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Languages ​​- Is what we say really what other people hear?

Do we hear what other people meant to say?
Do other people hear what we meant to say?
Languages ​​have enormous significance during our spiritual journey. We look at the languages ​​from all kinds of perspectives. Whether languages ​​such as English, Hebrew, Spanish and French to the languages ​​of our emotions such as interpretation, meaning, importance and more.
Why wasn’t the world created in one language? And why can’t we look at life in the same way and make this whole spiritual journey much simpler?
In this article I will review the meaning of language, along with an analysis of its construction and the variety of different languages ​​that surround us at different levels of consciousness.

What is a language?

Language is the set of letters, signs and sounds that people use to communicate messages between themselves and each other. These signs are imprinted in the memory in various states of awake consciousness during life, mainly in childhood, but also in states where the energetic bodies are wide open. After assimilating them, the person has difficulty distinguishing himself from these signs because they become the building blocks for the way he understands the world. Try it yourself: look at a certain object that is in front of you while you read these words and check – are you able to recognize the essence of the object’s existence without using the symbols and signs you know? Try to challenge yourself and not use the internal language you speak to yourself.
Our self-definitions pass through language. We give these symbols, signs and sounds meaning. Sometimes, we can also experience fear if this meaning changes at a given moment.

The languages ​​and their components

In order to define a certain pool of symbols and signs as a language, it should have the following elements:

  1. Fixed order – the symbols and signs can be included in a fixed order that does not depend on any person who uses the language other than its creator.
  2. Shackles to definitions – Man is bound to the definitions he uses to define the world. Even if he wants to set the settings he uses other settings.
  3. Emotional reference – people relate to the signs of the language they use in the same way as they relate to the meaning they give to words.
    In this way, the words gain meaning and also gain additional ways in which the meaning can be backed up.

Types of languages

We lead our lives on a huge variety of levels. Therefore, we meet the language levels at several meeting points. Here are the main ones:

  1. In the external layer – in communication with people, in our ability to express our ideas in the world, in situations where we learn, teach other people and in fascinating encounters with coincidences of various kinds.
    At this level, the legality of the language will be fixed, hardly changing and people will use agreed legality to distinguish the meanings of things. The most significant element will be the collective meaning of things. If we want to use this layer, in most cases what we say will be what other people will hear.
  2. In the inner layer – in the language we speak to ourselves and in the language in which our inner voices, which represent certain character traits and tendencies, speak to us. In this layer, the legality of the language will also be relatively constant, as in the external layer, but in most cases there will be a sense of lack of clarity in front of our various definitions. We will not understand with words, but only with energy the way we define things. The transcription will transfer the language from the inside to the outside and in most cases will give us a feeling that the language is losing its meaning. If we want to use this layer, we will have to convey our message in an easy process so that what we say is what other people hear.
  3. In the energetic layer – in the language in which our energetic bodies speak to us and in the language in which we manage our inner qualities. Most people deny the access they have to this layer. In the energetic layer the signs of the language will not be defined. Most people will try to use the defined signs to lead themselves to understanding the language. That is, to adapt the language in this layer to the external language. In this layer, our message will go through a significant process. We cannot use the symbols as they are if we look at them from an external point of view. We will have to divide their meaning into several parts to convey the full energy and describe the processes in their entirety.

Why is a variety of languages ​​necessary?

A human being is a certain layer of existence. Under its layer, there are additional layers that sustain the complete energy. Every human being is an endpoint of a soul, whose language system works differently. The language of the soul contains its lessons, potentials, vision and role on earth in particular and in the soul world in general. As soon as we use language we split ourselves for a moment energetically from the layer we maintain with the same whole energy. As soon as we isolate ourselves from the layer we maintain, we can see all our layers from above.
A lot of people understand things through their brains. The brain array is limited and contains little information regarding the inclusion of non-problem subjects. As a result, the popular belief that actually opens the language class is: “Can anything be defined?”.
The mind seeks the perfection of the definition. It is not able to move between the different levels of existence like intuition. Therefore, a language lesson can be opened in two situations:

  1. Fear of partial definition.
  2. Inability to develop a point of view on life from several perspectives of existence.

Learning languages ​​- automatic and acquired

Every person acquires languages ​​for himself at every moment and at every level. Although the outer language rarely changes, the inner language and the energetic language are constantly changing.
Here are some factors that can explain her change.

  1. These languages ​​can be learned automatically – the automatic learning is done following the following factors:
    A. The snare – a small hole in the aura that causes the collective consciousness to enter the person.
    B. Influence – total dedication to another person that affects the person’s world view. Looks like self symbiosis as a result of a trigger produced by another person.
  2. You can also purchase the internal language by the following means:
    A. Spiritual therapy – therapy that reflects you the different layers of your subconscious and the legality through which you give meaning to your words.
    B. Energy capsules – you can go through energetic processes to assimilate energy capsules inside the body.

Language lesson – is it a life lesson? How can it be passed?

A language lesson is a “human sub-lesson”. It is not defined as a lesson because it is a consequence of a gap between what is desired and what is found that people create. As we know, a human lesson is not a lesson that can be passed and finished with. The human lesson is a lack and it reaches the “sub-lesson” because people who try to pass the lesson of lack and encounter the need to give up their reactivity to reality and decide what the reality of their lives will be, often start the language lesson.
All the souls who want to pass and make sure that they will not have a human language lesson again should pay attention to the following two areas:

  1. Free movement on all levels – the ability to keep your head in the sky and your feet on the ground in different situations. Knowing how to ground and float in a form of free and harmonious choice.
  2. Freedom to be – the freedom to feel the right to express who they are in a way independent of other people, factors or phenomena.
  3. Independence versus free choice – free choice within defined limits while inculcating the belief that definition does not mean lack of change.

Do you understand how to use your words now?

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