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Limited resources – why is there a lack of life lesson and how can it be overcome?

Many people face a lack in different areas of their lives. These lacks can range in extreme cases from a lack of water and food, a lack of resources, a lack of the amount of money they see as sufficient to a lack of fulfilling certain goals. The feeling of lack has accompanied humanity since 1952 in a more powerful way than ever before.

The lack existed even before, there is no doubt, this perception accompanies humanity from the day it was created. But this perception increased in 1952 because at that time the soul of the earth passed its rate of survival and went out of survival consciousness.

Once the survival energy is over, you can look at both ends of the energy and not think that you need to look at one side. That is, you can sort the resources that people on earth have obtained into “haves” and “have nots”.
In other words, the new lesson that began on Earth in 1952 is the lesson of scarcity and abundance.

This lesson continues until 2020 but in human society it can even be felt to this day. It is difficult to break free from a lesson that built most of the foundations of modern society: the technology, the emotions, the large and bureaucratic systems and also the mental treatments and personal development are all based on what is and what is not.
The system that runs the world today is the gap between the “have” and the “have not”.

A gap is a problematic and dynamic starting point for a person who has forgotten who he was before he came into the world. The most innate universal instinct that exists is a need to fill gaps.
This gap is filled in most cases with one or more of the following energies:

  1. Interpretation – if you don’t get an answer to a question, decide what the answer will be.
  2. Need to get carried away after a certain energy – charisma, emotions, people, or ways that require little effort compared to the amount of free choice in which seem very overwhelming.
  3. Avoidance – the need to avoid one thing raises the need to refer to another.

As long as there is a gap between what is desired and what is found in our lives, we will fill it in a much more serious way than reality. We will create this complement in order to explain to ourselves the connection between what is desired and what is found. Our inner reality is made up of synchronized energy centers. As long as there is an obstacle in this synchronization, a certain part of the extremes: the lack or the abundance, will not feel related to our lives.

We need both lack and abundance!
Many people feel that it is easier for them to favor abundance. He is the option that seems much more glamorous to us. But we need lack just as much and sometimes even more. We don’t want to be afraid, we don’t want to be in want, we don’t want to feel guilty or ashamed, we don’t want to be confused either. All these are systems of lack necessary for our connection to ourselves.

Exactly for this purpose an interim solution was created: the interpretation.
Interpretation is the way a person understands the gap between lack and abundance in his life. In order to keep man in control of his life as he fills the gap, he creates interpretations that bridge these gaps.
The purpose of the interpretation is to explain why scarcity and abundance are out of sync with each other and consequently to show that resources are limited.
Here are the stages of interpretation:

  1. Diagnosing a blockage that results from a gap between lack and abundance.
  2. Pain about the diagnosis.
  3. An attempt to obscure the pain using one of the ways described at the beginning of the article: interpretation, the need to drift after a certain energy or the obstacles.
  4. Self-conviction in the logical explanation created as a result of the self-answer to the question of the gap.
  5. Turning thought into fact – living according to the explanation for the gap between lack and abundance.

Interpretation is the most basic platform for the fact that resources are limited. Limiting resources keeps the gap between lack and abundance open and creates an illusion of freedom. The limits of this freedom are interpretation, the way in which a person has completed this gap.
The belief that resources are limited seems collective because it is part of the prevailing instincts of the human race. On the other hand, each person has exclusivity and responsibility for its maintenance.

Pay attention, just like in the other life lessons – the question of profit is the main question here. Ask yourself: what is your profit from the situation? Give yourself an answer to that need from another source and you will be ready to see reality as it is and be resolved by your interpretation. That is, as soon as there is no need for interpretation, you can see it as it is.

Your need for interpretation is not based on a specific defense mechanism. That is, you do not develop an interpretation to avoid something that appears to your subconscious to be threatening. The interpretation is reflected in situations where you feel out of control. You would like to change the balance between abundance and lack in your life, but you feel that the price for changing this balance will be too great.

Elements of interpretation:

  1. Comfort – an explanation of why part or all of the given situation should not change under the guise of accepting the situation as it is and trying to deal with it.
  2. Holdings – holding onto a neutral action that cannot be criticized as a source of strength and life energy.
  3. Creativity- the more a person thinks he has an option for change, the deeper and more rooted the interpretation will be.
  4. Indiscretion – connecting lack and discretion can look like a balance between lack and abundance. There are plenty of options, but a lack of distinction between them. Lack of judgment is supporting those who threaten you on a certain level and taking for granted those who do not threaten you.
  5. Internal change covers external change – although the realities are not really separate, authentic change requires both internal and external change. Holding on to the interpretation is an attempt to give up external actions for the purpose of internal change.

A life without interpretation is a life in which you do not explain to yourself the meaning, consequences and results of anything that happens to you. You look at things as they are and do not connect past, present and future. In this kind of life you lose control between the ups and downs between the different situations. On the other hand, you constantly remain in a situation where life surprises you with full faith that you will receive into your life only what you can deal with in a magical and different way than before. You can understand in this way that a previous conclusion and lesson you learned cannot help twice.

Do you feel able to stop interpreting reality and get to know the world anew with the help of unlimited resources?

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