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A hidden life lesson – self-enthusiasm

Every space has a hidden life lesson. A life lesson that is not part of the soul’s list of personal life lessons, but is part of the space of possibilities that the dimension that one comes to make a development in has to offer.
The earth is one of 144 possible dimensions for development, and one of 4 Earth worlds.

The significance of this information is great because it presents the framework of development that the world has to offer. Earth is the 3rd Earth world out of 4 earth worlds in terms of the level of compression.
That is, you develop in it through application, determinations, patterns, and their breaking and execution of things.
All this in an atmosphere that revolves around the essence of “universal love” – it is the investigation of the being of the earth.

To understand the hidden lesson of life on earth, it is important to understand the concept of “universal love” as an investigation system of the world. Universal love is an essence that speaks of the ability to love, express love, and show love on all levels – from the most dense, like the foundation of the earth, to the most airy. Earth is among the few worlds where you can physically see the existence of all elements, therefore all elements are open to universal love.
We can feel water, earth, air, and fire in the body.

Universal love moves on a scale that has several aspects, it begins with universal love itself, which is expressed as complete unity with existence in the worlds of the earth and allowing all levels to exist within man, without taking part in a particular identity.
Until today, during the investigation of lack and abundance, there was considerable difficulty in reaching full unity, due to the belief in different levels of awareness and limited resources.
Starting in 2020, this option began to be available to more and more people.

On the other hand, in the world of souls there is no lack and therefore the other side of the scale of universal love is also available to more people.
The other side is the opposite direction from the direction to which universal love leads – fear.
Fear is a cognitive manipulation that is experienced as an emotion that aims to raise the flood of the need for protection. Fear makes people feel the need to protect themselves by any means that will not give them real protection, but will increase their need for protection. In other words, increasing the need for protection through protection. Fear often takes the form of anxiety, but the hidden life lesson of the earth is not in the obvious state of fear, but rather in hidden states of fear: self-enthusiasm.

What is self-enthusiasm?

Self-enthusiasm is a certain type of fear, which manifests itself as self-confidence based on free choice.
Free-choice self-confidence rests on three anchors:

  1. Thanks to free choice I can gain control over my life.
  2. Free choice is the key to change.
  3. If I choose according to a certain legality, I will call into my life the reality I want.
    These three anchors are not relevant to free choice but are an attempt to connect free choice to an attempt to control life and choose the desired reality.
    As a result of these three anchors, a lesson in self-enthusiasm opens up. But before understanding it, it is important to understand the meaning of free choice when it is free of control.
    In free choice that is connected to control, we try to change the outcome.
    Therefore, the choice is not free but depends on the result.

    Free choice is a deliberate connection between cause and effect, the purpose of which is to change the cause and not the effect, in order to unite them. Changing the cause is actually encoding new memories.
    The reason, the engine from which things were made exists multidimensionally. Even if the person moves to the next situation, the engine will remain as it is. Therefore, a certain part of a person’s universal consciousness will always exist in that choice situation, even if that person moves on in his life. The free choice that includes freedom and not under a cloud of control, is a change of the internal structure in relation to the situation, which enables release from it and moving on to the next situation.
    A change of structure in a healthy free choice has two possible situations:
  4. Liberation from the given situation and transition to the next self-version – happens in development.
  5. Fixation of the given situation, or of a previous historical situation – happens when there is no answer to the need.
    In both situations, the choice is always free, but the question arises, what is the choice?
    In most cases, the freedom of choice is missed when a person thinks he is choosing one thing, but does not understand that there is a previous choice that will help that needs to be realized.

What is the life lesson of self-enthusiasm?

Self-enthusiasm is a state of extreme takeover, that is, people need their free choice, in order to use the choice for the purpose of the second section indicated above: “Fixation of the given situation, or of a previous historical given situation”.
Below are the characteristics of this life lesson:

  1. Need to choose in order to choose.
  2. The 3 anchors of free choice that we discussed at the beginning of the article.
  3. Fear of difference: fear of acting from a place different from the pleasant place (not necessarily the familiar and well-known, but pleasant!) for fear of losing one’s self.
  4. A sense of responsibility for the free choice: a certain need will lead to a certain result.
  5. Making a connection between different situations that are not necessarily connected, in order to justify a choice of a certain principle.
  6. An attempt to create reality through the free choice of certain principles, even though free choice is not a tool for creating reality at all.
  7. Dependence on cause and effect as a worldview.

