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The journey of the soul – everything that happened before we forgot

Our story begins long before the earth was created in the creation system.
Once the infinite source of all things had the ability to recognize itself, in order to experience itself through various splits. The Infinite Source separated from itself its point of observation on itself.

One became two.

In this case, the separation made is not a complete disconnection. The infinity that separated from itself its ability to observe, remains connected to the split. The connection between infinity and fragmentation is what we now call “consciousness”.

Even before the particular identification with a specific form and figure, the definition as a separate soul or the possibility at all to make a development – “consciousness” represented the connection between the two splits that were created. Their transition from the illusion that they are two, to the knowledge that they are actually three.

There is a space that connects the infinite source with its point of view. Within him the infinite and his point of view are separate. As a result, and on the basis of 3 as a principle and not as a quantity, creation was created.

Over time, the endless movement began to split itself according to legality.
This legality is the rhythm, the vibration, the rhythm in which the splits are able to observe themselves and pulsate. The first sound that creation heard is the basis of all languages, for the communication of all the different divisions with each other. The rhythm of the transitions between these splits create the vibration of creation.

In the energy center of the vibration of creation there are different layers, splits, some of which are airy and some of which are more compressed. The various layers that are at the center of this vibration are the first being that took shape and form. The entity that investigates the transitions between the different layers, the layers and the levels of awareness: its name is Genesis. In its space, the transitions of energy between the different splits are studied by understanding things at different levels of compression.
The Genesis uses infinity, (8) as representative of the elements of the compression level.
We can translate this as a quantity in the following way:

  1. Resonance – the most compressed element, explores the movement between observing consciousness and active consciousness.
  2. Oscillation – the element that observes the element of resonance.
  3. Sky – the element that operates in the basis of resonance, works through innovation, pioneering, creativity and the creation of additional energetic splits (among other things souls).
  4. Light – the balancing element of the 8 infinite elements. The healing element that connects the two ends of each element: bridges the compressed to the fan and vice versa.
    These are the 4 elements of observation.
    Below are the 4 elements of the action.
  5. Earth – the most compressed element among the 4 elements of action. Researches a way of implementing, putting things into practice, and believes in the power of division to create more divisions.
  6. Water – the observational element of the element of the earth. Brings the gravity that the earth creates into deep resolutions to ventilate it with the unity between all the elements. Infinite ventilation creates resolutions.
  7. Air – the action element of the element of the earth. Breaks down the compressions into different parts and gives them an independent existence in space.
  8. Fire – the most ventilated element. Researches through a movement whose legality is understood through it.

The unity between each representative of these 8 elements is expressed with the help of uniqueness within the unity.

It is necessary to create an observant consciousness, which creates a sustaining system of attention to each of the elements. This is how the inclusive, “female” consciousness of Genesis was created.
In her world the splits develop and create consciousnesses observing through different subjects. Uniqueness and content focus.

The observing consciousness focuses itself through two elements, which are the basis of the content of the previous
8 elements. Element of presence – sky and element of action – water.
The relationship between the sky and the water imparts the two elements of the female divine dimension of Genesis:

  1. The element of the open heart – which represents the content inside the sky.
  2. The element of freedom – which represents the content inside the water.

Creation is the constant movement in these two worlds. Therefore, the third representation of the three elements with which this article opens is the representation of the work itself. The representation of the transition between the layers and the content. The creative world is the most abstract world, which holds the transitions between the three. It is also called “the central core” and the entity of belief in it is the essence of the creation itself “Orgus”.

In the world of creation, the elements explore through their own transitions between situations. It therefore holds changing abstract elements of love and creation.
Within the creative world is the “Mishkan”. The place where the newly created splits get their authentic essence and go out to explore in the world they chose from these 3 worlds. The essences themselves are the primordial essences of the souls before they set out to investigate.

Following this, soul is defined as the relationship between these three worlds.
The soul’s home world is the world where it can resonate to a gravity medium as wide as possible the essence it chose during the splitting process.
The world of movement of the soul is the world where the lessons of the soul are found, and the other soul that holds its lessons.
The world of the soul’s observation – the world that constitutes the conduit, through which, at the end of that soul’s observation of herself, she will return to the infinite source of things.

This division of roles between the worlds creates for each soul the following training program template:

  1. Maintaining the energy of the essence that the same soul received in the Mishkan within a system that defines itself in a different way from its way of observation. (note, different, not necessarily dual).
  2. The blurring of this energy with the help of the form and image (person, soul, or any other split that that energy chooses to be), if it observes, the blurring will be with the help of actions and if it acts, the blurring will be with the help of observation.
  3. Building life lessons based on the second essence of that soul for a complete self-experience of a defined identity with the help of changing systems of laws.

    Therefore, the journey of the soul will begin in stages:
    Choosing life lessons that will drive the process.
    Transcending these life lessons, and exposure to the internal raw sources of knowledge.
    Recollection – full cooperation with the soul, choosing how to implement the internal raw information. When the soul directly educates the person to express it, and the person chooses with the help of the various elements and conclusions from his life lessons how to express this information.

    This whole journey is done under the essence of universal love, it is the essence of the earth. As well as in the transition to being independent of layers – to create from the infinite without the need to measure lack and abundance.
    The journey of the soul has already begun, you can choose to receive it to you.

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