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The role of memory, why do we need to remember?

Our story begins with our brain array. The setup’s role is to solve problems and create strategies to link our needs and desires to reality. Our brain array is the first place where we feel the external reality. After the external stimulus is processed in the brain, it moves to the heart system and converts into an emotion.

This story is missing one part. What happens when we have no interpretation to give to the external stimulus?

What happens in a situation where the external stimulus is not subject to interpretation? That is, we cannot link it to the information found in the inner reality. This stimulus does not evoke emotion, desire, thought, or any other kind of inner fulfillment.

Our brain created a side mechanism exactly for these situations – memory.

Memory is an independent array that is considered part of the brain array and allows us to contain information that we have no way of interpreting concerning the awareness that is within us at that moment.

Through unique genetic codes, the memory can insert a separate reality from itself, external information, into the internal arrays while removing the form, figure, and definition from them and leaving them within the infinite pattern from which they were created.

Memory helps us retrieve information. The feelings, thoughts, and all the internal information have a more compressed energy mass than the raw information that enters the memory. Therefore, it is easier for us to retrieve information that we have not yet interpreted.

What does memory look like?

Memory is the most active energetic code in the DNA array, the soul’s way of infusing patterns of information that will be relevant for the rest of the way and expand the person’s ability to contain towards the realization of his role. This information is essential, increases vitality, and sustains intuition. Memory is a collection of rings, templates into which you can insert any free choice you want, they are arranged in a fixed rhythm that describes the uniqueness of the person at all levels. The appearance of the memory is somewhat identical to the signs from the language of light but with slight changes depending on the emotional connection.

The emotional connection is the connection that connects the person to his memory. Just as the heart array points to the most authentic desire, it also points to the memory with the most relevant information for our authentic development. The emotional connection is like a peg that connects the memory to the rest of the brain, it allows us to create a “processing”. In this context, processing is very important because it replaces interpretation and creates a general memory network.

The general network consists of all our memories about ourselves, society, community, and the world in which we live. The transitions between these memories develop our image of ourselves and develop internal memories, or as we call them by a more familiar name: self-image. The self-image consists of the collection of a person’s conclusions about himself from the transitions between the general network of his memory.

It is built using 3 main steps:

1. Including a group of memories into one emotion.

2. Taking responsibility for the emotion – an unconscious examination of where we created the same emotion about ourselves.

3. Projecting emotion on future events, emotion enters into a person’s judgment and affects his choices and his worldview regarding future events. This is an emotion-memory: an emotion that is fixed as a result of the inclusion of memories.

Emotions of this type create the gap between what is desired and what is found and the lessons of your life.

Memory and development

Development is the memory’s way of expressing itself, leaving the system, and making room for new memories. The more advanced the lessons of life, the more accelerated the development and the more memories are released.

The main role of memory in the context of personal development is to bridge the dimension of time. That is, human intuition is used to being fluid and spreading its attention in a variety of different time and place centers. In contrast, the dimension of matter on Earth is limited.

The development through the memories collects parts of self that we have forgotten in past events or future fantasies because of a certain emotional connection. The collection of memories narrows the gap between what is desired and what is found and in many cases makes people also pass classes theoretically.

Why are there changes in memory quality?

As mentioned, memory is based on information that cannot be interpreted. As the years go by, people are filled with interpretations about themselves and their environment. Positive and contributing interpretations can be called “life experience”, while negative and blocking interpretations can be called “frustration” or “blocking”.

Changes in the quality of memory occur as people grow older, as well as worldviews that develop, more complex thinking, and over-identification with thoughts.

Older people who want to slow down their memory difficulties should avoid over-interpreting reality to make more room for memories to enter. As well as to identify the situations in which the interpretation enters the system and choose the system to proceed from: the mind or intuition. For the most advanced: it is also possible through the wisdom of the body.

How to use memory for further personal development?

Here are 3 tips that can help you use memory as a tool to support your personal development:

1. Create an interpretation mapping for yourself – check how you interpret situations, and whether there is an unanswered need in your interpretation system.

2. Check your memory about objective items – it is important to train the memory muscle so that it does not get mixed up with the knowledge you identify with. Try to look at things from a perspective specifically in your emotional moments, and identify specifically with the moments in which you feel neutral.

3. Desire – Desire is the evolutionary development of emotion. Try to choose your desire in a way that reflects your values. The greater the proximity between desire and values, the easier its implementation will be.

Remember – the control over everything that happens in your life is in your hands.

I invite you to continue to understand how your internal system works to allow each life lesson to find the most harmonious way to transform itself into a conclusion.

You don’t need to invent the wheel – humanity received the memory array exactly for this purpose.

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