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The evolution of energy defenses – what is the next step in humanity’s security system?

Energy protection is a tool that is implied by virtue of being part of the currency of consciousness.
As long as our existence depends on the thing, we are divided without definite legality.
The split is created when we look at something other than ourselves. In fact, these splits can create two
different situations:

  1. Conflict- a situation where polarity is felt in the frequency direction of the observer and the object of observation.
  2. Blurring, obscurity or lack of clarity – a state of deep need to unite with the object of the split in order to return to the familiar unity from which the soul is accustomed to operate.
    These two situations manage a complex relationship whose main focus is the entirety of human consciousness. That is, the discourse on consciousness is based on situations in which we feel a certain conflict or blurring towards different issues in our lives.

    We tend to use defenses to prevent us from dealing with one of them, or even both. The need for protection becomes more apparent when the blur manifests itself through flooding. That is, a person feels overwhelmed when he experiences the blurring or the conflict within the framework of using the consciousness of an observer and trying to create a view of his life.

    It is important to note, I do not go against the consciousness of the observer, I see it as a supreme value that reflects the human way of remembering. Many people who undergo spiritual development stop at the observer consciousness stage. It is a false illusion in that as long as we do not identify with a particular case, we have passed the lesson of life and evolved from it. In order to get out of this illusion, it is important to look at lack of identification as a settlement towards development.

Energy protection today

People try to protect themselves today from difference. There are two main directions of defense in the current situation of the need to feel security-

  1. Introversion – people’s attempt to protect themselves from being overwhelmed.
  2. Extroversion – people’s attempt to protect themselves from invasions.
    As a result, in each of these ways it is possible to define the results of the energy protection as a new movement in the positions of the body systems.
    The current energy protection is based on the premise that if we look at things from a different perspective we can feel more confident in bringing to light all parts of our “inner self”. In light of this, two main problems arise:
  3. The energetic protection changes us and not the environment – every time we feel unprotected, we are supposed to change even if we don’t want to and it is not authentic for us.
  4. The energetic protection depends on the result – we will know that we are protected only when the threat is removed.

An evolutionary leap in energy protection

In 2020 the earth passed the rate of lack and abundance and moved to the investigation of creation from infinity.
As a result, there are two main laws that were useful in energy protection and were deleted from the system:

  1. Duality- no substance is more dependent on another substance to be created.
  2. Dependence on the result – we don’t need external reality to give us feedback to know if we have developed.
    These two laws are cornerstones of energy protection as we know it today. In practice, the future external reality is a full partner in our sense of security as we know it.

The energy defense of the future

This step in the article is the time to wonder: What is defense without offense? In this way, you can rise above the scale of your duality within the framework of defense and attack and keep yourself creating from the infinite and not dependent on anything. Remember – early adaptation to the new investigation ensures a more authentic development. The suffering and pain you feel should no longer be an engine for personal development.
Defense without offense is perfection. We must understand two things to establish the new form of protection:

  1. We have all the abilities to do anything we want by our very being.
  2. We have access to all the skills that can help us bring these abilities to life.
    These are actually the results we are waiting for in the defense as we know it in the current format.
    But in practice, we give reality a role that does not belong to it – to provide us with evidence for the existence of these self-evident laws of space within the framework of the investigation of creation from infinity.

Can defense exist without the concept of “attack”? – leaving the duality.

Defense does not belong to the concept of attack. In fact, a need for protection arises from the fact that a person feels a lack of access to abilities or tools that can help him realize these abilities. The need for duality joins and disrupts a person’s natural defense system. That is, as long as we don’t have access to these two abilities – we try to restore access to them with different means of protection. This recovery creates a connection between defense and attack. When in practice the attack can be the overflow, the difference, the fear, the expectation, the disappointment or any other acquired emotion.

Enter now the energy protection of the future

You don’t have to wait for all of life’s lessons to pass or for you to remember to embrace this future form of energy. You can focus on the three areas of defense:

  1. Healing – Do you have an objective system that automatically activates the healing mechanisms you need to feel your infinity always open?
  2. Love – the person Do you feel the need to differentiate or unite yourself from the environment?
    This is the healthy state. If you make your separation or union a way of life you start to become blurred, pay attention to that.
  3. Choice versus appropriation – many people try to appropriate their abilities. to feel exclusivity about the things they know how to do or the tools they know how to use. Within the energetic defenses of the new exploration of the world – a creation from the infinite; We don’t have to appropriate anything to choose it.
    Use the tool: I choose to use energy X and then I ask it to automatically return to the infinite fabric of the universe.

Are you ready to move into the energetic protections that creation from the infinite has to offer us as humanity?

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