One of the most famous laws on Earth is the law of cause and effect. People assume that the actions they take have consequences. They create 4 types of intentions that guide their actions in the world:
- Choose the action to achieve the result.
- Choose the result and then choose an action based on it.
- Choose the action out of fear, because they do not understand what the result will be.
- Afraid to achieve the result, they avoid taking the action.
These 4 patterns of behavior create a gap between the laws of humanity and the laws of spirituality.
In this way, two common definitions of karma enter.
The first, karma from the element of judgment – those who do good receive good and those who do bad receive bad. This definition holds that there is a certain spiritual morality that all souls must adapt themselves to. If there is no conformity, the role of creation is to educate into conformity. As a result, people believe that karma exists out of judgment and that the role of their soul is to judge their behavior at any given moment according to universal moral principles. As is known, the 4 primary beliefs regarding the relationship between cause and effect assume that creation also operates in the same way. In fact, creation does not belong to the collective consciousness that exists in the world. As a result, it cannot judge any person in any way.
On the other hand, sometimes the actions of creation may seem to people like judgment. For example, if a person feels suffering as a result of a continuous life lesson, he may interpret this as “punishment”. In addition, if a person feels blows as a result of an ability that he fails to implement, he may interpret this as blows in karma. In both cases, this is not a spiritual judgment. This is simply a life lesson that the soul of that person wants him to extract an appropriate ability to deal with.
The second is karma, an element of obligation to complete all life lessons in the same incarnation.
Note that people are born forgetful, so those who do not complete their life lessons in that life lesson can move on with it to the next life. This definition also holds that even people who were partners in learning the lesson will meet it in the next life. On the other hand, everything that happens in the space of the world of souls is above the space of time. Therefore, it is impossible to define a lesson as “finished” if it does not exist in the practical space.
Defining a lesson as finished stems from the human need to be missional. In practice, after each life lesson, a ceremony of purification is held. During the ceremony, all the energy from a previous life is released and transferred back into infinity as love. After that, a “meeting” of all the beings who were involved in that person’s life lesson is created.
During the meeting, the lessons of the past life are discussed together and the list of recommended life lessons for the next life is selected. Note that there is no judgment here either! The judgment system from the previous definition of karma and the judgment system resulting from this definition are also derived from 4 basic assumptions that link cause and effect. After that, the soul goes through renewed preparations in each incarnation. Its knowledge base from the previous incarnation is added to its book of conclusions and it continues to reincarnate.
The term “karma” may create great fear among people who are interested in undergoing spiritual development. Development cycles that they have no choice but to end, creating karmic explanations for unexplained phenomena and turning karma into a value worth proving.
In fact, if you choose to pass your life lessons in a incarnation and fulfill your role in the world, or if you choose not to pass a single life lesson (the assumption is also relevant to all people on this spectrum), your soul will reach a zero point.
As a result, you can conclude that passing your life lessons is actually the impact on the quality of your life in a incarnation. The practice behind passing a life lesson is actually the same practice as reincarnating. Within the incarnation you move into the next version of yourself—until the moment you choose to be all of the versions together.
The release of the concept of karma invites you to release every human concept you use to understand spirituality.
The crisis of trust that created your belief of lack is filled with pain. It is very easy to project that same type of pain as an instinct on your understanding of a world that seems new to you. You do remember this new world, but the Earth connects 4 cause-and-effect beliefs towards an equation that maintains the trust ratio:
Stranger = suspicious with the potential for harm.
Every pattern you release, especially one in which so much judgment is rooted, should be replaced. You can go through three processes to trust the process of moving through your life lessons without judgment:
- Pay attention—life lessons are an adventure. It is unpleasant when you don’t pay attention to it, but as long as you discover the abilities you used to deal with situations that are new to you, you don’t make your life lessons push you into a corner and stand out in your life to get through them.
- Get to know your different layers—allow yourself to remember all the versions of yourself that exist throughout the world. This remembering will unite your information from previous incarnations with your conclusions from the current incarnation. You can treat each conclusion as a receptor on which a powerful and significant spiritual ability for your role in the world can be placed.
- Choose to listen. One of the most common questions when releasing judgment is: How do you do it?
Because judgment releases values that guide people on how to act. You can understand how to do it if you are brave in the face of the element of control in your crisis of trust. There is no narrative, generalization, semantic field, or any guiding factor that connects unrelated cases. Start with a simple exercise: can you examine each case in your life, without making any assumptions about previous cases, beliefs, or incarnations in your evolutionary journey?
You can be willing to create your life story from infinity at every level if you choose to do so in each case.