This is not another ordinary services page, this is a page that will help you persevere in your soul journey.
The services before you are arranged in such a way that reflects the warmest recommendation for individuals and groups to create permanent, authentic and independent personal development. Such a development that recognizes that each and every one of you has an inner knowledge that you were equipped with before you came to earth, to pass your lessons and reach full union with the soul and to realize your purpose on earth.
Listen to the knowledge you will receive in the journey of development ahead of you just like a radio program. Let knowledge be the broadcaster who speaks and choose which part of the program you want to include in you and which not necessarily.
Personal services:
Email channeling:
The recommended initial service for entering the development journey. The email communication service is a targeted service given to you directly to your email without commitment or sending specific details. All you have to do is send to my email:
The following details:
Full name, topics that bother you and if you have a specific question on a topic that bothers you, state it so that the answers reach you in a more focused way.
Within 24 hours you will receive a general background about your soul, an explanation of the life lessons inherent in the issues you raised, practical recommendations for a solution and, if the soul is interested in it, then also additional information.
Did you get the email? Were you satisfied with the service and would you like to continue? Wonderful!
Your next step is to expand the canvas – order more information about your soul with the help of the lesson book.
Lessons book:
The lesson book is an exact transcription of your soul vision. This section describes all your lessons in the following order:
1. History of lessons – significant lessons from previous incarnations that affect this incarnation and the way of their influence. Explanation: The lesson is closed but its effect or the conclusion from it still exists.
2. The list of subjects that your soul chose to study in this incarnation includes an explanation of each of them: “Life Lessons”
3. Human lessons – the list of behavioral conditionings that your soul has chosen to embed in your human nature that will open a gap between what is present and what is desired and open up for you human lessons that aim to return you to your authentic choice.
4. An extended explanation of the main life lesson on all its sections in the spiritual history and its relation to the role.
5. Action pattern of the position.
6. General spiritual recommendations at your request.
It is important to note that the choice to receive a textbook does not only include the writing itself. Your soul is preparing itself for receiving the energy of wide awareness and narrowing the gap between you and it.
Writing the book takes a week, of which I send you a remote energy therapy capsule on the second, fourth, and last day of writing.
The purpose of the capsule is to transfer the direct pure energy of the soul including its essence.
Email me the questions you would like to ask in your lesson book and I can get back to you with full details.
When you have a lesson book in your hands, you are ready to embark on your development journey. Change beliefs, explore the reasons why you choose to do things, learn your internal system from the inside. My goal is to direct you to an investigation as independent as possible, but before that it is important to remember the lesson of trust. Trust an outside party to be there for you in your independent journey. I suggest you use the third tool for personal investigation – an energetic scan, and offer you the possibility of being this factor for you.
Energy scan-
An energetic scan is a test that is carried out remotely and is focused on explosions and blockages. If you feel that there is something that is not clear to you, if you feel that you have a question about one of your energy systems, a scan can be a targeted and effective solution.
In the scan you can ask any question you choose about your physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual system. A special energetic device will scan your body and you will receive an output of an answer.
To order a detailed scan request you can send me an email
Life lessons quiz-
The life lessons quiz is at your disposal on the website at no cost so that you can examine the type of lesson for each subject and check options for changing the profits and a solution.
Click here (insert hyperlink here) to start the quiz.
Group tools:
Lectures– You can look at the menu of my lectures and integrate the personal development I offer in each of the areas of your life:
In the circle of close friends, in the workplace, in the social project or in the organization you manage.
I manage a research database of group life lessons and adapt to it styles of transitions of community life lessons.
I would love to chat with you. You can schedule a conversation with me on the contact tab (put a hyperlink to the contact tab on the website here) and together bring to your society a unique answer to its life lesson and that of its members.
General recommendations for personal development-
You can order in my store the book “A Healing Look At Healing” which will accompany you in various development processes and in dealing with the lessons of life. The book is suitable for those who feel that they want to heal their pain in the various processes that they go through by changing the point of view to a more relaxing and developing look that does not depend on the thoughts that become facts.
You can add to this or order the seal separately. A visual configuration that I am sending you of the soul energy array of your body. The natural life movement of your soul can be copied into a painting or a short video and heal together with you a variety of issues for the benefit of a more authentic life.
You will also find a chat on the site where I can personally guide you to the development journey that is right for you.
Wishing you a magical stay on earth,