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Love—from a relationship to the force that drives the universe

Love is the most basic force that drives the universe. At the level where we are on Earth, many may recognize it as couples, love between people, love for nature, for a place, for an ideology, and more.
The human mind generalizes many symptoms and calls them love, from gestures between partners to justifying a certain ideology as a tool for self-persuasion.
In the human space, the entire spectrum of symptoms of gestures of connection, connection, love, and a shared agenda may be interpreted as love. People tend to love people who are similar to them and fear people who are different from them. In contrast, the energy of love on Earth is an edge of a much greater force: universal love.

Universal love is the exploration of the entity that is the soul of the Earth. Everything that has happened in the world from the moment it was created until today is the result of this type of love. Universal love is the force that created the Earth, and therefore the exchanges of exploration on it are also created under it. The definition of this type of love is the creation of the entire range of types of balance between uniqueness and unity.

That is, universal love knows how to give each individual in society their personal place, alongside creating common characteristics. These characteristics are not uniform norms that all individuals in society must converge on, but rather spaces of choice in which each individual can express themselves. These spaces of choice include 4 characteristics: security, resources, values, and goals. With the help of these resources, each characteristic, from the most concentrated to the most abstract, can express itself in the world.

There are three parts to understanding universal love:

Part One: Self-Love

On Earth, people who do not love themselves weave the reasons for this into the crisis of trust they usually experienced at the beginning of their lives. On the other hand, self-love is a given state for souls, especially when they are united with their role in the world.
If you want to unite with your role on this level and love yourself as a soul, I recommend that you go through 3 stations:

  1. Everything is possible—everything you want exists around you. Your desire is actually your next movement to the place where everything exists.
  2. Everything is available; there is no obstacle to moving between beats, and there is no lawfulness in how you move between them. Lawfulness as a way to understand the general systems is created when you are free to move between beats. This type of freedom is based on the magnets that exist in the center of your chest and guide you between the angles of development.
  3. Everything exists; lack is the diversion of attention to one place. Everything you want exists around you.
    Your approach to it changes while there is a gap between the vibration and your desire.

Part Two: Love as Surrender

In the dual world in which we live, love moves on an axis of love and fear. As long as attention is scattered across a renewing axis of infinite possibilities, love is a constant state. As soon as attention focuses itself within certain parts – fear is created. Fear is love in separation. Therefore, it is found in places where people separate their universal existence from themselves. As a result, love can feel very temporary in a dual world. Its temporality makes it an emotion in the eyes of humanity. There is no doubt that all human emotions are temporary. But in the case of love, it is temporary when a person separates and limits himself from his universal essence. That is why people make love temporary.
This kind of love is a kind of surrender to separation. On the one hand, people understand that love is their natural state. On the other hand, their internal crisis of trust, the mind, which created fear, makes them question the fact that a natural state should also be a permanent state.

Part Three: Soul Love

Your souls love you in the same way as you do. Love is unity. Therefore, a soul that loves the endpoint it sent into the world strives to reduce the gap between the two as much as possible and thus unite them to full cooperation on a new level. Your soul understands the places where you do not love yourself.

That is, you make choices for survival reasons that distance you from yourself. In these situations, your soul’s role is to return you to a state where you are one with your authenticity. On Earth, you have become accustomed to making authenticity a standard because you forgot it before you were born. Sometimes unconscious conflicts arise between you and your soul because in everyday life your soul shows you situations through frustration or pain.
The soul, for its part, knows that this is the way to get your attention, but you interpret this as an unfairness of reality.

Your soul always loves you, and you also love it back. But there are things that serve you so much on Earth that you identify and recognize them as yourself.

Pay attention—the faster you move between situations and the less you adapt to situations, the more room you give your soul to take part in your life, intervene in them and allow them to be as prepared as possible for your role in the world.

It is impossible to summarize the subject of love, because it is continuous and endless in the life of every creature on Earth. But it can be merged into 3 practical tips that will help you hear it and keep it in creation from infinity in
your life:

  1. Independence: Everything in the world exists on its own, without dependence on another person or the influence of a certain force on its existence. Cut off the dependence and convert it into influence in the way you perceive what is happening. Everything that is supposed to happen will happen, whether what or who you think should be involved plays its part or not.
  2. Cause and effect: There is no need to understand the world through consequences, because a consequence is not an objective concept but a concept that your mind invented for problems that it cannot solve and understand.
  3. Connection: The more easily you connect to places where you do not have receptors to understand the situation within you, you find additional places within you to understand the world through them. Thus the place for soul love grows and you become one with the authentic self that you are.
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