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Spiritual Q&A

I’m glad you came to my site! If you didn’t understand until now where to start, this page is just for you. You can find here the answers to all the questions about spiritual development. My vision is that certainty is a supreme value. If there is a question that does not appear on the page in front of you and you would like to include it, contact me.

What does spiritual development mean?

Spiritual development happens to all of us wherever we are. From the moment we are born, whether we are aware of it or not, we are under spiritual development. This development contains 3 stages that will happen anyway. The power is to be aware of them as they happen:

  1. Life lessons – before we came to this world our soul chose life lessons for us. These are deliberate gaps between what is desired and what is found in our lives that encourage us to bring forth certain character traits from within us that aim to expose us to inner knowledge that exists within us.
  2. Raw sources of knowledge – each life lesson that passes reveals a certain raw knowledge. Inner knowledge that the soul instilled in you before you came into the world. This knowledge will serve you to connect to your authentic essence and later also realize your role in the world.
  3. Recollection – Recollection is a state of completion of your life lessons and full union with the soul. In this situation, you as a person go through two stages:
    A. Initiation – your soul opens a direct energy channel for you and teaches you all its inner knowledge.
    B. Application – you choose how to put this knowledge into practice. Putting your raw knowledge into practice is actually fulfilling your role.

Can every person develop?

People are constantly developing in different directions. Creation is universal and therefore even if we are not at all aware of our development we will develop. Awareness gives us the possibility to accelerate, make the development more qualitative and steer it for our goals. Every person evolves, but people who choose to be aware of their own evolution have the right to do so out of curiosity, ease and pleasure just like a soul.

What do I need to know to do my development?

The most recommended starting point for you to make your own development is to know what your life lessons are. Once you understand your lessons you will know exactly what the points are where your raw inner knowing is located. This knowledge is a puzzle piece of your greatest role in the world – the role for which your soul sent you into the world. Note, your role is not a specific project that needs to be carried out or a specific profession that you are sent to engage in because this concept contradicts free choice. Your role is how you choose after completing your life lessons to act out the raw inner knowledge within you.
There are two articles already on the site that I recommend you visit to start your personal development:
Getting to know your internal arrays: Click here to reach the article.
Introduction to Anarchy Lesson: The Lesson That Creates the Biggest Obscuration for a Clear Understanding of Our Spiritual Development: Click here to reach the article

What is the first step you recommend? How to begin?

The key question you can ask yourself to get started is the question that will help you get through virtually all of your life lessons.
How does reality treat you as you treat yourself?
As soon as you ask this question you will be able to find your profit from the situation and you can move on to the next step. Check what need this profit serves and give it a more authentic response to your development. Once you found such an answer, you passed your life lesson.

What is magnetic medicine?

Around each of us there are 8 energetic bodies. The first is the physical body followed by 7 more energetic rings that serve as our soul as a kind of gateway to communicate with us. Each of these bodies has its own energy and internal magnets that balance and open our personal portal to the personal library of knowledge that we are. The purpose of our energy bodies is to expand our original energy frequency. The natural imprint sent into the world to spread love in its own way. As soon as there is energy that contradicts the natural frequency, it blocks or destabilizes the tube and then magnetic medicine is created. The ability to balance, amplify, expand and resonate one’s natural frequency.
All this happens through learning how to activate the openings in the bodies for the purpose of uniqueness within the unity between them.

Magnetic medicine is a very general term for many treatments that can create difficulty with black entities, tears in the aura, emotional or physical problems. Each of these types of problems are the tip of an iceberg of an energetic entity that resides within the energetic bodies.
Want to try magnetic medicine?
Click here for the free mini-course.

What is the light language?

Souls communicate with each other through the language of light. The language of light is an energetic frequency that holds within it the energy of your development. This can be the original energy capsule of the soul up to a point energy capsule for the transition of a certain life lesson. On the website, a collection of signatures is open to you that can help you go through your life lessons easily by working with them.
To go to the collection click here.

What does an energy scan mean?

Energetic scanning is a vision unbounded by matter that arises from the drive of full synchronization back into love. I use the energy scan as a service to increase your sense of certainty towards yourself. You send me your full name and all your questions and I reflect to you the way in which you can go through your life lessons and the messages from your soul. You receive the scan as written text that you can use forever. You can read more about your energy
scan here.

What is my mission? The spiritual development will lead me to understand what profession I should pursue?

Your vocation in the world is the transition from assessments to development. Once you have completed your life lessons and are exposed to your raw knowledge, you can choose how to resonate that knowledge. Your choice to put your soul knowledge into action is actually your role in the world. Only your soul can teach you this knowledge. You can only get help with its translation.

Will I be able to know the right choice if I develop spiritually?

Your soul so loves your way in the world. She will never interfere with your free choice. As soon as you ask “what is the right thing to do?” You are actually asking your soul to replace your role. Wherever you choose to be and whatever you choose to do, your soul will put your life lessons into it. Your development will always be conducted out of mutual trust on the part of your soul!

What is my future?

There is never one future. We live in a world of free choice and potential. The life lessons you have gone through create your set of potentials and you are the ones who are decisive about the free choice of them.

Is spiritual development my way to achieve the results I want?

Spiritual development is a challenge to help you find the most relevant choices for you. You may get the results you want, you may realize that these are not the results you want. In both cases, as much as you strive for the results you want, you will achieve nothing. The results are the means and the way is the goal.

What is the difference between an energy seal and an energy scan?

The energetic seal will help you assimilate the energy of the class in a way that bypasses consciousness. He will remove from you the old energy and reveal to you the new energy. On the other hand, the energetic scan will explain and give you all the certainty regarding your soul’s journey and your part in it as human beings. You will be the ones who will have to assimilate the tools to apply the energy. Both tools have a job, none is a magic cure and everyone takes responsibility for the development.

How can I take responsibility for my own development?

Responsibility is a whole Torah in the world of souls. The formula for accepting personal responsibility for your development is: believe what you want and want what you believe. The rest will come by itself. Pay attention – all the verbs in this sentence are directed at you. The environment is only triggers that should illuminate your inner powers within you.