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Frequency waves – are we fishing in the sea of ​​influence of universal energy?

Frequency waves – are we fishing in the sea of ​​influence of universal energy?

Sensitivity to energy increases greatly when we go through a path of spiritual development.
We notice things we didn’t notice before. Our spectrum of absorption is expanding and we are conquering peaks of new peaks of information. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are in dialogue with the cosmic energy all our lives.
This dialogue is based on the universal ability of creation to influence and be influenced by us.
Therefore, universal consciousness can be defined as a balance between the ability to influence and the ability to
be influenced.
In this article, I will review our relationship with the universal energy of the universe, along with a proposal of several practical techniques for connecting cosmic energy and its effect on life on Earth.

What is cosmic energy?

Cosmic energy is a general name for the universal consciousness that consists of all the details of information, conclusions, abilities, and knowledge that exist among all beings that are developing all over creation.
The cosmic energy is the space where that energy moves in the transitions between the occurrences.
In other words, the world of souls is timeless. That’s why all the situations happen at the same time.
The soul can move between these situations and move between spaces. As a result, energetic connections are created between the capsules of the situations where everything happens. These connections are the cosmic energy.
Their purpose is to unify all energy formations around one entity, which examines all situations from an external point of view. From the very sight a new situation is created and so on… until the situation where the purpose of creation is realized and the mechanism of creating situations does not become a situation in itself.
In practical terms, cosmic energy is the ability of a being, soul, situation, or planet to connect with all the other elements in the system while temporarily adopting a common language with universal laws.

The components of cosmic energy

You can identify the cosmic energy, and distinguish it from the rest of the energies in the universe based on the following five elements from the very encounter with it:

  1. You find yourself knowing things without understanding their source.
  2. You find yourself changing habits in unexpected places.
  3. You enter places and feel exactly the energy in the place, without understanding exactly what its source is.
  4. You have trouble getting up in the morning and feel like you didn’t exactly sleep at night.
  5. You find yourself realizing things without being present and paying attention.

Cosmo’s power and energy

If you felt these meeting points, congratulations! A certain part of the soul within you has chosen to connect with the universal energy of the universe. In other words, your soul determines through this connection that very soon it will not need to differentiate itself from other beings to evolve. For the soul itself, development is preparation for the fulfillment of its role. That is, to find a way, location, time, and space to resonate its frequency throughout a predefined time and space according to the layer from which it resonates.
As long as your soul can hold the cosmic energy frequency, it is preparing itself to move from development to impact. That is, to reach the peak point where she will not have to learn, change or move anymore.
All that her natural frequency will guide her to do is to resonate her frequency in the way of her choosing and influence the unification of more beings into cosmic energy.

Energetic influences from the universe

As long as your soul chooses to evolve, it is energetically affected by the universe. The free choice of that soul changes the way it is affected but never gives up the influence. On this occasion, it is important to distinguish between free choice and exclusive choice.

  1. Exclusive choice – a choice that is made from a motive of fear of lack of control. Its purpose is to give the “last word” regarding an event that is supposed to happen.
  2. Free choice – the ability to move freely between different decisions that are based on the fulfillment of one’s authentic desires. comes from a motive of love.

Relationship with frequencies

Frequency is energy that sustains the matter we see at a certain rate. Each person has a different relationship with frequencies, based on the general cosmic energy. All this when the starting point is that the movement between the layers is a change, and therefore it is the only thing that is constant. In certain situations, a person becomes fixed in a certain layer of compression. For example, when a soul chooses to incarnate to earth.
Another example is a person who chooses to be very practical and close to his heart. He chooses to leave even the most ventilated feelings in the frequency of compressions. The choice not to listen to the natural oscillation of the transition between frequencies is the one that creates the lessons of life and development. This situation is called “frequency collision”.
As long as the number of colliding frequencies return to their track, everything is reorganized and a quantum leap is made towards the unity of the soul with the general creation.

Practical techniques for connecting the energy of the universe and the journey of the soul on earth

It is not necessary to use the concept of self-worth to understand the journey of the soul. The solutions are simple as you move towards greater unity with the soul. Simplicity requires us to give up the concept of duality within the system. To allow ourselves not to depend on previous material to perceive what is happening to us and within us.
If you are interested in connecting to the infinite part from which your soul was created and connecting to unity, I invite you to follow the following techniques:

  1. Create a unity routine for yourself – whenever you sort between “yes” and “no”, identify with certain qualities or decide what you feel more and what less – you differentiate yourself from the rest of the beings, creation and people.
  2. Help with the nickname “the other me” – everything that you do not put inside you will be reflected in the external reality as a part of you that the personality chose not to adopt.
  3. Choose yourself – remember that if you believe in a certain value, or are confident in yourself, you don’t need to take any action to prove that you believe in something. But if you commit to something, you must back it up with actions.

Do you feel ready to connect with the cosmic energy?

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