Shani Bahar Azulay- Spiritual Life Coach

Welcome to our community!

Pass your life lessons now and realize your mission in the world. You have a role on earth, you were not just born here as a person, the world needs you.

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Your soul ID card

Make an appointment with me now and you can get to know your soul ID card. Your soul is the main partner for working together with you. You must understand the qualities and abilities along with its life lessons.

Discover your life lessons

Along the way you can click on your life lessons, check what you still don’t understand in order to be ready to go through it and assimilate the new understandings in creative ways with the help of the advanced learning systems on the site.

Enrich your soul journey

Enrich your soul journey through our advanced classes. You can choose the subject and learn the spiritual profession that will help you in the journey of the human soul.

Community experience

At this stage you will already be aware of the abilities of your soul. It’s time to try them in our community. There are many wonderful souls who are members of the club and will be happy to help you.

Developmental games

If you want to continue developing yourself, you can use magnetic medicine, cosmic mathematics, the language of light, energy scanning and also the additional knowledge that people who have reached full union with their soul in our community contribute to the community and seek to enrich and enlighten the world.

If you are done understanding your soul ID, you can choose your path of participation in the community.

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