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The internal language of our soul is the way that the message passes from the world of souls to our awareness

Light years are our way of measuring distance, but also a relationship between a soul and a person. The messages, energy, and abilities that our soul sends, travel a distance until it reaches us on Earth.
This distance is the collection of our internal filters, which actually energetically (and somewhat absurdly),
exist outside of us.
The article in front of you has a pure purpose in my view – to introduce you to your messages through a point of view that does not involve any background noise. The point of view of the world of souls, which sees the information as it is and does not need a world view, opinions, or ideology to process it.

What is internal language?

Our internal language is the way we understand what is happening in the world. It consists of the whole of our opinions, ideologies, worldviews, history, past, present, and future. Imagine a kind of tube through which pure information enters and forms into our inner character pattern. This is exactly how our internal language works.
Our internal language translates the external reality into the internal reality.

It allows us to connect concepts that belong to us, to concepts that originate outside of us and we have not yet found our connection to them.
As long as we use our internal language, the information we receive will be different from the information sent to us. The totality of the internal information of all living beings on earth, humans, plants, animals, and more… is called the collective consciousness.

The collective consciousness reflects the exploration of the Earth’s soul.
Therefore, if the current inquiry is scarcity and abundance, the atmosphere around which people will formulate their inner language will be around scarcity and abundance. The investigation changes in the last 4 years to creation from infinity. Therefore, many people on the spiritual journey find that they can no longer use the former inner language.

What is a filter?

Any information should go through a particularly long process to be a filter. The filter is the final result of information that has been fully processed in the internal system. To distinguish it, it is important to ask the following two questions about any belief or internal pattern:

  1. What does the faith talk about?
  2. What are the values, principles, and beliefs through which the faith speaks?
    The first question describes what it is about, that is, the content of the filter.
    The second question describes how the filter affects the whole of the inner reality and answers the question “how”.
    If we manage to answer both questions, even if not as a specific answer, but we understand that there is an effect both in the internal structure and in the content – congratulations: we have found a filter!

Awareness of inner language is a wonderful tool for achieving 3 main goals:

  1. Maintain the purity of the information – contain as pure and authentic information as possible.
    We do not eliminate our need to adapt the information to ourselves, but adaptation is created when we apply something and not while understanding.
  2. To get closer to our soul – to be more willing to receive the information relevant to our role on earth and authentically choose how to manifest it.
  3. To influence our reality – our internal language corresponds to the internal reality and not to the external reality. When we know how to adapt it to the personality pattern of reality, (yes, even reality has a personality), we can create reality in our lives and eliminate gaps between what is desired and what is found.

The types of filters

Our personality adopts filters, i.e., the points of language on reality to 3 reasons:

  1. Inadequacy – the subconscious feels that if we adopt a certain pattern of behavior as a worldview, we can automatically complete deficiencies that we do not believe will be completed in any other way.
    For example: people who look at the world from the point of view of love, no matter what happens around them, need love themselves and therefore use it as a point of view (internal language) at any cost.
  2. Image – internal language should serve the way we want to be seen by other people in the world.
    For example, if we are to appear formal to ourselves, we will not allow ourselves to adopt an internal language
    of lightness.
  3. A role model – a personal example is another of the most famous concepts in the collective consciousness.
    This is the first way people use to choose their inner language. The question: Who do I want to be like?

Different types of inner language

We can sort our internal language types according to their usage. That is, language in itself is a symbol that the person who uses it is the one who gives it meaning.

People use their inner language for two common uses:

  1. Protection – the internal language translates reality to protect the internal concepts.
    The Earth’s subconscious has a deep sense of “possession”. Our personality is separate as a person but united with all other souls as a soul. Therefore there is a deep need for uniqueness especially in the internal language.
  2. Understanding is imagination – the subconscious mind understands messages that are similar to the content present in it. Its purpose is to translate as much content as possible and create greater proximity between it and the “external” concept. That is, he strives for a balance between uniqueness and unity.

How can we use our inner language for spiritual development?

The internal language is extremely important. Even people who are in a state of remembrance do not stop using it.
It is our way of turning theoretical issues into practical ones and bringing them to life. Using an inner language for spiritual development happens all the time because the inner language creates the reality in which we live.
Therefore, we can define reality as the projection of the inner language.
We can channel this power to reduce the gap between what is desired and what is found, in order not to create a reality that provides an answer to the lacks.

Imagine that you can speak exactly like a soul, your frequency matches you, your soul hears you and you can immediately exercise your command in the new world – the world of creation from infinity.

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