How can a person know that he has the life lesson of self-enthusiasm?

In most cases, especially in routine life lessons, life lessons include certain characteristics, just like in the previous paragraph. Assuming that a person recognizes them in his life, he can feel a connection to the lesson of life and begin to go through it.
In the case of a hidden life lesson, as it is called, it is not visible. Therefore, a person who recognizes the characteristics of the lesson and, in addition, the antithesis of these characteristics, has a lesson of self-enthusiasm.
It is important to understand – this is a very difficult lesson to identify. Compared to most other life lessons, this life lesson does not solve a problem and the existence of the lesson in a person’s life does not interfere with it, quite the opposite.
At the same time, there is an advantage to this. That is, passing a class that does not interfere, is a development that does not depend on a problem, pain or suffering. Therefore, it allows more knowledge to enter the person

Directly from the soul, without the need to use certain personality filters to adjust the energy to the compressed place where we are – the earth of universal love. That is, thinking about a degree of self-enthusiasm in particular and life lessons that do not cause a problem at all, consolidate an internal structure that is upgraded and adapted to the purpose of the soul’s life on earth, without feeling a lack of the familiar inner essence.
In other words, the familiar inner essence does not disappear, it only expands to places where the soul becomes a full partner in the journey of existence.

The people most exposed to this life lesson:

Despite the fact that this is a collective hidden life lesson, and that it is necessary to identify its characteristics in order to associate it with the personal journey of the soul – not all people will adopt such a life lesson for themselves.
The adoption of a class that is considered as potential in the free choice system is based on history.
Below are the historical characteristics of people who will adopt this lesson:

  1. A traumatic experience from a sense of limits. A situation where boundaries became walls and caused 2 or more needs to realize that they cannot be answered in life.
  2. Ideals – a tendency to hold onto ideals to understand the world.
  3. Convenience life lesson – In most cases, the comfort life lesson comes along with self-enthusiasm, especially among people whose lesson is to understand the difference between comfort and pleasantness. People who strive for comfort will strive to achieve it through their free choice. While people who strive for pleasantness will look for the places they can trust other than themselves. They will choose to release the dependency between trust, belief and evidence.

Does self-enthusiasm cancel free choice?

definitely not! But in many cases, people who are in a class of self-enthusiasm will not understand why certain events happen in their lives, even though they “chose differently”. Self-enthusiasm life lesson takes the pre-selection out of the elements. At the time of this life lesson, people think that if they choose differently, a different reality will be created. Whereas if they want otherwise and mobilize all their inner voices in a unified way (not in cooperation, but as one piece), then reality will be created.

It is important to clarify, free choice is indeed a tool for shaping reality, but not necessarily for creating it. We choose everything that happens around us. Consciousness is the reason why we chose what happens around us, and the design of all the inner voices as one piece is what makes the wishes come true.

Tips for passing the lesson:

In most cases, there are certain patterns that people need to adopt to get through their life lesson.
In the case of the life lesson self-enthusiasm, the situation is reversed. If we ask a person who is dealing with dependence on his own free choice, to understand that if he changes a certain pattern, the reality of his life will change – we will only reinforce the lesson for him.
Many people who face this life lesson “choose to choose”. The emotion becomes a marker for them for a right or wrong choice in their eyes.

The transition of the lesson is the replacement of the marker. An emotion cannot mark the passing of an eternal part of my soul, because it is an array that represents a passing and temporary wave. On the other hand, intuition is the one that determines whether the choice is authentic, or reflects a certain history that should repeat itself in order to end.
Therefore, these are the 3 main recommendations for passing the lesson:

  1. Exposure to the internal sources of knowledge – what do I not know that I know?
  2. Deliberate use of intuition.
  3. A deliberate attempt to find meaning in meaningless things, to bring the meaning out of free choice and the attempt to avoid suffering and cling to pleasure.

Dear souls, your self never disappears. Jealousy of him stems from your longing for the universal love that humanity has to offer. You don’t need lack-type beliefs to understand this, this love is already within you, wrapped up in your life’s mission.
The raw knowledge your soul has gathered over eons and you choose to bring to earth in this brave incarnation in full cooperation with your soul.

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  1. Wow I’m happy to find out about life

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  2. Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

  3. Hey people Good mood and good luck to everyone

  4. Hey people Good mood and good luck to everyone


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