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Let’s get ready for change – facing the greatest human fear!

Changes in life can be a key to development or regression. It all depends on how we are going to use them and get the opportunities they offer. Change is a transition from one state to another.
It scares us because it recreates our birth experience for the world. Imagine your curious soul standing at the entrance of the channel that should lead it to Earth. The entity responsible for her place of birth leads her to the world along with the other angels who are going to watch over her throughout the journey.

The soul feels absolute security at the time of birth. She was given all the tools and acquired all the knowledge for Earth. Just like the world of souls, so also in the earth all the information that exists in it will really be at her disposal. On the other hand, forgetting is two-sided. Just like you forgot what happened to you before you were born – so too your soul forgets all sense of your human consciousness after the end of the life incarnation.
It doesn’t matter how many incarnations you’ve had, your soul shouldn’t get used to not having all the information inside of you available to you.

As a result, the first gap was created into which a person who is in a state of oblivion is born: fear of change.

Coping with changes

Changes are a disharmonious encounter between human consciousness and soul consciousness.
Just before the ego system diverts your attention from the words presented in this article and tells you that disharmony is a negative thing – stop.
If we go through the life lesson lack, especially in the context of changes, we cannot judge the lack as negative for one simple reason: we need it!

Once the change happens, a person is supposed to change their growth mode. In order to remain advanced in the layer of consciousness visible to us, many people divide a state of change into what is familiar versus what is new and try to solve a specific problem with a specific solution.
In practice, the change itself is what invites us to bridge the gap between personality and soul.
Through the change we undergo a universal conversion. All of us change, especially in the internal areas that are not related to the issue. As long as we try to limit the internal areas where the change makes it difficult for us to recognize ourselves, the more the change affects us.

Transition to a new life

As far as the soul is concerned, the change is a dimension, just like the earth.
A place that when we grow up and then are there, we adopt a different culture. As long as we try to devote one specific place to growth into this space, we will not be able to realize the change.
Human consciousness is made up of layers. As long as people use their senses to understand what is happening outside and inside them, they cannot understand the whole picture. However, it is not an impossible task!
It is important to contain the change as a transition to new conditions.

That is, to understand that we are the source of the changes in our lives and the responsibility for them is always in our hands. One of the mechanisms to prevent the transition to a new life following the change is the attempt to reduce our ability to influence.

That is, to make the external reality stronger than us.
As long as we maintain the gap and react to reality instead of initiating it, we are not really creating change.
Remind yourself at this stage of the reading process – development is not expanding the ability to react, it is recognizing the ability to initiate.

Dealing with unexpected changes

One of the most common difficulties in the situation of change and expansion of your absorption spectrum, whether the change is experienced as pleasant or painful, the surprise effect is the one that will decide your ability to deal with it. As mentioned, consciousness is made up of layers and as long as the layer relevant to dealing with the change is not accessible, then it is impossible to react immediately and a situation of helplessness is created. Both pleasant and painful helplessness is a state where change is happening but the person has not yet taken any active steps to evolve through it.
Pay attention – as long as you believe that you do not have access to all your inner tools, your change will always come through an element of surprise. This element can create at least one of the following situations in your life:

  1. Instinctivity – an unwanted and unplanned reaction that arose from your instincts: the original passions born in your past.
  2. Creativity – situations of surprise extract from you abilities that you previously did not know existed in you.

Change management

You can imagine a change as a kind of moving house. You are supposed to pack your belongings in a certain order and adapt them to the new apartment structure. The objects remain the same, but you place them in a different way because the structure of your apartment is different. On the other hand, if you maintain your need to control, you will treat the change as a further lack of use of the existing objects in order to satisfy your urge to buy and buy new objects.
Change management is your way of moving in a way that keeps you as you are within the new boundaries.
Your authentic essence will remain the same and you will act from the same motives. But you will express them in a different way than before.
Pay attention to three compasses that will mark your mental position in the management of change:

  1. Love- are there places (even if justified) that anger or pain lead you to?
  2. Clarity- Are there situations where you don’t find an internal reason to do something, so you look for an external reason to motivate you?
  3. Are you able to contain the surprise effect?
    Note which of these compasses should have a positive or negative answer.

Coping with change as a tool for spiritual development

Spiritual development is a long and continuous sequence of changes. Some of them are done with the help of our personal consciousness and some of them we are not aware of at all. As long as we treat change as a place and prepare for it, instead of as an action, we don’t let the fear of change block our spiritual development. Change can be a great test for a trust lesson. How much do you trust yourself to not express yourself all the time? Is it important to you to prove that you are who you say you are?

I invite you to map the change in your life anew. You are the best guide for your personal changes.

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