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“True”, “real” and “authentic” – is there a way to check that we are walking on the path we were meant to walk on?

“True”, “real” and “authentic” – is there a way to check that we are walking on the path we were meant to walk on?

Is there one way we are supposed to walk?
Is the saying All is foreseen, yet the choice is given relevant when we deal with the laws of spiritual development?
“True”, “real” and “authentic” are different concepts from each other. As soon as we use them to describe our spiritual path, we can get confused. As long as we confuse them, we create a breach between uniqueness and unity and find it difficult to realize our life’s mission in the world. To regulate these boundaries it is important to start from the starting point.

Step 1 – The choice to reach Earth.

Every soul that chooses to reach the world, brings with it life lessons. The choice to come to earth is the choice to experience yourself anew. Create for yourself a “return” point into the authentic essence, in the form of the laws of the material world. Self-experience from a different angle gives the soul an intoxicating sense of universality. This feeling was known to the soul only from the times when it was born itself and was part of the infinite source. The choice to reach a reincarnation is the soul’s choice to realize itself through its life lessons. The authentic essence was the “battery” of the soul, the source of its power in the spirit world. As soon as it splits a part of itself and reaches incarnation, this essence becomes a destination which is the result of preparing the soul to fulfill its role in the world. This preparation is done through the life lessons that the soul chooses. She believes that these life lessons will qualify her in the truest way to fulfill her role on earth.

Step 2 – Acquaintance with the spaces of choice.

Every soul has spaces of choice. There are 3 main types of such selection spaces:

  1. Spaces of choice in the lessons – within each lesson there is a limited space of choice of actions that can be done to pass it. Exceeding the pace of passing the lesson does not usually happen. But when it happens in fast or extremely slow cases, the structure of the soul changes accordingly, and the course of the investigation changes.
  2. The spaces of choice in collaborations – we can collaborate with people, actions, animals, plants, or objects with which we are especially connected and identify with.
  3. The scope of choice in different actions – we can choose any way we want to reach the goal, assuming that the external actions in it fit the internal values ​​we hold.
    Most souls choose to come into the world when they forget their authentic essence, to re-realize it in the material world. These spaces of choice are a sort of “temporary substitute” that humans use until they reach full union with their souls. Therefore, in most cases, people who talk about their authenticity will in a certain way describe their spaces of choice.

Step 3- sort the choice spaces.

In most cases, people tend to sort their choice spaces. Some of their life lessons make them try and adjust between their inner world and their outer world through beliefs such as: “thought creates reality”. As a result, the spaces of choice become conditional. A belief that serves a certain purpose, both developing and non-developing, makes a person choose it. Following this, the choice spaces sort out what feels “real” to them – that is, verified and suitable for the results. The “truth” is in most cases what corresponds to the results. As a result, the belief that “everyone has their own truth” was born.
The energy that is created in harmony with another energy cannot synchronize with it on its own.
The right to synchronization is one of the most important rights in the world of souls. As long as it is taken, the truth gets a point of view. That is, everyone who holds a certain “truth” and associates it with him does so through intermediate energy – “meaning”.
Truth is not an energy that can be conceptualized in words, therefore it cannot be included in this article and in the following articles. If you are interested in feeling it, it can be done through conscious work on the mind array versus the heart array. (Look for it in the search bar on the website).

Step 4- Judging vs. Management.

In most cases, we are looking for what is “right” for us to do to bridge the gap created in the previous step. In what way can we implement the belief that we understood is going to bring us to the right result? At this point, there are 2 possibilities that can happen:

  1. Judgment – we can judge the options we choose to act on, following the results we got from them. In this way the question “What is true?” Look judgmental.
  2. Management – we can be exposed to internal laws that we act according to. In this way the question “What is true?” You will see this in the form of a deep inner longing to find our inner laws.
    We are supposed to lead our lives according to our internal laws. The external norms exist to implement the internal sources of knowledge we hold.
    Note, it is important not to judge these two scenarios because we need both. The main recommendation is to treat them as additional spaces of choice that are available to us all the time on Earth.

Step 5 – The combination between true, real and authentic.

Each of us has a role in the world, the inner raw knowledge that our soul so longs to bring into the world. This knowledge is the inner compass, the coach and the teacher that our soul sent to the world to direct us directly, through this medium – to the realization of our role in the world. The moment we try to use this inner compass to serve other outcomes than our authentic path, for all the choices it entails, the difficulty in life lessons begins. We must recognize that we are in control of our lives. But we are not in sole control of our life lessons. Everything that happens to us is done with the support of 3 forces wider than us under their influence:

  1. Our soul.
  2. The energetic space from which we came into the world.
  3. The infinite source that created everything.

This recognition is a winning way to differentiate between true, real and authentic and use them in harmony.

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