The seal of the roots of the soul silver plated necklace

45.00 $

The pendant will be placed on your heart, and will open your middle energy center so that you can begin to receive information from the roots of the earth about yourself. This is how you can contribute to it and benefit from it. This way you can take his energy with you everywhere and open your soul portal to health, balance and healing.
Get your energetic roots seal now.
Miracles of healing happen with him every day.


Every soul has roots. These roots are like the beating heart inside her. They are the source of energy with which the soul can create a reality for itself, develop, and realize its knowledge. I invite you to connect to the roots of the earth through a seal pendant. The pendant will be placed on your heart, and will open your middle energy center so that you can begin to receive information from the roots of the earth about yourself. This is how you can contribute to it and benefit from it. This way you can take his energy with you everywhere and open your soul portal to health, balance and healing.
Get your energetic roots seal now.
Miracles of healing happen with him every day.


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