Shani Bahar Azulay- Spiritual Life Coach
I started thinking about my vision at the age of 11.
Some time after my parents saw the news and said “this political situation is so terrible”.
I have heard this phrase so many times. I asked my mother innocently:
“If this situation is so terrible and you are so angry like the rest of the public in the country, why is no one here doing anything?”
At the same time, my mother told me a sentence that opened up a whole world of action and knowledge to me.
She told me simply: then do it.
For my part, I started to do.
For 4 years, from the age of 11-15, I explored my inner sources of knowledge. I wanted to get to know every part of me that could help me understand the systemic problems of politics and the way they can be solved.
Maintaining objectivity, along with seeing reality as it is in all its parts separately and together, kept me on the road. This sentence describes my vision from a very young age, but learning the laws of the State of Israel independently, with complete emotional identification with them constituted a significant leap forward for me in realizing it.
Here I am, identifying with this vision long before I started writing the new alternative to running a country that I called the particular government:
And then my life continued, for 4 years I wrote my life’s work.
I was born remembering, so it was clear to me that people need to go through their life lessons and become one with their soul.
I saw and still see in the combination of laws and development a winning realization of my vision.
After 4 years of writing, I told one of the teachers at my school that I was done writing.
She invited me to give a lecture on the relationship between laws and personal development and gave me a surprise, inviting a teacher from another school to give a lecture. The other teacher liked my talk and invited me to give a talk at their school.
“You are 4 years old and 400 years old together” my best friend once told me.
This sentence is burned in my heart forever.
He has become the main filter through which I want to bring my vision to the world.
In the picture in front of you, I am 4 years old and 400 years old together.
Life went on and I volunteered for national service (alternative service instead of military service, due to a medical problem), at the Ministry of Justice.
I learned the whole set of rules inside out, and it was one of the most significant years of my life. That year I realized I couldn’t wait any longer.
It will take time for me to grow up, to pass the mask of acceptance to the procedure and bureaucracy that the universe requires to make a worldwide systemic change.
In those days, I met at an entrepreneurship center with some good friends, each of them already a social activist in their own arena. We were a new generation that understands that laws are not meant to define what is allowed and what is forbidden, they are meant to implement solutions.
We established a young parliament, which developed, implemented projects and continued to the world.
You probably haven’t heard of most of them. Mainly because I was scared.
During all this practical work, the feeling of the spiritual medium that I felt did not stop spinning in my head.
I built systems. Completely new medical, education, security system.
I talked with doctors, developed methods and applications.
All these solutions were spot on for a specific problem.
I was afraid of imbalance and divided myself into 2 worlds – my practical actions in the youth forum that started to grow and my actions in front of myself and my abilities.
In the picture in front of you, I am at the time of the feeling of dividing by 2 to avoid my posting rate:
The site before you is my announcement that my advertising class is over.
On the site you can find the whole way I look at the world of souls. Knowledge I received in channeling, healing methods that you can try yourself, the language of light, and interactive tools that will help you get started. Without being dependent on me, or any other factor.
Your inner sources of knowledge are your best guide.
The day I realized that I grew into myself.
The great bird of the spirit world, who started my path at the age of 11 and combined development with legality made me understand.
There is a legality to reality, there is a gap between what we want and what we need, if only we can find it we will complete our life lessons and realize our role on earth.
This is my story.
If he made you feel more comfortable inside, I won.
I am available for you here on the website or by email
Hope you enjoy the site.
It is important to me that you know, just before you leave this page and return to your life, that my story is my vision. There is one goal in my eyes for the world: everything is possible and available.
This is love as I see it. Without it there is no lack and it is possible to create from infinity.