided into two parts:

  1. Opening an “alternative body” for the therapist in order to balance, clarify and heal the patient’s bodies without entering them. In this process, we realize a personal plan, all parts of which have been agreed upon, clarified and understood in advance for the patient.
  2. Embedding the replacement body in one of the bodies, in a pre-selected way. The patient takes responsibility for his treatment and creates personal maintenance between the various treatments.
    Personal maintenance has two goals:
    A. To preserve the treatment over time through the most authentic energy that man knows – his own energy. Until the energy of the treatment is assimilated and becomes second nature.
    B. Allow the person to take as much responsibility as possible, until they feel independent enough to take care of themselves.

The final and most optimal result of magnetic medicine is to induce sufficient sensitivity in the patient, so that he can be awake to balance his energetic bodies and do it on his own.

You can create for yourself already at this stage a practice in magnetic healing.
Click here to watch the introductory course on the YouTube channel.
Then, follow these steps to feel your energy bodies:

  1. Focus your attention on the chest.
  2. Wait in this position until you feel the tension release from your body and the breathing is harmonious.
    (Note that at this point your body may tremble a little. Don’t get excited, allow your body to release the tension).
  3. Send a golden ray from your chest towards a point 5-10 cm above the top of your head and allow it to spread around your body.
  4. Focus on this position for about 3-5 minutes until the golden ray begins to reveal to you 7 layers that are around your physical body.
    If you have reached this stage – congratulations! These are your energetic bodies.

Pleasant and relaxing magnetic healing!

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