Have you ever heard the phrase “everyone is special”?
We know different types of plants, animals, and even different types of inanimate objects such as smartphones or tablets. Have you ever wondered why we don’t define people as different types? Does a person have to be born in a certain country, religion, gender, or sector for people to define him as a certain type of person?
People have a special way of categorizing themselves unconsciously, to communicate with each other.
They do this through two internal systems: the mind and the ego.
What is human classification?
Every baby born learns to believe in lack in different ways. Imagine a small child who comes back from kindergarten and realizes that if he played alone there is a problem with it because the adults react negatively: this is how the need for belonging is created. Imagine a child who understands that if he is wrong he deserves a sanction? Thus arose the need to measure people’s self-worth.
The set of situations through which you learned to believe in lack, differentiates you from one another.
The human classification did not exist in the original creation plan of the earth. People created it while they taught themselves to believe in deficiencies. The human classification distinguishes people from each other according to their communication styles. That is, when the need for belonging is born, a person begins to differentiate for the first time between people who are similar to him and people who are different from him. All this with the assumption that with people who see life in a similar way to him, he will be able to connect more easily.
In light of this, the human classification can be defined as the form of reference to the imagination and difference between man and people who are different from him.
7 types of human classification?
There are 7 types of human classification. That is 7 ways in which people relate to imagery and language and decide what is similar or different for them.
The different criteria through which people relate to social norms are measured according to the universal laws in the investigation of lack and abundance:
- Self-worth and self-confidence.
- Communication with others.
- The internal communication pegs
- Establishing a sense of independence.
- Level of reference to the laws of space.
- Order of priorities
- Purpose/ ideology.
We can adapt any of these criteria for classification.
- The universal classification –
The rarest classification among the classifications. It is possible to reach it, but it is impossible to change it on our own. (I’ll tell you a secret, there’s no need to change it either).
In this classification, people know how to take the tools that develop them from all types of classifications and adapt them to their authentic goals; life lessons, development, and role.
Self-worth and self-confidence – derive from the ability to be flexible and move between the different roles. To need and to want, to love and to fear, to be happy and to be sad and many other types of duality. All are based on mobility and flexibility. In most cases, number 1s will not measure themselves, but will only listen to feedback when it matches their life goals or develops them in a way they understand.
Communication with others – very universal and have an extreme communication pattern. Can be extremely open or closed. Understand all languages at once of all types of classifications. Their challenge is the challenge of belonging, they choose which language to relate to them each time, where the “I” begins and the other ends.
The pegs of internal communication – change is the only thing that is constant in the first mentality. All they choose to do is change with the pace of the world.
Establishing a sense of independence – their independence is based on the absence of templates, they are unable to repeat the same thing twice, unable to be motivated by pain and must always renew. (based on their movement classification).
Level of reference to the laws of space – the first mentality talks about “everything is a tool”. The external reality is meant to serve goals that arise from a power greater than us and are supposed to be realized in reality through us. Numbers 1 classifies the laws of space according to a criterion of authenticity. They choose what corresponds to their authentic essence, as the great power they rely on perceives it.
Order of priorities – there is no defined and fixed order of priorities.
Purpose/Ideology- To speak the languages of all the people in the world to unite them under power, Shekinah, holiness and a greater purpose.
2. The resulting classification –
This classification can be likened to a kind of funnel. These are very focused people, imbued with a goal and interested in achieving a result. You will often find them dealing with different types of background noise at the same time and trying to juggle them.
The resulting classification defines a goal for himself, mainly professional, or in the field of family and society and revolves his life around it. Adjusts the choices, needs and desires to the fulfillment of the greater purpose. In practice, when the resulting classification finishes fulfilling the goal, he feels that he has reached the summit and the peak of life and can unload any burden. To live in total anarchy and without any kind of law.
Self-worth and self-confidence – stems from the hard work to achieve the goal and then from the excessive rest. Based on only actions, feelings, thoughts and desires or any energy that arises from the inner reality does not leave them true to themselves or the environment. They need actions to ground and materialize.
Communication with others – matter-of-fact, purposeful, or particularly scattered. They don’t know how to navigate the inner reality and the outer reality accordingly and therefore have difficulty keeping secrets. People experience them as universal because they don’t come into communication with a particular agenda they want to fulfill. In practice this is an illusion, because they are very matter-of-fact people who communicate with other people only according to their needs.
The pegs of internal communication – in most cases it will be difficult to use the internal reality. They will perceive it as a part that is “by the way”. The inner reality seems irrelevant to them, even if it belongs to the great goal they want to achieve.
Establishing the sense of independence – Independence is not a judgment criterion for the second classification. The personal goal sanctifies the means for them, even if these means come from a source external to them.
Level of reference to the laws of space – the second classification are excellent managers. They use the laws of space to create a frame story that they will manage. Their motivation comes from the sigh of relief they assume they will feel after achieving the goal.
