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Personal mentality – do we have an internal culture and how does it affect our spiritual development?

Personal mentality – do we have an internal culture and how does it affect our spiritual development?

Our inner identity develops according to our outer culture: the country, religion, gender, and sector we were born in allow us to identify with certain norms over others and build a story based on ourselves.

According to this story, there are norms that we identify with because they give us value, understanding, and meaning. On the other hand, there are opposite norms that we do not identify with for fear that if they happen we will pay too high a price. As a result, the illusion of control is created. In other words, the more we sort the norms into ones we can identify with, versus norms we are afraid to be like, the more we are afraid to trust someone other than ourselves to influence our free choice.

The mentality is one’s perspective on these norms. This point of view is determined according to a criterion: is a person satisfied with the given situation? If the person is satisfied, the norm will not enter the mentality, because he will believe that it is already in his possession.
On the other hand, if a person is not satisfied, he will have to develop an ideology regarding that norm, and as a result that norm will find itself as an integral part of different viewpoints of that person’s mentality.

Mentality is the most rooted essence of the human personality. Its function is to be a kind of “temporary substitute” in the transition between forgetting and remembering. Once a person goes through his life lessons he no longer needs his limited perspective on the world. The perspective of mentality is limited because it is based on selection and consequently on lack. On the other hand, the authentic essence of the soul which fills the human heart in a state of recollection, is an eternal essence that includes an infinite medium of change within the lines of the soul’s character.
Note, that the soul does not eliminate the mentality.

In a state of recollection, the mentality becomes the conduit through which the raw inner knowledge of your soul is about to be realized in the world. Many people who walk the path of spiritual development find it difficult to overcome the need (which also stems from the mentality) to get rid of the remnants of their human personality while uniting with the soul. Your human personality is your channel of realization in the world, don’t rush to give it up so quickly.

Get to know your mentality and as a result, get to know the emotional worldview through which you observe your lessons.

What is mentality?

Mentality is a certain part of the emotional identity that is dedicated to dealing with the outside world.
The mentality creates situations where internal emotional deficiencies receive external rebuke through external events. In other words, there are several steps to building a mindset:

  1. A person feels that the external reality does not satisfy a certain emotional need.
  2. The need becomes a lack.
  3. The lack is not answered for a long period.
  4. The person accepts the fact that the lack will not be answered. (even if the reason makes sense)
  5. The person explains to himself why it is logical that the lack will not be answered. This type of logic also involves a certain emotion.
  6. The connection of logic with emotion from the previous step creates a principle. The purpose of this logic is to prove that the need is not realizable and as a result, the mentality is created.
    The mentality is the collection of values, principles, and thoughts that arose from the basic needs that were not answered during the period of puberty, the internal struggles, and struggles with the external lessons of life.

The elements of mentality

The mentality is influenced by a variety of factors, some internal and some external to shape into a clear personality outline. The mentality can be likened to the clothes that our personality wears. The mentality is not a defense mechanism, it is the story we tell externally about our inner personality.

The factors that make up the mentality are divided as mentioned into agreement or opposition.
Here are the external factors:

  1. Religion
  2. Culture
  3. Gender norms
  4. Sectoral norms
  5. Family norms
  6. The unfulfilled expectations from the parents.
  7. The unfulfilled expectations of the world.

    Below are the internal factors:
    1. The unanswered fears.
    2. The unfulfilled needs.
    3. The desires that are not understood at a certain point how to fulfill.
    4. The inspiration that other people inspire on the inside.

Mentality and life lessons

The mentality moves on an axis of openness or closure. As soon as a person chooses to oppose or support a certain issue, he expresses an open or closed position regarding another issue. For example: a person who chooses to resist criticism does so because he does not understand how to contain criticism from himself and this lack of understanding is still open in his world since childhood. As soon as he resists criticism, he is open to acceptance.

That is, we can find such a person accepting behaviors that he does not necessarily want to accept as a principle from his mentality.
The mentality develops different types of behavior patterns that our life lessons will make us overcome if we go through them. Another example of this is a person who did not receive an answer to his need to feel loved by his parents, and therefore will love people who will not love him back and thus will be open to exploitative lessons from strangers. His mentality will be unconditional love.

On top of that, mentality can also be expressed through different needs. For example: the support or opposition to rituals or bureaucracies may stem from a need to express yourself that you expected to be answered but has not received an answer to date.

Two types of mentality that are opposite to each other

Even before our mind is able to recognize the mentality it is using, the entity that uses the mentality in the most distinct way is the ego. That is, the brain recognizes the mentality as a solved problem that it does not have the ability to address. Therefore he transfers it to the ego. This set uses mindsets to explain self-worth through actions.
As a result, patterns are created that raise a sense of obligation to “take a side” and believe in only one thing or to be a person who is “loyal to his principles”.

It is important to remember, mentality in itself is a conduit for realizing your role in the world. Its purpose is to create a basic system from which it is possible to explore different layers and layers of consciousness.

Mentality and energy protection

Mentality comes from priorities. As mentioned, only the urgent needs that have not been answered will wear principles and enter the mentality. Most conflicts between people will stem from the need to use the mentality as a protector of your self-worth. You have all the answers to your needs within you. You don’t depend on external people to realize them and give yourself an answer. In practice, as long as the mentality serves as a “human shield” against a feeling of worthlessness that comes from the disappointment of not receiving the initial basic needs that created the mentality. The starting point of the lack of protection is that a person is not going to get his needs met. As a result, he feels exposed and uses his principles to come to his defense.
In practice, as long as your mentality is not used by you to protect yourself from the lessons, it is energetically safe.

Practical tips for authentic use of your mental energy.

Your first use of mentality is for expression. The mentality, without fixation, consolidates for you the opinions, thoughts, feelings and desires that arise as a result of situations that happen to you during the routine of life. In practice, reality does not work “against” your mentality. But as soon as you use it to express your inner world, you should take into account the whole spectrum of reactions that will come from a stable point about the situation.
Your second use of mentality is for understanding. All the conclusions you understand from the various life events derive from your mentality. In practice, the purpose of the mentality is to increase and highlight your qualities, as a result of which you can prepare to fulfill your role in the world.

Remember – your soul chose to approach a certain way of life in order to develop this mentality. Keep it as a conduit that your job is to constantly purify in preparation for your authentic essence entering into you.

I invite you to share with me privately or in a comment – do you recognize your mentality?

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