Home » Spiritual Quizes

Spiritual Quizes

Welcome to the self-diagnosis of your soul.
You can use the tests in front of you to get answers relevant to your spiritual development in the following subjects:

Know your spiritual journey: In the quiz in front of you, you will be able to know your spiritual journey. The values, the lessons, the point where you are on the endless path to full union with the soul world. A quiz is highly recommended as an initial key to passing the lessons of life.

Before you take the next quiz, it is important that you remember – the journey of the soul has three stages:

  1. Passing the lessons of life – reducing the gap between what is desired and what is found in your life, in order to be ready for your soul’s journey.
  2. Exposure to your internal sources of knowledge – in order to get to know all the pieces of the puzzle of your purpose in life and your role in the world.
  3. Full recollection – full union with your soul and cooperation in bringing your role into the world. The fabric of raw knowledge that you will be the ones to choose how to realize.

Click on the word journey to enter the quiz – journey.

Life lesson quiz: the quiz that will help you characterize your life lesson.
Enter all the characteristics of your life lesson into our system and receive real-time tips for passing the lesson.
To enter the quiz, click on the words – life lessons.

What is your energy number?– In the world of souls there is no time and space, therefore the numbers do not represent a quantity but a character, a different distribution, and a different direction of the energy. Just like learning. If you want to understand what is the best way for you to go through your development, I suggest you use the quiz in front of you.
With the help of a multidimensional question file, you can understand what is the most beneficial way for you to learn new things. Click here to find your energy number – the energy number.

What is your spiritual ideology?– Every theoretical knowledge encounters a practical world view. How do we preserve the theoretical knowledge we learn? Through what filters does that knowledge pass? Do and how do these filters change the knowledge and cause us to understand it in a different way from the original intention? Test your spiritual ideology now and learn through an interactive quiz to turn it into a supporter of development. Click on the word – spiritual ideology.