A Healing Look At Healing

12.00 $

The purpose of the book is to make sure that the symptoms treated by conventional medicine do not recur and that the problem is solved from its root. I do not communicate with a specific entity, but all my life I have felt like an entity inside a body from which the information comes. There are over 10 thousand entities that helped me in writing the book.


My book is a guide to self-healing that came to me through channeling. The purpose of the book is to guide every person how to use tools from the worlds of energy that exist around us to improve and perfect their physical functioning. I’ve been using these tools since the day I was born out of inner knowledge (I didn’t grow up as a girl in an environment dealing with energy and pseudo-science issues). My goal is to make accessible to every person in simple language the possibility to heal himself on an emotional, cognitive, and physical level. The tools that appear in the book do not come at the expense of conventional medical treatment. That’s why I never suggest to readers to stop their treatment.


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