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What does energy mean? – And most importantly – what do we do with her?

Energy can remind some of you of motivation, others of emotion, and some of you even the world of chemistry and physics. The law of energy use, the energy that unfolds, there is or is not lack and abundance. Energy is one of the concepts that has more meaning than its meanings.

In this article, you will get to know the energy in its different layers and then choose the most beneficial use you can make with it.

Energy is the movement of matter in different aggregation states according to a defined law.

Note: Defined legality need not be constant.

The closer the lawfulness is in its rhythm to the lawfulness of the observer, the more the energy may unite with it and change. That is, the impact on energy will be greater.

The energy itself is a physical place separate from the person who observes it since it contains all the potential to create in a way that has not yet received a form, figure, and definition.

Creation is a chain, as long as we seek to create something, a sign that something is seeking to create us. In a space where there is no shortage or abundance, the input of energy is the output of energy, and vice versa. Using energy requires avoiding separation between income and expenses at all levels.

What does energy consist of?

Energy has 3 main components that work in a certain harmony.
Two types of harmony determine whether the same energy will turn into matter-

Inner harmony – harmony whose direction goes in, becomes more concentrated, and goes out. If there is this kind of harmony, the energy will turn into matter.

External harmony – a harmony whose direction goes outward, collects external identities, and as a result, changes the internal reality. If the harmony is of this type, the energy

Become a butcher.

Energetic elements

Insofar as the harmony adjusts to be material, it affects itself from within. That is, the process of compression and eruption happens within it, even before a certain part separates from it and becomes an external substance. Material is a visual aspect of different compression levels. The more compressed the compression level, the more likely it is that the same material can enter and fuse with another material.

There are two roles in this merger-

Emissive material – the material that enters fusion to realize its character lines as a receptor for the formation of new energy.

Receptive material – the material that receives the energy into it to be shaped according to it and grasp its existence in the general unity.

The five levels of compression of the material-

It is important to remember – every number that appears in this article is a principle and not a quantity, meaning it is not limited to space and time.

The material has 5 different levels of compression that can indicate the way it will be expressed as energy, here are these five materials from the most compressed to the most ventilated:

1. Physical material – body, inanimate, plant, living, time, emotion, thought. Any substance that can be perceived in some way by at least one of the physical senses.

2. Conceptual material – opinion, desire, ideology, importance, soul, ego. Any material that can contribute to the design of the unique absorption of one or more of the physical senses.

3. Abstract material – effect, projection, results, motives, reasons, choice, decision, and various laws of space in which the arrays live. Any substance that can radiate one of the energies that are manifested in physical matter.

4. Ethereal material – the raw material that is ready for creation and creation: creation from infinity, expression, etc.

5. The material archetype – how the material manifests itself and in complete independence without going through another material to be fulfilled. Observing, loving, shrinking, being.

As long as you choose to know the material that works within you, you can create a balanced relationship between all of them. It is important to remember that attention is not material at all, therefore it has no place within the material energy system. If you place it, the way you look will reflect the inner world and not the object you are looking at, and the feeling of blockage will begin.

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