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3 ways of self-healing – a spiritual capsule in the form of an article that will make you your doctor

Healing is the name of the game when it comes to personal development. We want to heal ourselves to feel stable enough to begin our development. Healing is often unconsciously perceived as stable ground. This concept is so deep-rooted and stabilizes its holder by its very existence, to the extent that it often makes healing the main goal of personal development. In this article, I want to create order so that you can enjoy individually and to the maximum the qualities of healing and development.

First, what is healing?

Healing is a state where outer reality and inner reality are one. That is, there is no gap between the desire and the existing resources, and as a result, there is no need to achieve, fulfill, or move in any way between lack and abundance. In other words, healing unites people to a state of creation from the infinite in a way that does not depend on the division into “have” and “have not”.

Why do we need healing?

As long as there is a collective perception that our awareness is limited we need healing. Limiting consciousness and awareness leads to limiting external resources. In light of this, there is an illusion of needing to get things. Instead of moving them from where they exist to where we exist. The need for healing begins with the belief that there is something we want and cannot exist in our space for a certain reason. The reason is not arbitrary, it is an emotional justification for a certain system of logic that we believe in.

In the context of healing, 3 main types of reasoning trigger the need for healing:

1. Mental logic – a certain lack that a person does not believe he can achieve and therefore he explains why he cannot achieve it.

2. Cognitive logic – a certain problem that a person cannot solve, and to address it, he explains why the problem is unsolvable.

3. Change in self-worth – a problem or logic that, if solved, will cause a person’s opinion to drastically change self-worth, positively or negatively.

The relationship of the field of healing with humanity:

Many people begin their journey of development in the world in search of healing.

That is to say, in search of a stable point from which they set out for the uncomfortable changes that their development requires. The search for healing is so deep and exciting. It brings up the deepest longings that have not been answered for a long time. Not everyone who sets out to seek healing will find it in the end. As mentioned, healing is the unity between the inner and outer realities. This unity makes people who can contain it pay what seems at first glance a high price before healing. Before the healing stage, people could believe in the fiction of reality as controlling their lives. After understanding healing, people will begin to believe themselves as a fiction of healing. The responsibility that until this point was given to reality, will be returned to them. This responsibility cannot be expressed through the existing systems; The mind, heart, intuition, soul, and ego are not built to contain the role of reality. Understanding healing will result in the construction of a new system: the energetic body.

Healing in the world of souls:

Healing in the spirit world is a fiction of experience. There is a game in the limits of healing that represents all types of development. Reincarnation, for example, is a kind of challenge to the natural healing system of a soul. He seeks to experience the self, as the essence of healing, within levels of awareness.

In contrast, the reception of souls after reincarnation, also a type of development parallel to reincarnation, is the ability to resonate the individual healing essence as far as possible.

Healing has boundaries that expand over time, depending on the critical mass of development within different spaces.

It is not recommended to try to reduce the limits of healing, since its essence reverberates just like rain.

The healing ingredients:

1. Free choice – responsibility for all the resources found in the internal and external reality.

2. Testing needs – testing the usefulness of how a person responds to his needs.

3. Balancing the response to needs – examining how it is possible to respond to those needs in a way that supports the overall development. As a result, there will be a greater awareness of the gap between the external reality and the internal reality. (the lessons).

4. Reducing the gaps and preparing to discover the internal sources of knowledge.

5. Exposure to inner knowledge and connecting it to a life purpose.

6. Fulfilling the role on earth!

Practical recommendations:

1. Connection to the community – this does not have to be a community of people who are undergoing a healing process, but of people who are developing in the way you would like to develop after you finish your healing process.

2. Connection to yourself – get to know yourself as much as possible in your private time without a defined goal.

3. Avoiding excessive documentation – you should not be afraid of the meaning of any mental document or any internal movement regarding your healing. Avoid over-documenting, allow yourself to move, and let a greater energy sustain you.

When does the healing end?

Healing is a never-ending process, as long as you feel one with the world, you are sustaining the healing all the time for you and the whole world.

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