Prioritize – Anything that satisfies how their world should look will be prioritized. The resources, planning and work will be measured and adapted to the personal worldview. That is, the potential they have to know themselves will manage them.
Purpose/Ideology – Anything that is different from me threatens my fulfillment unless it syncs up with who I am.
3. The creator classification-
The third classification is the classification of the creator of world. In most cases, he will not express his feelings but will express his needs instead. Emotions and needs are intertwined among the third type. He will believe that emotions should be felt. His collective subconscious will hold a belief that not having a creator is a better world. This classification will be born with a ready-made world image, he knows how the ideal world should look in his eyes and also his role within the reality he created. The Creator tries to make decisions according to the picture of the world he has in his head and in most cases fails. He takes the place of a creator, therefore he is not angry with himself and has no special achievements. In these situations, it actually transfers expectations to the environment. If he is afraid, for example, he will expect other people not to be afraid. Another example of this is that while he is angry, he will expect peace and tranquility from other people. This is the easiest way in the subconscious mind of the third type to ask for help.
Self-confidence and self-esteem – the more the creator type’s worldview affects more people, the more he can raise his self-importance among himself. He has a deep inner base of stability and built-in self-confidence, but he doubts it and in most cases also denies it. The point of departure is that the security of his ideology is his security.
Communication with others – communication based on self-reservation. These types reach the peak of a certain quality in their own eyes and do not like to break glass ceilings. Can lead and be charismatic in relationships on the one hand and at the same time feel insecure in who they are and love with conditions.
Anchor points for internal communication – there is no need for too much internal communication. Their inner world is how they think the outer world should look, as long as they experience their ideology it is enough to calm them down to express themselves around it.
Creating a sense of independence – the third type is a righteous fighter in denial. He can care for the world, or care for himself, but he will have to choose one of the sides. His independence comes from learning as many tools as possible to realize his world view.
The level of reference to spatial laws is zero to non-existent. The third type has the right in his own eyes to create the laws of the world in which he lives. If he fails to create the rules, he will create explanations that sound logical (hence his charisma) and give himself answers about how the world should look.
Order of priorities – handling emergency situations. Complete neutralization of disturbances and then complete dedication to quiet and deep processes.
Goal/Ideology- To get all the power and influence to realize their worldview.
4. The balanced classification-
The fourth type is the type that conflicts with the whole agenda that human society has been trying to adopt in recent years. It is anti-pluralistic, institutional and constitutional in essence. For him, there is only one correct answer, and anyone who tries to dispute this is a disbeliever in the self-confidence of his very existence. The balanced classification maintains a clear and stable routine for itself that has principles, values and actions that are mandatory without reservations. His quest to create social structures based on external balance guides him in every action or decision, down to the smallest decisions.
The premise of the fourth classification is that internal balance results from external balance. We cannot rely only on ourselves because then we break the chain of unity between people. That’s why these types are looking for a greater power to believe in him and implement his teaching. They know how to distinguish exactly between deviating from the path and choosing a new option in resolutions that most people do not understand. The reason for this is that in most cases they do not speak their own language, but the language of the great power that controls them.
Self-confidence and self-esteem – the more customs and norms they implement, the more confident they will feel. Deeply need recognition for their actions, but when they don’t get it they won’t look for it, but will look for the great power guiding them that got the recognition in their place and try to understand why they didn’t “earn” it. Difficulty accepting and accommodating changes, especially from classifications that place the “I” in the center.
Communication with others – types who communicate in a refined way. They are very afraid of deviating from the path of the great power they believe in and believe that placing the “I” in the center will make them feel detached from reality. In most cases they are not communicative, but when they do communicate they try to be a universal support system for other people. In most cases they will try to behave or represent a system much more than individual people.
Anchor points for internal communication – sensitivity and deep self-love. They know how to balance excess and lack as a natural talent. As long as they are not afraid, they will be focused on their receiving and giving and will see the group as equal to the way they see themselves.
Creating a sense of independence – the assumption that I am not the source of everything is the starting point for independence. Independence is a kind of connection to reality for them, through a system that gives power to all people in their group of belonging equally, without changes and deviation from the path.
The level of reference to the laws of space – they surround themselves with the laws of space, laws that calm them down and they look for a way to connect to a broad energy from them. They see themselves as “the keepers of the law” and can come across as angry or scared when there is someone on their side who prefers themselves over the world they live in.
Priorities – Personal needs are at the bottom of the list, with the overall agenda they feel obligated to serve at the top of the list.
Purpose/Ideology- To serve a power greater than myself to deserve to be a part of it.
5. The curious classification-
The fifth type bases its essence on a constant curiosity that accompanies it throughout development. There is a built-in duality within it whose two parts harmoniously contradict each other. The harmonic contradiction is expressed in the most distinct way in the fifth type since he focuses on the connection between imagination and difference and sees himself as a bridge between worlds.
The fifth type needs balance, routine, habits, and norms. But at the same time, he tries to get out of them.
He does not understand that departing from the norms will lead to their replacement with new norms.
