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Resistance – why don’t people want to develop?

Some people don’t want to develop. Their inner parts and all that they are are in sync with the evolution and change that is about to come. For their part, they do not want to develop. These are not people of a certain type, or people who have gone through a certain history during their lives. Each of us can belong to people who do not want to develop. These people are us while we look at the same cases in different ways.
Imagine a kind of internal parliament that arises whenever there is an opportunity to develop.

The roles in Parliament are generally expected:
The head of the parliament, the brain, usually takes on the role of manager: he has to arrange reality according to what is happening inside him. Only in such a situation does he relax and the session takes place as a series.
The Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Intuition, challenges the Speaker of the Parliament and offers enough viewpoints to preserve the sense of innovation in the plenary.

The members of parliament, the mind and the ego, sit together and try to contradict the arguments of the parliament management. They see it as diversity and representation of all voices. They don’t really want to resist, it’s what inspires them to be who they are.

The last MP is great for most of the plenary. He wants to come but in most cases he does not have permission to enter. It acts as a system in itself, a clear and pleasant value system. Quiet system. The last MP is your heart.

There are three factors that influence the decisions of the parliament:

  1. Clarity – Clarity is the ability to see at the same time the same appearance wrapped in a different setting at different levels of observation. Clarity is a complete correlation between the inner reality and the outer reality. That is, a situation where the internal reality creates information, the senses perceive it and show it as external reality. Most people find it difficult to manage their inner voices in a state of clarity because of the inner reality. There is no physical possibility to perceive inner reality through senses, because in this way it is expressed as outer reality.

    In practice, inner reality is perceived through all the unconscious parts. It cannot be grasped with the help of sensory alertness. As a result, most people doubt their ability to clearly see the inner reality.

    This casting of doubt throws the internal “parliament” meeting out of balance. The voice of the mind decides the yeshiva that there is a problem in the connection between the inner reality and the outer reality. Instead of working on understanding the inner reality, work on the transition between them.
  2. Texture – all the layers in creation exist according to the energy of compression or ventilation.
    These two possibilities are determined by the meeting point of the energy that is observed and the energy that actually happens. That is, there are 4 options for creating a texture:
  • If compression meets compression – the texture will be the same as that of the observing person – inattention, indifference, sometimes even apathy.
  • If compression meets ventilation – the texture will be more ventilated than the person observing – panic, shock, confusion.
  • If ventilation meets compression – the texture will be more compressed than the person observing – grounding, understanding or blowouts.
  • If ventilation meets ventilation – transcendence for the purpose of maximizing the development potential: enlightenment.
    Understanding the fabric of your development can help you predict where each decision you make will lead you. In what way will your development be manifested and what will be its results on your influence and role.
  1. Temperature – imagine an unmeasurable temperature. The only concepts left available are cold and heat. Suppose we create another adjustment to the world of souls and shed above this temperature the effects of time and space.
    Cold – turns into authenticity and heat – turns into expansion into norms and adaptation to the world.
    What is your personal temperature? How do you balance the inner reality and the outer reality in relation to the world?

As long as you know how to direct these factors and their effects on your life, what happens around you is a tool for reflecting the way you choose to direct your energy. It is very easy to connect brightness, texture and especially temperature to the energy of time and space. But by the very use of these concepts, you create your own time and space. The creation of time and space is the return of your ability to create and a new step to remembering.

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