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Understanding the energy field – a basis for energy protections

The more we develop spiritually, the more our need for protection increases.
Our absorption spectrum expands and we are able to contain more information than usual. In practice, we do feel more energies, but the containment capacity of our senses remains the same. Such a situation actually creates a flood. Incompatibility between the amount of knowledge and the inner space of consciousness that can contain it.
Our energetic bodies also mobilize additional arrays in this situation.

That is, when a certain system, such as the emotion, the body or the thought, feels that it is not able to contain a certain energy, it actually attaches the other systems to it so that they help it receive some of the information.
As a result, we can find ourselves in a situation where we feel with the mind, think with the heart, or want with the mind. There is slight confusion between the internal arrays. This confusion is also a major factor in the need for protection. In other words, the need for protection has two situations:

  1. Need to prevent emotional flooding.
  2. Need for balance of the internal systems.
    In practice, these two can open a hatch in the aura and allow black entities to enter.
    In other words, to create a situation where the imbalance robs us of our spiritual energy. This process happens much less than you think, dear readers.
    In practice, the need for protection stems from both emotional flooding and a feeling of internal foreignness within our energetic bodies.

What is energy protection?

Energy protection is a connection to the infinite energy of the universe in order to balance, renew and focus the natural life force in the authentic essence. That is, it is a certain type of overcoming a distraction that occurred due to a shaking trigger.
There are two main reasons to use energy protection:

  1. Prevention – in order to prevent future feelings of flooding, lack of grounding or going out of balance.
  2. Coping – in order to deal with a situation where the balance becomes too extreme, there are harmful energies involved in the situation.
    These two reasons contradict each other. Therefore, when we recognize one of them automatically we will have to find a different answer than energy protection for the other. As a result, it is not recommended to use energy protection by itself alone. It is important to integrate it into a complete healing process in order to ensure that both of these needs are met.

Types of energy protections

It is common to think that energy protection stems from one of the needs I presented to you earlier – flooding or coping. In practice, there are 8 types of energetic protections embedded in your energetic bodies. The classification of protections is done according to the subject you wish to balance.

  1. The physical body – when life lessons were not understood at any previous stage and are about to reach the physical body, it is necessary to energetically protect it.
  2. The body of conclusions and history – when we feel overwhelmed in terms of the mind, or we have not given space for a period of time to a certain feeling of lack, there is a need for energetic protection of the body of conclusions and history.
  3. The body of the role – when the feeling of worthlessness takes over parts of our decision-making, there is a need to protect the role.
  4. The healing body – when the emotional, physical or mental instincts are prevented from expressing themselves there is a need to protect the personal healing method inherent within us.
  5. The body of infinity – a feeling of separateness or any other repressed emotion activates the place in the body of infinity that needs protection against a complete split from unity.
  6. Body of being – making decisions that are the opposite of the authentic essence of the soul.
  7. The body of truth – making decisions that contradict the system of internal laws and principles.
  8. The body of unity – a deliberate departure against the frequency of the world, drifting into mind control and brainwashing.

These 8 types of energetic defenses reflect 8 needs. In each of these subjects it is possible to understand what are the subjects from which we must protect ourselves and the environment.
After we have identified the need, it is important to understand whether this need requires the action of creating energy protection.

When should we protect ourselves energetically?

The actual need for energy protection is based on a feeling of foreignness. In other words, you can feel overwhelmed or unprotected. You can also feel that there is no match between your ability to contain what is happening and the intensity of the events. In practice, these measures require balancing tools and not energy protection.
You have to accept the fact that you are growing into a load and not see this load as a threat. The main sign of the need for energetic protection of any kind is a feeling of foreignness. As long as you feel that the same situation of lack of protection brings out of your character character traits that do not belong to you – it is important to
protect yourself.

How do you create energy protection?

If you have identified that you need protection, you can create it. It can be general or adapted to your inner healing pattern, if you recognize it and know it.
If you don’t know your or someone else’s pattern, you can also use one of the general forms of protection that you recognize is needed according to the division.
There are 3 ways to create energy protection:

  1. Formal protection – look at yourself in the mirror for 5 minutes. Then wear the energy of the eyes that you felt just like clothes on your whole body. The shape of your eyes is the most natural imprint of your soul’s protection.
    (Suitable for defense difficulties in bodies 1-3).
  2. Frequency protection – allow your mouth to intuitively produce sounds while it is closed. Allow yourself to play between the tones and allow yourself to produce varying sounds. Do this until you feel your body vibrate along with your mouth. This will be your sign that the body is completely protected. (Suitable for defense difficulties in bodies 4-7).
  3. Sending protection to another person – we can feel that we are protected but the people closest to us need our help. In order to send body based protection to another person you need to make sure you are emotionally stable. Next, this is what type of protection you wish to send to the other person from the previous 2 protections. Before the steps of each of them, make the following internal assumption: “I ask to send protection (frequency/form) for the person _ (full name of the recipient of the protection) while being an infinite conduit for sending the energy without involvement or intervention on my part.”

How to make sure you are protected?

You can send yourself or another person a one-time protection. Apart from the methods mentioned in the article, there are many ways to protect yourself. Some are based on your self-healing map. Others are based on the intentional connection you can create during energetic protection between you and the world. In practice, the goal is to create a protection routine that will keep you protected over time. For this purpose there are 3 main recommendations:

  1. Repeatability – even if you feel protected after one of the protections you used, repeat the action 3-4 days later in order to develop the muscle of the energetic body suitable to activate it automatically.
  2. Gains – Make sure you don’t put any kind of life rate into your defense. If you don’t feel protected, you shouldn’t have any profit or answer to any need from the situation. For example: many people feel that only when they are unprotected, helpless and suffering can and deserve attention.
  3. Balance between coping and actions – most situations in our lives make us deal with something. Create a “closed coping zone” for yourself during your day. In which you only do things that you feel safe about over a certain period of time. (1-3 hours).

I would love to hear from you and accompany you in creating your personal healing map.
What do you think of the article? Feel free to share.

Sending you protective love.

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