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The value of justice – does it exist on Earth?

One of the main reasons people develop a crisis of trust is the feeling that there is no justice in the world. Injustice is part of the consciousness of lack. People do not need a specific interpretation to feel that the world is not running as they feel it should. Children aged 5-6 feel this in the initial stage of their lives. They discover that the collective consciousness on Earth is prepared for lack and not for creation from infinity as was imprinted in them as souls.

It is important to remember – a soul does not come into the world with a consciousness of lack, because the time intermediary of this life lesson for humanity has already passed many years ago. Therefore, the first time a soul encounters the existence of the concept is when it comes into the world as a person. As a result of this incompatibility, a crisis of trust is created, which in turn creates a system of feelings of lack: the mind.
The system of feelings of lack that connects to the collective consciousness.
In this article I will review the deepest feeling that creates a crisis of trust for people: injustice.
Does justice exist in the world? Can justice exist in a world of creation from infinity?

Justice is a harmonious fit between cause and effect determined according to predetermined principles.
The clearer, more agreed-upon, and more influential the system of values ​​and principles, the easier it is to use justice as a tool for judging reality.
According to this definition, justice should meet 3 characteristics in order to be expressed in a world of lack:

  1. Fit between cause and effect.
  2. Fit to a clear and agreed-upon system of principles and values.
  3. Connection to the most accepted and widespread logic in reality for that situation.
    Therefore, justice is the way to ground these 3 characteristics in the world. But the concept of justice can be much greater than that if the element of lack is removed from it.

Justice in lack is justice that is based on matching logic to action. The more practically a person serves energy, the more justly he will be considered to act. According to this view, the basis of lack is necessary to match people’s values ​​and principles with their actions. Therefore, there are 5 main situations in which justice is created from lack:

  1. Reprimand – people trying to prove that they act according to their values ​​and principles.
  2. Fear of fear – people trying to prove to themselves that they are not afraid and take actions motivated by the prevention of fear.
  3. Moral hierarchy – people trying to build moral superiority over others, just because they claim to meet criteria that others do not meet.
  4. Ignoring life lessons – the principle of preventing suffering for others and linking it to the energy of pleasure is not necessarily justice.
  5. Desire to fill gaps – people trying to fill gaps between the desired and the existing in their lives through external action instead of internal action.

Justice in the consciousness of creation from infinity

As of 2020, the soul of the Earth has exhausted the rate of lack and abundance. We are in the process of transitioning to the exploration of creation from infinity. One of the phenomena that occurs within the process of change is the transition of consciousness from creating gaps aimed at development needs, to creating internal driving forces and transforming the self into the essence of reality.
As a result, consciousness develops. The more this consciousness is shaped by more internal motives and free from influences and background noise, the less the logic of lack and abundance limits it.
The concept of justice also becomes unaffected by the outside in this new method. In other words, the center of gravity of justice moves from the outside inward.
In the energetic dimension of creation from infinity, there is no need to synchronize reality to yourself and call it: “justice.” The center of gravity of reality is within you and you have the abilities to use it as a tool to synchronize into any layer you wish.

2 main tools for activating justice within creation from infinity:

  1. Soldering – copy the reality you want from the infinite energy lines that emanate from you. If you have thought about a certain reality, there is a layer where it already exists. Just like copy-paste on a computer, copy it to the layer of your existence.
  2. Synchronization – Make your identity as flexible as possible. As long as the essence of reality is flexible, more possibilities open up, until all possibilities are open and the identity becomes the entire world.

In conclusion, justice balances our goals into personal responsibility.

We can put our energy into it, without being dependent on external reality.
This is one of the biggest changes that occurs in the transition from lack and abundance to creation from infinity.
It brings with it many difficulties, the main of which is also the greatest advantage: you have the global opportunity to deal with your personal crisis of trust that has arisen in this incarnation. You can choose to make yourself the essence of the world and thus make your identity the world.

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