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The Soul and man – gaps, similarity, and difference

Each of us knows ourselves through a certain pattern. Character traits, similarities, and differences regarding the reality we know, values, feelings, and thoughts. Over time on Earth, we learned to recognize ourselves. To define the boundaries of our sphere and as a result to define the sphere boundaries of our awareness of incoming internal or external information.

On the other hand, most people, whether they are aware of it or not, live with a sense of longing deep in their hearts. There is a missing piece, an ongoing search, an answer that will never come.

This answer takes the form of faith. Some people will believe according to an emotion that strengthens them at that moment. Others will choose logical criteria for belief. Each of them ends up showing the same point of view. In what way do they look for what has been missing from the moment they were born here on earth?

The search topic is very thin. On the one hand, it can give meaning. On the other hand, it prevents a person from knowing the sources of his inner knowledge.

In this article, my goal will be to separate the way you identify yourself from the way you identify lack. Therefore, I will list the stages of the meeting points between the lack and the human personality that you recognize yourself. This is a very thin distinguishing line.

The personality includes a wide variety of qualities, the particle of the soul within it shapes it in such a way that it is intended for universality and therefore the last stage in the existence of lack is created: “error space”.

The last step in fixing the lack of personality is using the space of error. The space of error is a concept that connects the world of spirituality and the psychological world. It answers the question: how long, what or to whom does something have to happen between the stage when you know that something that happened is “wrong”, and the stage when it starts to bother you and you take care of it?

The margin of error is the way to manage the feeling of lack. People who use it separate the moments when they disagree, from the moments when they need to address it; Just like a funnel that pours the inner energy outward in gradual drips.

The advantage of a margin of error is the gradualness, it is easier for people to develop step by step and connect their stages of development to a linear timeline. At the same time, the disadvantage of this space is the increase in the dimensions of the problem. Between the time a person recognized the problem and the time he chose to address it, the problem also changed shape.

At this stage, a person becomes more aware of his inner feeling of lack and makes it an integral part of his way of dealing with the world. To reach this state, at one stage earlier despair arose. The despair phase stems from a concrete problem, crisis, internal question, or any area that remains “unanswered”. Since a person is born, he is used to receiving his answers from one of three main sources according to the order of their availability:

1. From an external source of information – the most common source.

2. Perceptual source of information – any worldview that reinforces how an external source of information is sought. Constantly developing through learning different perceptions of reality.

3. Emotion.

The other sources of information known to you derive from one or more of the above lists.

If the problem, question, or issue remains unanswered for a long time and with a great intensity of identification, there is another type of despair. A sense of searching for new sources to add to the list, before expecting to receive answers from them. In this situation, people choose sources of information that will comfort their sense of inadequacy rather than sources of information that truly reflect the answer they are looking for. Sources of information that comfort emotionally, connect people’s emotions with development. An emotion that is connected to development is a temporary axis that connects to a permanent axis and turns the feeling of lack into a marker that must be followed due to the connection between two incompatible parts.

Just before that, in the previous step, closed circles were created. Closed circles are situations where the mind and ego close their worldview around a worldview that reflects their values. That is the reason why a certain emotion or desire cannot be expressed, which will eventually lead to despair in their realization. A closed circle is a situation in which a person chooses a choice that should strengthen the realization of a desire, emotion, or thought, but in practice, the choice is the reason why that object cannot be realized.

A closed circle is created as a result of a previous step. In the previous stage, the worldview changes in the way a person looks at life. Instead of looking at life as a collection of incidents, the person develops two systems; mind and ego, which teach him to look at life as a collection of justifications aimed at explaining why a certain emotion or thought cannot be realized. The justifications silence the mind, heart, and intuition which are the innate systems of man, and in many situations turn the mind and ego into managers of the system. The process of connecting this lack begins before that, from the formation of the mind and ego in childhood.

The mind is created at the age of 5-7 when the child first encounters the emotion of lack. Belonging, fear, disappointment, expectation, and shame are acquired emotions that arise from a collection of situations where not all emotions are acceptable. A few years later, to find a logical justification for the feeling of the gap between the desire and the result, the ego was created.

The ego also includes acquired tools such as judgment, criticism, and the ability to tell a story about different situations. He explains the problems that the mind cannot solve.

That is, the process of the formation of lack within the person begins from the very fact of being a child who fails to contain the fact that lack exists among the axis of the inner stories of the older people around him. Over time that lack connects to the inner reality and then to the outer reality in the process I described.

So who are we?

Our “I” is defined in every situation by different situations. The very freedom to change our definition while the freedom to follow an undefined inner energy that directs these changes, is an I blueprint that is open to training you for whatever role you are meant to perform on Earth out of joy and love.

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