The fifth type will have a deep attraction to people who live in hacks, in both the negative and positive sense of the word and feel bound by no law but their own. He will enjoy seeing anarchy in other people, but will feel unable to embrace it himself. This conflict will cause him to change his sense of self-worth very quickly. In practice, he fails to explain anarchy to himself in terms of boundaries.
Self-confidence and self-esteem- based on how much the anarchy he felt emotionally drawn to understood him cognitively.
Communication with others – pleasant, patient, sociable and communicative. They know how to listen wonderfully until the moment they are supposed to form their own opinion and explain themselves. They don’t know which side to choose – whether to choose an emotion that wants to feel the freedom that anarchy has to offer, or to choose boundaries that create order, practice and emotional balance for them.
Anchor points for internal communication – seeing reality as it is, or an over-interpretation based on ideas they have difficulty explaining. It is very easy for them to communicate with types who do not need rules at all; both in the inner reality and in the outer reality. They base their relationship with themselves on a never-ending deep self-search. They see it as a disadvantage but in practice it is the core of their trust in the world.
Creating a sense of independence – their independence stems from the sense of discovery that they can create their own habits and norms on their own.
The level of reference to the laws of space – absolute emotional reference. Total cognitive disregard.
Order of priorities – there is no need for order of priorities, work only based on emotional need.
Goal/ideology – to bridge between people on the borders and people in anarchy by finding advantages on each side. Limits and anarchy are perceived as dualities and not as an internal contradiction of each other. In their eyes, the border is restrictive and anarchy liberates and confuses the perception of the world. When in practice the limit is a role definition and anarchy is a lack of this definition.
6. The multifocal classification-
The multi-focal type is the most self-centered type among all the other classifications.
He has a deep inner compass that says that what is acceptable to him in terms of his desires and needs is what is going to happen no matter what. He does not compromise on his needs and desires and uses them as a compass to make decisions. Feels obligated only to himself and may even develop beliefs based on the fact that “he is the only source of answers”, “he knows what is good for himself” and “he is alone in the world”. He has a deep propensity for collaboration. Despite the self-centeredness, he can show a very communicative type. His deep connection to himself may seem “exotic” or even “impressive and inspiring” to people who are not in the same category. That is why it is like a sun and people circle it to check how it is possible to connect with yourself in such a deep way. In practice, he finds it difficult to be emotionally exposed to other people and will usually be characterized by strong logic and inspiring logical explanations for feelings and weaknesses (only in his own eyes, he is very judgmental towards himself, more than all the other types and therefore holds himself strongly).
Self-confidence and self-esteem – the more he feels connected to himself, the more confident he will feel. Desires and needs are the inner compass. The pace, time, timing and commitment to the environment of the outside world depends on him alone. It is difficult for people to notice that this classification is very focused on its inner reality. His charisma and the deep illusion of authenticity may cause the environment to give up emotionally certain standards that are accepted in any relationship between the different types.
Communication with others – popular, accepted, like a reference sun. They shine their inner light but their challenge is to connect it to the laws of the world. It is difficult to accommodate types who take reality into account because for them reality is only a stage, a fiction for self-fulfillment. In practice, they will find it difficult to express commitment to types that are not the same classification as their own.
Anchor points for internal communication – self-love, authenticity, and clear internal character lines.
Creating a sense of independence – as long as the environment does not interfere in the decision-making of the sixth classification, he will feel independent. If the environment does interfere, he will remove it from the system in order to continue drawing strength and power from the feeling of the felt.
The level of reference to the laws of the space is non-existent, they are perceived as a disturbance.
Prioritization – the more this classification feels that it receives less help, the more it will increase the importance of the same thing. Prefer to accomplish things alone and have great difficulty in collaboration or execution. Focusing on discovering the inner information within them, revealing it and learning their personality.
Goal/ideology – complete authenticity without external interference.
7. The open classification-
It is the seventh and last classification among the types of classifications. There is no way to explain it using criteria because they are built along the way. The open classification focuses mainly on desire. Only after he wants the security, the communication, the goals, the inner reality and the realization will build.
Communication between the types of types-
Please note – the list of types is deliberately arranged in the order in front of you.
The order is an explanation of the boundaries and anarchy between the types.
The 1st type represents the borderline side of the scale and the 7th type represents absolute anarchy.
Our classification was created for us so that we could fulfill our role on earth.
We must not give it up, but we must learn to speak the languages of the other classifications.
Each type will feel natural in communication with the type below it. For example, the 5 types will feel comfortable and natural with a 6. The 3 types will feel comfortable and natural with a 4 and so on. On the other hand, there are accepting numbers. For example: the types 4 will feel great difficulty 6 and vice versa. Numbers 1 will feel difficulty with 7 and vice versa.
These are not templates, but personal combinations of classifications according to the lines of character and the profile of your imagination and difference as a person.
Would you like to know your full classification mapping?
Maybe you already guessed what type you are?

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Nitih Niranjan
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