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The complete guide to dealing with the brain system – what are the considerations from which we make development?

In the article before you, you will receive a comprehensive guide to dealing with the brain system.
One of the most prominent, comprehensive, and useful systems for us. It is accepted by every social norm in the world, we do not give up using it when we need to, even when we don’t need to.
The brain array is one of the arrays that, sometimes against their will, received leadership over the other arrays.

The mindset is not inherently authoritarian, but because it is considered so normative and accepted in society, it is trained from childhood to be a domineering set that makes people feel secure. We encounter the brain system in various areas of life: from trying to solve problems, through trying to create creative strategies to move to the next stage of our development, to trying to understand and consider our next steps in relation to external or internal relationships. Sometimes we can also meet our brain system in situations that it doesn’t really understand. You can recognize it in sentences like: “I think I want”, or “I think I feel”, although desire and emotion are not at all part of the responsibility of the brain system.

What is the brain array?

The brain system is one of the three innate systems, in addition to which there are also the heart and intuition. The brain system is the system that understands external reality better than any other innate system. His original role is to solve problems and create strategies that link man to reality.
Inside the brain array you will find the following components:

  1. The memory
  2. The knowledge
  3. The cognitive skills
  4. The strategic ability
  5. The needs and urges
  6. The ego-acquired system: the system whose function is to explain why the brain cannot solve a certain problem, by means that strengthen the belief of lack and encourage self-measurement such as: criticism, judgment and fear. The goal is that no problem that enters the brain array will remain without full attention.

The brain system is very convenient for human understanding, it works with the help of conditionals, “if…then”.
Therefore, it is very easy to expect him, admire him, and understand how he is going to treat things. The brain system is encouraged among young children throughout life.
Imagine some sentences like: “Knowledge is power”, or “I think means I exist” magnify the mind. The difficulty in emotional regulation is more common. But when you don’t want to put people in uncertainty, the term “cognitive dysregulation” is not used much, even though it exists much more.

What is the difficulty in cognitive regulation?

The meaning of the term is a situation where everything that enters the brain system is not filtered.
As mentioned, the role of the brain system is to solve problems and provide a strategy that is related to reality. Therefore, everything that enters the mind becomes a problem. Imagine that you are happy about a certain event, and then you put the joy into the brain array, and then it starts trying to resolve the joy. But with joy there is no problem, therefore the brain will begin to create the reasons why there could be a problem in the future with the joy you feel and urge you to solve it ahead of time.

The brain system – ways of activity

The brain works on 3 levels:

  1. On the practical level – the brain tries to solve as many problems as possible. The principle that guides the type of problem-solving of this system is:
    Minimum resources, maximum results – or in one word; comfort.
  2. On the theoretical level – the brain creates strategies that link the information we have to reality.
    These strategies can relate to the information we have learned from the soul, from ourselves, or from anywhere else. As far as the brain is concerned, information that a person has nothing to do with is information that does not exist.
  3. On the level of the bridge – the role of the brain is to bridge between the inner reality and the outer reality. Therefore, it contains the verbal ability, the energetic understanding, and the ability to draw conclusions and examine the points of view. A more developed brain is a brain that is able to explain things in more different ways.

When does the brain system go out of balance?

The brain system is the only system, unlike all other systems, acquired and innate, that suffers from an excess of work and not from a lack of work. The brain system goes out of balance only when, due to a certain internal distress, it is forced to fill the place of a system that the person is afraid to use.
If he is forced to fill the place of the heart system, the brain will be out of balance and will start creating problems to solve, because it is not a system that knows how to feel.
If he is forced to fill the place of the intuition array – the brain tries to converse in the language of aspirations. He doesn’t know how to please, but he knows how to increase the amount of effort he needs to sustain to solve certain problems.
In both situations, the brain system abandons its role to do the role of another system and goes out of balance.

How to respond to needs, so that the brain system remains in its authentic essence

Here are 3 tips to help you keep your brain set up, and working like a brain:

  1. Do not be afraid of adversity – the future adversity, the planning, and the forecasting do indeed inspire fear, but the fear they inspire is only a trigger for fear that you have the possibility to control.
    A. There is the fear of adversity itself.
    B. There is the fear of being in trouble.
    Don’t be afraid to be in trouble and that way you will eliminate the possibility of escaping from dealing with all the arrays from the root. Remember that even if you are in trouble, your soul equips and equips you with enough strength to deal with any lesson that comes.
  2. The brain has a connection with internal reality, but the information it uses is based on memory. His job is to manage the relationship with the others. It has no connection to the world of souls and the information it uses to discuss memory-based issues only.
  3. Return to the heart – the heart should direct you to authenticity, the brain should not choose but work with existing data that has already been chosen. remember; If the mind chooses it will turn what it has chosen and the choice itself into a problem.

I invite you to put your mind in order and give him the stage he deserves and he can handle it. A return to a balanced brain system is a return to maximum functioning of all other systems.

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