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Symbiosis – Chapter 2: Take the symbiosis out of the parenting system and release it into the trust system.

If you haven’t read the previous article about symbiosis between parents and children, now is the time. This article will expand your perspective on symbiosis and its relationship to the collective crisis of trust that Earth is experiencing in preparation for the change of inquiry.
Before you continue reading – click here to read the first article about symbiosis.

Imagine that a certain part of your ads has a task. He is supposed to divide things into what you know and what you don’t know. From a human perspective, this sounds like an easy task. In the aspect of the soul this is an impossible task. Those who want to decide about what they know and what they don’t know, should look at life from the point of view of lack. This lack is not expressed in any way, it is only a mental invention of yours. This invention governs your decision-making and self-image.
The assumption that there is a lack is so obvious to people, they prove it through belief in limited resources, levels of awareness and the assumption that it is not possible to have access to all the knowledge you want if you are in a limited physical body.
Regardless of the age when it happened to you – this is the first trust crisis you have ever experienced in your life. You realized that there is a certain layer of energy that will never be within your reach and you have to come to terms with this fact throughout your life.

For this you did 3 things:

  1. You removed this layer from your logic system.
  2. You reduced your value in front of this layer.
  3. You have attached the desire, the ambition, the line of character or any unrealized energy that is with you to a person, idea, value, object, animal, plant or any other form of existence external to you.
    These 3 sections build on each other, with the third section being the final seal for the development of mistrust or by its more familiar name: symbiosis.

    Symbiosis is a state of union between two entities that are not united in their authentic being.
    They can be different people, a person and an idea, a person and an object or a value or a person and a lack or a certain life lesson and more. There are endless connections that can be made between two factors that should not be united. The lack of authenticity in this situation is expressed through a lack. From a place of incompleteness, both parties unite with each other and create a shared life experience based on a dichotomous division of roles. The job definitions are clear, unchanging and absolute – truly an eternal covenant.

Characteristics of symbiosis (relevant to all types):

  1. A constant feeling of lack – each of the parties feels full in one area and empty in another. It is the communication between the two parties that creates the unconscious approval for each other to create a joint relationship.
  2. Dependence under the guise of independence – the responsibilities of each of the parties in the symbiosis make them feel independent, when in practice they are unable to implement anything without the approval of the other party.
  3. Mutual protection – separation between judgment based on behavior and judgment based on attributes. Both sides judge each other only based on qualities and this is the basis of their alliance.

Symbiosis has two main roles:

Important note: symbiosis does not have to be between two people. Therefore the operator or the operated can also be an idea, a value, an animal, a plant, a principle or a world view and more… It is possible to create a symbiosis with any external existence.

  1. The operator – the operator is the initiator of the symbiosis. He is the one who felt the lack and chose the operator, the one who will make all his dreams come true. The operator often preserves the dependence on symbiosis with him because he conveys to the operator the feeling that comfort should be a fiddler at his feet. The mission of life and sometimes also the area of responsibility of the operator is to protect the operated in the following aspects, which are relevant to the operator and to all the factors outside the symbiosis:
    A. No one will take the operator out of his comfort zone.
    B. No one will oppose the operator.
    third. No one will prevent the operator from doing something that the operator wants to do.
    d. No one will criticize the operator except the operator.
    God. No one will expect the operator to adapt to the company, but the operator will change the expectation and expect the company to adapt to the operator.
    The operator will feel a threat within the system in two situations:
    A. When the operator becomes active in a certain area. In no way why would the operator’s defense mechanism be to close the operator within a specific system that preserves this protection. That is, any activity or initiative on the part of the operator, will encounter an over activity and initiative on the part of the operator that keeps the operator active in a closed, small and limited system.
    B. When the operator is about to make a serious mistake for which he is about to pay dearly, or he is in danger. According to the laws of symbiosis, the operator does not have permission to prevent the operator from doing things he wants to do. The operator’s defense mechanism at this stage will be to try to prevent the operator from doing anything that could exaggerate the price he is about to pay for the danger he is facing. The operator prepares more B plans than necessary in such cases.
  2. The operated – the operated did not initiate the symbiosis, but he entered the symbiosis for the same reason as the operator: there is an issue in his life that he feels he is unable to overcome on his own, he does not have the strength to even come to terms with that issue and therefore his side of the symbiosis is not as active as The desire, but it is based on comfort. Part of the story of the oppressed about himself (remember, it doesn’t matter if he is a human being) that the same distressing issue is resolved through the relationship with the oppressor. As a result, the operator puts himself in a situation of over-empowerment, or over-powerfulness (a scale on which he is constantly moving) every time the operator takes a certain position towards the symbiosis. This axis of reactions used by the operator is the one that preserves the symbiosis as a closed system. The operated uses the operator’s unfulfilled desire to subconsciously convince itself and the operator that it needs the protection the symbiosis provides. As a result, he stops the development for himself and puts the operator’s development into excess energy.

Cooperation between the operator and the operated hides the reality that both parties do not want to observe and creates different layers to the initial crisis of trust.
Do you believe that the Siamese twin feeling that doesn’t seem like a problem to you today hides heaven on earth behind it?

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  1. מאמר מדהים שפיצח לי את תעלומת הסימביוזה שיש לי בחיי. כל הכבוד!

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      nice to hear that RONA! Symbiosis is a mystery in the forest of distrust

  2. Hey people Good mood and good luck to everyone

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      Thank you! Welcome to the spiritual community 🙂


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